Love and relationship

Female hunt, how to interest a guy?

There is a widespread belief that the first step must necessarily be on the part of the guy. This is true, but in the modern world, girls often have to take the initiative. And everyone knows the famous words from the song, where there are only nine guys per ten girls. So it turns out, if you wait for the first step from a guy, you can grow old alone. But now is not about sad.

In order not to miss her happiness, every girl should be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. This is the first step towards an acquaintance, which in the future may even be fatal. But what to do to interest the guy?

What and how to interest the guy.

First of allTo attract the attention of men, any girl must first look amazing. Even if the young lady uses the most incredible psychological methods of attracting attention, but turns out to be a gray mouse, consider that she has no chance.

Therefore, in the first place - a pleasant, but unobtrusive appearance: neat manicure, light makeup, elegant hair, stylish clothes, a decent figure and other women's charms. Believe me, appearance is the card of any woman.

SecondlyNo less important quality is literate speech. Once the Greek philosopher Socrates said: "Speak for me to see you." This aphorism has a place in the modern world. Indeed, behind a beautiful wrapper (appearance) there should be a deep soul, a sensual nature, an educated personality. And nothing else characterizes a person as his speech.

If a woman has a pleasant timbre of voice, a moderate tempo of speaking, then it will be pleasant and calm to communicate with her. In addition, she must correctly formulate sentences, use literary vocabulary, and in no case does not use foul language. This will help to complement the pleasant appearance of not less pleasant manner of speech, which, you see, is very good in achieving the goal.

ThirdlySelf-confidence is a trait peculiar to strong, strong-willed and purposeful women. Such candidates for men like. After all, today not every guy is ready to support his beloved girlfriend. The representatives of the weaker sex still achieved equality!

Therefore, in order to be popular with men, every girl from her youth must cultivate a very important trait - self-confidence.

Of course, you have a question: how can you interest the guy yet? About this further. It all depends on the situation in which the girl and her potential "victim" remain.

Eye contact.

For a female audience it is no longer a secret that a man can be interested in at a glance. But he must be correct and well thought out. And here many girls have problems, as they say, they don’t know how to build eyes. In this case, a simple psychological trick will help, which over time each woman will come from the subconscious.

If a guy looks at a young lady, then she should answer him with a short look straight in his eyes, then smile and look away to the other side, and it is better to turn away.

If the guy does not notice the girl, then she needs to look at him until he pays attention to her. After an awkward meeting of the eyes, the girl should be embarrassed to look down. Due to this behavior, the guy will see that the girl was embarrassed because she was caught off guard. And the lady just that is necessary! But with such a demonstration, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, while Mademoiselle will be "embarrassed," the other "hunter" can lead the guy. Therefore, after 2-3 seconds, the young lady should look up again and look at the man’s eyes, then smile, get embarrassed again and look away once again. Such a game of eyes can not leave indifferent any man. Of course, if he has no lover yet!

But during the establishment of eye contact, one must be extremely careful, because a meaningless and downcast look, as well as an excessive number of insincere smiles, will only repel a potential “victim”.

Phone conversation.

There are situations when looks and looks will not help to interest a guy. These include, for example, a telephone conversation. It would seem that a playful smile, a warm look and other women's things will not roll, which means that it is a losing business. But it was not there!

To know how to interest a guy during a telephone conversation, you need to follow simple, but very useful tips:

  • a girl should adapt herself to the guy’s style of conversation, as much as possible to copy his timbre and intonation;
  • do not chatter into the phone, do not talk quickly, so as not to put the man in an awkward position due to the need to ask again;
  • A woman should choose interesting topics for conversation with a guy, be attentive to details, show sincere interest.

To interest a man in a personal conversation.

To begin with, as in any conversation, be it a telephone, a correspondence or a personal conversation, it is necessary to show sincere, incorruptible interest. In any case, sincerity puts the girl in a much better light than the lie trap, when the young lady tries to seem different than she really is and lies, wondering that in real life she doesn’t bother her.

Regarding the question of how to interest a guy, everything is individually and largely depends on the topic under discussion. The only thing that can be advised is to listen carefully to the interlocutor and ask him about any details of this or that matter. Attention to detail will once again confirm that the theme is really interesting for the young lady, and will present her favorably in the eyes of the guy.

Electronic correspondence.

Correspondence is even more complicated than with any other types of communication. Here you will not be surprised either by your appearance, as in a personal conversation, or by your voice, as in a telephone conversation. The only tool is writing skills.

In order to interest a man, during correspondence a woman should hold some tips:

  • the first is sincerity. In any form of communication, this trait will be able to show a girl in the right light;
  • the second is literacy. A perfectly literate written language is an indicator of the young lady’s education;
  • the third is originality. Under no circumstances should a girl use standard phrases or signs. It should be a guy is not an ordinary average lady, but a special person.

General tips.

Finally, you need to add some more tips that will help the beautiful ladies to achieve the desired result:

  • a woman must forever forget about two extremes: to be obsessive and afraid to be so;
  • every girl should strive for agreement with herself. If a psychological trick for a lady seems to be wrong, then it is better not to use it;
  • if the guy has a favorite, then it is better not to count on him, so as not to disappoint later in life and in these tips.

Watch the video: 10 things I learned about Moroccan men! Husband hunt #1 (January 2025).