Personal growth

What is feedback, what is its meaning and value?

In everyday life, there are often words or phrases that seem to be simple, but require additional explanation. For example, feedback. What it is, on the one hand, is understandable. This is when they respond to our words or actions. But if you take a closer look, a number of questions arise. What does feedback say? Should I listen to her? How to interpret correctly? Is it possible to predict or program? How to react if we don’t like her? All this in this article.

What is feedback?

Feedback is, in technical terms, the proportionality of the incoming signal to the outgoing pulse. Applied to human life, one can say that all actions do not go unnoticed. Any of our actions (including inaction or just a spoken word) gives rise to an equivalent response from the outside. A simple example - the artist painted a picture, put it in the gallery. He did his best to work on it. Viewers responded with their comments. Someone praised his work, others criticized. In each of these cases, there is a feedback, regardless of whether the artist likes it or not.

The feedback principle is one of the basic ones in nature.. From the course of physics, the rule is known - "Any action causes an equally strong reaction." It is valid at higher levels of the organization of matter, including chemical processes and phenomena of nature. These laws apply to a person’s life, including his psychology and socialization.

In the case of motivation for success, the feedback principle appears as the main incentive for an active life position. There is a concept of proactivity, when a person takes full responsibility for his life on himself. In order to get good results, you need to invest their efforts in them. If you sit in one place and do nothing, then success is pointless to wait.

A good reason for reflection gives the book a famous American writer and business coach Jack Canfield "Rules". It provides the basics of positive thinking that helps a person to change his view of the world. This is like in the example of a fly and a bee.

For the first, the world is a garbage dump with garbage and faeces, and for the second, fragrant fields with beautiful flowers. The main thing is that the feedback principle gives everyone a world about which he thinks. The fly receives the waste, and the bee nectar. Man, obeying the law of the materiality of thoughts, is able to create the reality that he imagines. But the concept of feedback is not uniform. There are several types of this phenomenon.

Types of feedback

This classification rather demonstrates the attitude of a particular person to the events. What is feedback for him? The psychology of human reactions determines two types of them: positive and negative. The person is either pleased with the result or not. Feedback to him is either pleasant, or causes him negative emotions.

According to this principle, feedback is negative or positive. Let's go back to the example of the artist. The praise of his paintings, of course, is a positive review, evoking pleasant emotions. Criticism, respectively, is a negative response, which will cause the artist a feeling of disappointment or disappointment. In the first case we are talking about the positive. In the second - there is a negative. Of course, when they praise more pleasantly, but criticism, if it is constructive, is more useful, because it gives the opportunity to objectively look at the results of their work, to make the necessary adjustments. The reaction of a person to it may be completely different.

Possible reactions to feedback

Any feedback or comments are delayed in the psyche. The strength of their impact determines the further behavior of a person Thus, the following types of reactions can be distinguished:

  • OK - when the answer fits into the human value system, it is perceived positively;
  • Ignoring - recall goes "past the ears", without causing any response emotions;
  • Aggression - The response is significantly different from the expectations, thereby causing a negative response.

The higher the degree of intellectual and spiritual development of the personality, the less often it shows aggression towards negative reviews. Growing up, people learn to objectively evaluate their capabilities, respectful of others' opinions. Any aggression shows only insecurity or fear. Strong people never fall to their level. Accordingly, on the basis of feedback, they are much less likely to get negative in their own way from others. In addition, optimists create an aura of success, attracting the same people.

Feedback and positive thinking

Now let's get to the most important part of this article. Recall a fly and a bee. Psychological mood forms the reality that surrounds a person. Everyone chooses how to live - either "in the garbage", or "among fragrant flowers."

But do not think that everything is so easy. Reality can "rest against", giving the person negative feedback. He must also prove that he deserves the place in life he has chosen for himself. The ability to overcome these tests, taking criticism, form the personality of the winner. Failures only emphasize that a person is doing something wrong. They absolutely do not mean that you need to give up and change the route. Just need to adjust your methods..

For example, someone wants to become an entrepreneur, but his business is failing. One will give up and call himself a loser, more and more convinced of the validity of this statement. The other will convince himself that he will succeed in everything. But temporary setbacks for him will be just an opportunity to gain experience. A positive response is not long to wait, giving a well-deserved success.

The main thing in achieving the goals set is to always take an active position, without becoming a silent spectator. Also worth tuning yourself to win. They say - "aim above the" bull's eye "and be sure to hit the target."

By the way, feedback comes not only from outside. The human body also signals him about the correctness of life position. Bad sleep, depression or fatigue eloquently explain that it is worth reconsidering your attitude to life. Vital energy is in prosperity only for those who have found a purpose, or at least follows their vocation. Feedback can be perceived as a kind of marker, showing the correctness of the selected route.

Feedback is a real helper for all conscious people who have taken responsibility for their lives on themselves. With this phenomenon, a person is able to reach great heights. On the one hand, he learns to program his environment. On the other hand, he receives a response in real time about his actions, which helps him to correct actions, to choose a life that fits best with his worldview.

Watch the video: Feedback loops: How nature gets its rhythms - Anje-Margriet Neutel (April 2024).