Personal growth

8 steps: how to start working on yourself

Change is inevitable. Only the one who is satisfied with the monotonous work and pastime in the beer bar as a rest does not need them. For those who have a little big ambitions regarding their own lives, there are ways much higher. But change is something that can be exhausting, frightening, exhausting the last forces. And besides, they need time.
How to start working on yourself, if the possibility of change seems almost unreal? How to embark on this difficult path called "personal development"? Consider a few basic steps, without which the beginning of personal growth is impossible.

Accept reality
Acceptance and understanding is one of the most necessary things. Why? Because until then, until you open your eyes to the reality in which you live, alas - you live in the realm of self-deception. Denying the true state of things, the man himself closes the path to change. He rationalizes the situation, trying to imagine it better than it actually is. And that makes him less motivated to make a difference. It is also less likely that, by deceiving himself, a person will be able to turn the energy of despair into a productive channel.
So accept the reality, even if it is not easy to do. This will help you gain awareness, which is the first step to any new beginnings.
To have a wish
In order to grow spiritually and improve your life, you need to strive for improvements. Without this desire, nothing can help - neither advanced psychotechnologies, nor advice, nor best friends or coach-coaches. Do you know what can facilitate desire? Visualization of the result. You must be aware that working on yourself will sooner or later bear fruit. By presenting these results, it will be easier for you to make efforts again and again to achieve the goal.

Take responsibility for yourself
Every person is responsible for everything that happens in his life. And the current situation in which you are located is only the result of decisions made at one time. No one else can live a life for you, and the fact that someone can be the cause of your failures is a pure illusion. Work on yourself involves developing an understanding that you no longer need anyone's instructions or approval.
Refine your goals
When you have already understood something about what you want from life, there still remains the need to clearly define final goals and objectives. Think of them as a navigator in a car — you cannot get directions if you do not specify its end point.
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When you clearly define the tasks, the implementation of which will contribute to the necessary changes, you will be able to concentrate more on specific efforts. Your goals should determine the ways to achieve them, the areas of life that are subject to change, the final result.
Identify your strengths
Each person has a certain gift and has above-average abilities in a certain area. Even if you are not a talented actor or singer, you can be a wonderful parent who can sympathize with a listener, a caring person.
What are your strengths? If you are not sure, you can ask this question to friends or family members. The answers can be amazing. Your talents and characteristics are what makes you exceptional and can help you achieve the changes you need.
Set clear deadlines

Goals must be specific and time bound. If you have a goal, but you do not define a specific time frame for achieving it, it is unlikely that it will ever be achieved in principle. The same if you have a big goal, but you plan to achieve it in a short time. When planning, you need to be realistic about your capabilities. Instead of saying: "One day I will become the soul of the company", it’s better to start by setting yourself a goal to make some new acquaintances within six months.

As long as you work on change, try not to pay attention to obstacles and difficulties. Imagine how wonderful you will feel when the goal is achieved. And you can also determine for yourself the reward that you will receive when the work is done.
Take the first steps
So, after you have identified the weak points in your life, have taken responsibility, clarified your goals, the time has come to take concrete steps. These steps are specific actions that will help you achieve the changes you need. In fact, it is at this moment that work on oneself takes place. Where to start depends on your specific tasks. If you would like to lose weight, it will be an entry in the fitness club and the selection of the desired diet.
If your goal is to improve your academic performance, then this is a regular class on your own or with a teacher. Steps to achieve the goal help to overcome old habits, get rid of unnecessary attitudes, bring the desired changes.
Cultivate perseverance and patience
One of the most difficult moments in achieving any change is the need to adhere to our plan every day. It’s easy to make a decision, but who wants to learn programming after a hard day’s work? How can you refuse chocolate cake in the company of girlfriends? And can a run on a rainy day really bring as much pleasure as a cozy sofa and a favorite TV show?
So make sure you stick to your goals and constantly remind yourself of them. Be vigilant, and note every day how close you are to your goals. Make sure that even against the background of distractions, failures or disappointments, you always have a supply of motivation and dedication.
Changes and work on oneself include many aspects: this includes making commitments, allocating time, and making efforts. But all these investments you make in the most important project - in yourself. And when you invest in yourself, then in the future you can get the most amazing rewards.
Many people refuse to grow and develop, since in the initial pores the results are almost impossible to measure or feel. However, those who reach heights know that the key to success is the ability to control themselves in all situations. And this ability comes through hard work on yourself.
See also:
9 ways to force yourself to do something
6 tips for self-improvement in the "non-stop"

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