Personal growth

10 tips on how to become a good companion

How to become a good conversationalist

In many people's lives, the process of communication takes a very large part of the time. After all, the ability to speak, listen, read and write - these are the most important abilities that help to achieve success in life, ensure effective joint activity of people. Therefore, it is very important to be able to conduct a dialogue correctly in order to achieve good results in the process of work, in personal life, in communication with family and friends. Having become a good interlocutor, you will attract many people to yourself, learn to have interlocutors to yourself, to achieve the results you need.

10 tips on how to become a good companion

1. Smile. After all, any communication, started with a smile, already has a person to you. With a smile, you show that you are sincere and open to productive dialogue. It is worth mentioning that even in a conversation on the phone there is a smile.
2. There is something to talk with any person. It is necessary to determine what interests the person and start a conversation on this topic. There are very few people who are not interested in anything. In any case, you can talk about this man himself. Show attention to him, show sincere interest, and you will later find many topics for conversation.
3. If you do not understand, it means that you are not properly and clearly expressed. Build your speech so that the interlocutor is all very clear. Then you will stop being annoyed and angry with a person who did not understand you or misunderstood you.
4. Make compliments. Feel free to show yourself as a positive person and encourage others around you. Remember that compliments should come from the heart. Outright flattery will only alienate people from you. However, do not be afraid to praise the one who perfectly coped with the task. Thank those who have a good joke, cheered you up. Give a compliment to someone who is stylishly dressed. But we must not forget that everything should be in moderation.
5. Receiving active listening. You will show in such a way that you hear the interlocutor and understand what is being said in the conversation. Look at the person with whom you are talking, nod your head, comment on his story, but do not interrupt. You can help find the necessary words and phrases, when the interlocutor faltered, ask questions, continue the thought. So you make it clear that the person you are interested. And this will cause the desire to continue to communicate with you.
6. Try to call the person you are talking to more often by name. As psychologists have proven, the sound of a proper name is the most pleasant and sweet sound for a person’s ear. After all, the name is given to a person at birth and he carries it throughout his long life.
7. Speak clearly and simply. Even if you and your interlocutor have several higher educations, do not use complex scientific terms and turns in the conversation. No need to try a form of abstruse conversation to give yourself some dubious status. Any intelligent person will still understand how smart or stupid you are.
8. Do not interrupt the interlocutor and do not give advice that you do not ask. Listen to the person to the end, and then comment on his words. So you show that you are interested in talking to him. Interrupting, you show your bad manners. If you have a desire to give unsolicited advice, suppress this desire. Otherwise, the person will think that you consider yourself smarter than him, and this is an obstacle to successful communication.
9. The conversation should be interesting for you. If you have to maintain a conversation about what you are not interested, try to understand the topic of conversation. Otherwise, the person, without feeling feedback, will stop the conversation.
10. From the conversation, remove the pronoun "I". Everyone knows that all people are selfish by nature. And, as a rule, everyone wants to listen mostly about themselves. But this approach to communication is wrong. Try instead of combinations with the pronoun "I" to use other shades of sentences. For example, instead of “I want” to say: “I want” or “I would like to”. This slightly changes your speech and places the person you are talking to.
A good interlocutor can be a person who is interested in various spheres of life, from fashion and style to hunting and fishing. If there is no thirst for new knowledge, curiosity, interest in life in all its vivid manifestations, then it is quite difficult to become a good interlocutor. After all, only by showing interest in the interlocutor, maintaining a conversation on any topic, showing your disposition towards him, you thereby form an interest and a great attitude towards yourself.

Watch the video: Skyrim Special Edition How To Get The Best Start First Companion, Tips , Secrets, Tricks. . (May 2024).