Personal growth

How to become ridiculous: 9 secrets and cheat sheet

If the ability to joke can not be called your innate quality, do not despair. You can master the comic craft on your own, turning the training into an exciting adventure. We will tell you how to become a funny, fun and positive person without spending too much time and effort.

Think over the image

From the appearance of a person depends on how people will treat him. If the eyebrows are frowned, the movements are constrained or played, then, despite the smile, it will become clear - the person does not know how to become ridiculous, but he really wants to seem so.

In the image of a joker, everything is important - gait, clothes, manner of greeting, voice timbre, facial expressions.

Our success depends on how we speak, gesticulate and look at the interlocutor. To make people laugh is an art in which every detail is important.

Refresh vocabulary

Pay more attention to jokes with special, unusual words. For example, the word zenoyam, which needs to be read backwards, sounds more fun than mayonnaise. You can say the usual phrase: "I'm going to bed," but it sounds funnier: "I'm going to listen to the noise of submarines."

American comedian Gilbert Gottfried joked on one of the comedy shows: “If a girl has a hairy back, you shouldn’t be upset. You can close your eyes and imagine that she’s wearing an alpaca jacket.” In this joke, the word "alpaca" played a culminating role, showing the whole absurdity of the situation.

Comedies stories add specific sounds. For example, the show-man Eddie Driscoll, speaking on intimate topics, creates a sound imitating the opening of a lightning bolt on a fly.

Joking with a purpose

How to become ridiculous and be the soul of the company? The answer is simple - to comprehend your jokes, fill them with purpose. Viewers need sacrifice, a particular object of humor. It can be a person who is absent nearby, an internal enemy, a known ruler, or some generally recognized vice. The most popular objects for humorous attacks:

  • Geographical: city, country, people
  • Related: lovers, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, neighbors
  • Celebrities: high profile personalities or relevant news about them
  • Sports: national football team coach

To risk

There is no formula that answers unambiguously the question "How to become ridiculous." Someone can reach a humorous top in a week, and someone will need a month or more. The main thing - do not lose the opportunity to practice. And without risk nothing happens. If there is the slightest chance to joke, you need to take risks.

The worst thing that can happen is that the joke turns out to be unsuccessful, but after all everybody will forget it over time. Even the most famous comedians admit that they never know which of the jokes will work. Deep down, they are afraid to hear the dead silence in response to their miniatures. But they know that there is no risk in this matter.

Use surprise trick

All that is said unexpectedly and in the moment remains the brightest and most ridiculous moment. Nobody expects jokes and there will be no prejudice to its meaning.

Here's how to learn to joke spontaneously:

  • Remember a joke during a serious conversation
  • Give a joking answer to a strict question
  • Share something funny and shocking at the same time with a neutral facial expression

Complete and develop someone else's joke

In KVN, the “Warm-up” competition is built in this way, where teams come up with a funny ending or beginning of a phrase prepared in advance.

The answer to the question "How to learn to joke" is stored in the jokes of friends or acquaintances. Let them think for us what is interesting to say, but on the basis of their phrases we will invent our own.

for example:

- He gives her the last shirt.

“And what do you think she can do with a 52-size sweaty old shirt?”

Be brief

With many anecdotes laugh only out of politeness towards the narrator. Not because the jokes are not funny, but because they are long, too figurative, not always understandable. Sometimes 2 words are enough to blow up the audience, and lyrical inserts tire the listener. Prickly witty phrases are ideal for those who want to learn how to learn to joke, so that jokes are understandable for everyone.

Use self-irony, exaggeration, sarcasm

Self-mocking - The secret weapon of comedians. She makes it clear that the author of humor is not arrogant, does not think himself superior to others.

Psychologists have long noticed that people who know how to laugh at themselves have others, inspire confidence, make communication comfortable. Self-irony is better than self-analysis, pompous modesty, or a boring story about yourself. She is in the company of boasters, makes the comedian taller, wittier and nobler than the rest.

Terry Bradshaw, the famous American speaker, begins his performance with a joke on his own hairstyle or character. So he establishes contact with the audience. Arnold Schwarzenegger, knowing the secret of how to learn to joke, more than once began his speech with "jokes" on his accents.

The main thing - do not bend. 2-3 jokes in this style is enough to get the desired effect.

Exaggeration dHe makes the joke bright and funny. "Hungry so much that I would eat two servings," is a common phrase. But if you confess that you would eat a hippopotamus ham, the smile itself appears on the face.

Sarcasm - A good comic tool, but it’s better to be careful.

When sarcasm is appropriate: Comedian Jay Leno commented on the decision of the Los Angeles authorities to open the Center for abandoned children, in which young mothers can leave the child with impunity for 72 hours. Using sarcasm, the speaker issued: "That's why I love my country! I have more than 2 days to give an unwanted child, but there is no way to get rid of a car that I did not like."

It is important to remember that sarcasm is not appropriatewhen all is well A sharp sarcastic joke in a favorable situation looks like sour grapes on a sweet cake.

How to learn to joke? Regularly use self-irony and exaggeration. Sarcasm can be left for special occasions.


Without experience, it is difficult even to cook dumplings. And if you talk about how to become ridiculous, then several attempts to joke, just do not get rid of.

Samples to appear in a new role, we need training in the company and in front of a mirror, attempts to joke in different forms should be crowned with success and be defeated. Only through trial and error can a good result be achieved.

Practical tasks for training:

  • Make a sarcastic commentary on current news.
  • Come up with a story to look funny in it.
  • Come up with a joke "with a trinity": a wolf, a boar and a fox have somehow gathered ...
  • Make a few jokes about yourself, built on features known to everyone. Laugh a loved one by inventing an interesting joke about him.

How to become ridiculous: crib

  • Use both spontaneous humor and phrases.
  • Laugh at yourself in awkward situations.
  • Make fun of what is known to a wide range of people.
  • Don't laugh at your own jokes.
  • Use different intonations and timbre of the voice (high, low, hoarse).
  • Do not rely on obscene language: a scandalous statement sounds better than a mat.
  • Do not humiliate others, trying to be funny.
  • Be original, do not arrogate to yourself the jokes of famous comedians.
  • Laugh with the jokes of others.
  • Do not try, by all means, make the audience laugh. More importantly, be yourself.

We told how to become funny and original. It remains only to follow our advice. Do not be afraid to invent your own jokes, take risks, train and they will surely say about you: "This person is incredibly funny! We need to learn from him."

Watch the video: 3 Ways To Cheat On Any Test!!! Nextraker (December 2024).