Family and Children

What if the child does not want to learn?

Many parents associate the success of a child in adulthood with his academic accomplishments from school. Therefore, it is not surprising that mothers and fathers persistently force their children to learn. However, not all children strive to become excellent students, most of them have a craving for knowledge and homework completely.

What are the reasons why a child has no interest in learning and what to do?

The child is bored

The direction chosen by the parents does not correspond to what the child wants to learn. Often, adults take responsibility and determine the life path of the children themselves, believing that they are doing better. But a child who has obvious inclinations towards creative professions: drawing or music, will simply wither in a gymnasium with a mathematical bias.

Parents are too hard to learn

Counting on the fact that the more time a child spends lessons, the greater heights will be reached, adults often load the child in full. In addition to the perfect homework, the student has to attend a huge number of additional sections and circles. As a result, he simply does not have time to rest.

When a child is in a state of chronic fatigue, it’s just silly to require him to show a desire for learning.

Lack of independence

If a child from the first grade is used to having his tasks checked and assisted in their fulfillment, then when he gets older he can easily refuse to do anything at all without the help of adults. In such cases, it is necessary to develop the right system of motivation, taking into account the interests of the child.

Relationships with classmates and teachers

Parents do not always know in detail what kind of atmosphere prevails in the class of children. It is enough to recall the years of your studies in order to understand how many problems a child may face daily.

Conflicts with peers and teachers are a serious reason why he may refuse to attend school. It is necessary to improve relations with the child, sincerely to talk with him, to find out what exactly is happening to him and to make every effort to resolve the conflict situation, if any.

Problems at home

Another significant reason for which parents do not always pay attention, and sometimes aggravate their demanding, is the unhealthy situation in the family.

Constant quarrels between adults always have an impact on the psyche of the child - he becomes nervous, irritable. He is not up to study.

Often, after a conflict with a partner, parents can transfer their unfulfilled emotions to the child. This situation does not mean that the child does not want to learn, but about the existence of problems in the adults themselves. Do not interfere with the child in their relationship, try not to find out anything with him.

Influence of friends

If the child is in an environment where children do not want to learn, then he himself will not strive for this. It’s usually very difficult to get a child to step back from such a company — it’s fun and there’s no problem. Therefore, it is important to find the right alternative to such a pastime, so that the child himself will make a choice, giving up the bad company in favor of helping him develop.


The presence of complexes that do not allow the child to feel normal in school and communicate with his peers may cause refusal to attend classes. This may be some kind of disease, speech defects.

Here, attention should be paid to eliminating the causes of the complex, to talk at school with the teacher so that he, if possible, provides support to the child. In some cases, you may need the help of a child psychologist.


There are children who can not sit still. It is useless to shout and swear at them - they are by nature. Therefore, all that parents can do is to occupy their child to the maximum, in order to “row up” he simply had no strength left.

So, the first thing to do is to find out for what reason the child does not want to devote enough time to study. If this succeeds, then the task will be much easier to handle.

If you want your child to listen to you, it is important to learn how to create and maintain a friendly atmosphere in a relationship with him.

  1. Do not compare your child with others. In some subjects, he manages better, in some cases he is lagging behind, but parents, as a rule, note only disadvantages, considering success as the norm. Praise him more and scold less.
  2. Tell him stories from your life, inquire about what happened new, what makes him happy, and what upset him. The child should see a sincere interest in his life, and also understand that the situations he faces are not unique, you solved the same problems when you were at his age.
  3. Always take the time to take your mind off your business if the child needs you. In the end, about any unfinished business can be said - “So what? This can be solved. But to say the same thing, when the child stops contacting you for help, you can no longer.

Watch the video: Why teachers teach but kids dont learn. Ben Richards. TEDxYouth@Haileybury (December 2024).