Personal growth

How to develop intuition?

How to develop intuition

Absolutely each person is able to develop an intuition in himself; for this, one does not need to possess any special abilities. But in order to understand how quickly to develop an intuition, you need to have certain knowledge and skills, which will be discussed in this article.

Often, intuition is called the sixth sense. Everyone knows about such concepts as the consciousness and the subconscious. Consciousness is a kind of part of the mind, reality, reality, thoughts, conscious decisions, logical chains. The subconscious mind is a secret, unconscious process. There is absolutely every person, but very few people know how it works and how to work with it correctly. So, intuition is a kind of connection with the subconscious, a tool for obtaining any knowledge and answers to your questions.
The subconscious is your friend, your servant, your instrument, which is ready to answer any of your questions, fulfill your every desire. But in order to make it easier to work with the subconscious need to develop intuition, to be able to listen to your inner voice and to yourself.
First of all, you must truly believe that the subconscious and intuition really exists. If you internally deny the existence of intuition, then it will be quite difficult for you to develop the intuition and do it in the shortest time possible. This can be compared with affirmations and visualization of desire. These techniques work only when a person really believes in them.
Fully develop intuition and hidden abilities can only confident people, with adequate self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem is always inclined to be afraid of something, fear and doubt something. Therefore, work on your self-esteem and self-confidence. Then you can trust yourself and listen to your inner voice, that is, intuition.
It is logical to get an answer to the question that interests you, you need to ask it. Formulate the right questions that concern you, ask them to your "I" and your inner companion. Pay your question to the depths of your soul, work on it, soon you will get everything.
The form of the question. If you want to get an answer to your question, you need to formulate it correctly. Your intuition can help you and guide you along the right path, but it will not be able to provide you with instructions or a plan of action. Therefore, ask the question in such a form that you can answer "no" or "yes." In this case, it will be easier for you to understand what your intuition tells you.
Surely, you have concerns that you will not be able to correctly recognize the clues of your intuition and do not know what sensations should be. Believe, sensations come by themselves, and you will definitely notice it. Just do not ignore these feelings, otherwise the connection will disappear again, and you will have to look again for the answer to the question "How to develop intuition?".
Do not overdo it.
As soon as you feel that your intuition is ready to help you and the answers began to come by themselves, you should not burden and test your abilities. For example, you should not ask such questions as "Should I read this book?", "Should I take a shower?", "Should I get out of the house?" And so on. Also start small, ask simple questions that interest you, and rely on inner feelings. As long as your intuition is not so developed as to suggest whether you should agree to a global multi-million dollar project, here you still need to assess the situation adequately, consciously, connecting your mind.
To develop intuition as efficiently as possible, you first need to listen to your feelings. It can be tingling in the chest or heart palpitations, internal dialogue, for some people this is manifested even in the form of smells and aromas. Work on your feelings and try to guess their nature, perhaps your intuition wants to warn you about something important.
When you work on the development of intuition, then completely disable the logic and do not weigh the pros and cons. At this stage, you just need to understand these feelings and accept.
During a conversation with other people, in person or by phone, try to recognize the emotions of the interlocutor, what he does during the conversation, in what situation he is. This is a practical exercise that will allow you to quickly and effectively develop your intuition.
To hear and understand yourself, and intuition is a part of you, you sometimes have to be alone with yourself. You should not be disturbed or disturbed, you can turn on pleasant calm music. Relax and try to build your internal dialogue. Ask yourself if everything suits you in life, whether you like everything, I would not like to change anything, whether you are crossing, doing something for other people through yourself. You are the only adviser for yourself who wishes you only happiness and who knows what exactly you need.
Know yourself and love, and then you will not be difficult to find your purpose in life and become a truly happy person.

Video exercise - how to develop intuition