Personal growth

What are the causes of mood swings in men, women or children?

Well, who among us at least once in my life has not experienced sudden and unreasonable change of mood? I think there is not one such person.

But a sudden change of mood does not always mean just a difficult period in a person’s life, it can be a symptom of a very serious illness. Let's see what are the causes of changeable mood.

What does changeable mood mean?

Changeable mood or unstable - abrupt change in the emotional state of a person, often without cause.

A person in one minute can be joyful and smiling, and in another, annoyed or enraged.

Frequent mood changes do not have a very positive effect on a person’s mental health. This condition may prevent him from living a quiet life, as well as his close environment.

Such drops sometimes do not depend on any situation, they are very unpredictable. At this point, the emotions are so strong that they simply cannot be controlled.

A person is prone to a change of mood, sometimes even a sharp and unreasonable drop can be the norm. But constant, systematic changes point to pathology.

Symptoms mood swings:

  • the main symptom is an instant change of mood for no apparent reason;
  • lack of appetite, dislike of your favorite food or vice versa, strong appetite, keen sense of hunger;
  • drowsiness, it becomes hard to fall asleep;
  • constant irritability and nervousness.

The reasons

Often there is no reason for a sharp change in mood among people. However, it happens.

Mood swings in men:

  1. One of the most frequent reasons men’s mood shifts - midlife crisis. During this period, a man devotes almost all of his time to caring for the welfare of his family and often he does not have time for himself and for rest.
  2. Constant alarm about the financial situation of the family - As a rule, a man is the main “earner” in the family, he wants to have enough money for everything, but this is not always the case. This gnaws at him, and if problems are added to everything else at work, which may soon lead to financial instability, then men may experience frequent mood swings.
  3. No support from the woman he loves - it happens that a woman does not want to support a man, she constantly reminds him of his failures, all the time reproaching him with something.
  4. Emotional burnout - often it occurs due to problems at work.

    Especially hard perceived by a man, if the work is his sense of life.

  5. Lack of testosterone, constant lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of proper rest, unbalanced nutrition - individually or all together, but this also affects the health of the man.
  6. Life in the metropolis - According to statistics, residents of large cities are daily exposed to a large number of stressful situations, this leads to the fact that they are much more likely to suffer from mood swings than those who live in the province.

Mood swings in women:

  1. Hormonal imbalance - especially during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, also in case of problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Reception birth control pills.
  3. High voltage - moral or physical stress can lead to an abrupt change of mood.
  4. During puberty (the action of all the same hormones).
  5. Lack or deficiency full sex life.
  6. Permanent quarrels and stress in the family or at work (or maybe simultaneously on two fronts).
  7. Abuse alcohol or narcotic substances.
  8. Minimum vigorous activity.

Why does my mood change during menstruation?

The mood in women and girls changes even before the beginning of menstruation, this condition is called PMS. This is due to hormonal imbalance.

If more estrogen is secreted in the body, then the woman becomes overly aggressive, and if there is more progesterone, then she feels very tired, becomes drowsy, lethargic and depressed.

How do hormones affect mood? That hormonal imbalance is often the cause of mood changes.

In men, this comes from a lack of testosterone (the main male hormone), and in women from low levels of estrogen and progesterone.

If there are problems with the thyroid gland, which produces iodine-containing hormones, then you may also have problems with your mood.

Why a bad mood during pregnancy in the early stages? During pregnancy, cardinal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother and frequent mood changes are one of them.

The previously mentioned hormones are to blame for everything. Their number simply rolls over and plus an exciting state and constant stress from the fact that a woman will soon become a mother.

Often there can be a depressive state, tearfulness, a feeling of fear, but abruptly, all this can be replaced by joy, fun, and increased activity.

Changeable mood in children: frequent and unreasonable change of mood in children is inherent in any age of the child. But most often they occur during crisis periods.

  1. The crisis of 3 years - the child wants to do everything on his own, but adults do not allow him much, then he begins to protest and rebel, and this is how the mood begins to change.
  2. Crisis 6-7 years - going to the first class, changing the usual situation, feeling of responsibility. Especially the mood can change, if the parents place high hopes on the child and try once again to remind him about it.
  3. Teen crisis (11-15 years) - during this period, there is an active both physical and physiological development. The period of puberty is the most difficult, the child begins to feel many different emotions, especially if you add problems at school and with your peers to all this, then you can see frequent mood swings.

A sign of what could be a sudden change of mood?

Most often, frequent and unreasonable change of mood is a symptom of affective disorder. People who suffer from this disease, in a short period of time can experience the whole emotional palette. it harms mental health and is not the norm.

The main symptoms are inadequate and unpredictable behavior. A person may experience sudden changes of aggression to depression, laughter and joy change to dullness and tearfulness.

In such a case, it is urgently necessary. seek help from a specialist. After all, this can lead to the fact that a person hurts himself or others. After all, it is impossible to constantly remain in such a state, it is very depressing and tiring.


Scientists claim that frequent mood swings are more typical for femalethan for masculine.

Women are more emotional. Constant change of mood can signal the presence of affective disorders.

Frequent and abrupt changes in one mood to another can mean bipolar affective disorder. BAR is characterized by the fact that a person is always in one of two phases: manic or depressive.

During first phase he feels a surge of strength, he has a feeling that he can move mountains. Often people with delusions fixate on some idea, they are in good spirits and smile all the time.

But here comes to change depressive phase. A person becomes passive, his activity decreases to zero, his usual and favorite things no longer make him happy.

Such people constantly experience drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness. They may even be unwilling to live.

This state cannot be ignored. This is not just a period and it will not pass on its own. It is imperative to contact a specialist.

Emotional lability

Mood lability - an anomaly of the nervous system, which is characterized by unstable mood, its sudden unreasonable differences.

May occur at any age.

A person can acutely respond to both positive and negative pathogens. Some experiences are abruptly replaced by others.. The background mood in such people is as unstable as possible.

The reasons:

  • head injuries;
  • endocrine problems;
  • brain tumors;
  • affective disorders.

Signs of:

  • changeable mood for no apparent reason, or for minor reasons;
  • strong impressionability, suspiciousness and vulnerability;
  • man goes from extreme to extreme;
  • he has addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling);
  • euphoria is changed by depression and vice versa.

Strong emotional lability can be eliminated. You need to seek help from a specialist who will determine the causes of the disease, and will appoint a course of treatment.

Psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, stabilizers) may be prescribed, a visit to a psychotherapist is mandatory.


Mood stabilizers or mood adjustments - These are psychotropic drugs that are prescribed to mentally ill people in order to stabilize their mood.

Most often, they are taken by people who are sick with bipolar affective disorder, cyclotime, dysthymia, etc.

They are helping inhibit the rapid change of disease phases.

They are also taken to soften the “sharp corners of character”: excessive temper, irritability, inability to get used to the team, impulsivity, and so on.

Do not take these drugs yourself. It is necessary to consult with the doctor to make sure it is the presence of the disease.

After all, a frequent change of mood or frequent irritability can only be temporary phenomenafor which you do not need to take psychotropic drugs.

Medicinesthat take to stabilize mood:

  • lithium salts - used in bipolar disorder;
  • Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine - prescribed for affective disorders, strong aggressiveness, behavior disorders;
  • Lamotrigine - it is taken for affective disorders, depressive state;
  • Risperidone is an antipsychotic, used for affective disorder and outbursts of anger.

For many people, the mood can sometimes change dramatically. But if it happens systematically and quite often, then pay attention to it.

Unreasonable change of mood can do great harm to a person and his surroundings. In this case, you need to seek qualified psychological help.

What to do with mood swings? Find out from the video:

Watch the video: Bipolar Symptoms (May 2024).