Love and relationship

Why do girls like tall guys, and then what to do low?

Low people are not so easy to arrange their lives and pick a pair.

Those who are indifferent to public opinion and want to be with a person above themselves in physical terms have to face special challenges.

Reasons for loving tall men

Why do girls like tall guys?

Implicitly a woman who grew up in a normal average family, with parents with a good attitude towards each other and children, seeks to partner reminded father.

And the tall height of a young man helps him to become more attractive in the eyes of a potential partner, because he is taller and stronger than she seems. After all, these are the main signs of a father figure from the position of a little girl.

Most of the girls grew up on fairy tales and cartoons about beautiful princes who, judging by the pictures, were either taller than their beautiful ladies, or had the same height.

And as if girls of all ages did not protest against the real power of attitudes from childhood, in fact the basic ideas about arranging relationships between the sexes rooted in our preschool times.

Therefore, the association works for many people: a tall man is a veiled status of a prince. High growth is automatically perceived as one of the signs of strength.

Therefore, normal with a smooth and balanced psyche of the girl subconsciously seek relationships with a partner who will be able, thanks to growth, to catch, as it seems to them, roughly speaking, more mammoths and fight off many strong opponents.

It is pleasant to feel fragile and defenseless against the background of his macho.

And if you are taller than 170 cm, then the feeling of their own airiness in many large ladies is born only next to men who taller and bigger in size.

But ... Some gentlemen have such charisma that they give their partners the same pleasant feelings even being less than their partners in all physical parameters.

So, having subtle external parameters, lean, young people, on literature and oratory courses. Approximately the same did Tirion from the acclaimed series "Game of Thrones."

Girls of what height guys choose?

Do tall or short girls like guys? Everything is quite individual, but, as is the case with the ladies, most guys prefer girls of their height or lower.

You do not often meet on the street a couple in which she is taller than him. But you can immediately say that such people are absolutely indifferent to oblique views and whispering behind his back regarding the unusual difference in the growth of these two.

Is it true that tall girls like short girls and women?

As mentioned above, the preference for low ladies, say only some tall men.

What can push to such a choice?

  • since childhood, he preferred to hang around with inch;
  • I like the similarity of miniature ladies with fragile figurines;
  • subconsciously it seems that with such a girl it is easier to find a common language and easier to get out of conflicts;
  • you feel like a brutal macho, I want to protect the little ones from the hardships of life and the bad guys around;
  • hope that in the expected future, children from a woman of short stature will not be as big as you;
  • mother of small stature and deeply respected, so instinctively pulls to women short. Because it seems that they are more decent and better in all respects than sredneroslye and high.

Why can a tall man avoid girls far below himself?

  1. Fear negative reaction surrounding, watching a big difference in the growth of two.

    However, such thoughts indicate the immaturity of the male psyche, infantilism and dependence on the opinions of strangers.

  2. Fear cause physical harm due to sloppy movement. Such experiences are peculiar to clumsy and shy people, of whom there are many among the high. After all, most of them had to go through difficult periods when in school and in the yard they were mocked for their height.
  3. Unpleasant associations because of communication with a disappointed girl or woman of small stature.
  4. I do not like to look at the girls "down" and bend down or sit down to, for example, kiss.

Why are undersized boys not in priority?

Is it true that short guys don't like girls? Young men have to make more effort to attract attention girls than tall guys.

> However, with charisma and a well-hung tongue, young guys are able to compete perfectly with their tall friends. And they can even steal from last girlfriends.

Evolutionary causes

We believe that we have long been separated from the animal kingdom, but in fact we still have instincts and are dependent on genetic memory, behave in the same way as wild beastsby choosing a partner.

  1. It is believed that a tall man is better able to take care of his family, as he is stronger and stronger than his less tall fellows, he runs faster and throws a conventional spear further. But if a short-growing male has a more developed brain, which allows its owner to be smarter than others, then the benefit of having large parameters is partially leveled. And in some cases, miniature saves the situation, because the high ones are accustomed to consider themselves invincible and quickly lose their vigilance, and the undersized are always on the alert, expecting tricks not only from others, but also from their relatives.

    Such sensitivity to the slightest changes around helps to survive not only a small man, but also his relatives.

  2. Large size is considered, especially among Slavs, an indicator of good genetics.therefore, many women instinctively reach for tall gentlemen, “counting” on strong and enduring offspring. However, evolution has proven that the size of the body in the matter of survival is not as important as good adaptability and the ability to change the behavior strategy in time.

Modern reasons

Why short guys do not like girls:

  1. Double aesthetic morality. On the one hand, all around are actively exaggerating the theme of the importance of the inner world of a person, and on the other hand, the vast majority of people are guided by the external data of partners.
  2. Independence from public opinion is formed closer to the age of forty, and before that, especially before the age of 20, the majority of girls suffer from terrible complexes, even if they seem very self-confident to outsiders. A prominent, tall, stately partner gives you the opportunity to assert and show others how cool and attractive I am.
  3. The difference in the growth of the pair when it is taller - it is always a challenge to public opinion and a reason for others to pour out their own opinion abundantly, which does not interest anyone.

    Unfortunately, this creates a depressing atmosphere and not all couples are able to resist it.

  4. In the media, movies the idea is actively promoted that guys should strive to be Vikings, heroes and supermen, and this, implicitly, forms in the consumer's head a picture that in a pair it must be taller than it or of the same height.

What to do with the difference in growth?

What if a tall guy likes a tall girl?

Little boys from childhood realize that for their place on the solar part of the planet need to fight much harderthan viking-like brethren.

With the right attitude to this state of affairs to the period when people begin to actively look for a couple, the young man already knows how to stand up for himself and earned authority from others.

If this is the case, then the conquest of the heart of high beauty impossible obstacles should not be.

Well, provided that it does not have unshakable internal installations against pairs where it is below it.

How to increase your chances of success:

  1. Be strong physically and be able to give a tangible resistance to real offenders. Professional possession of techniques from martial arts, allows you to win not only fights with tall rivals, but also to emerge victorious from fights with numerous opponents.
  2. As an option, get serious external support, so that an adored fairy always has an informed sense of security.
  3. Be able to keep up the conversation, amaze companion intelligence, humor and beautiful compliments.
  4. Learn to be financially independent as early as order to try to charm a lady, to prove her worth, as a reliable male.
  5. Choose adequate girls with mature psycheOtherwise, with her neurosis and complexes because of the difference in age, she can deprive you of confidence in your attractiveness, like men.

What if a tall girl likes a short guy?

  1. Show wisdom and look at the merits, not taking into account the growth young man.

    The reliability of a partner as a person, his strong position in society and independence, leadership qualities and attitude towards you - these are the indicators by which one can judge the degree of pleasantness of relationships and the reality of their future.

  2. Be able not to take to heart the reaction of others. It is no secret that not every adult is able to behave correctly under circumstances when he becomes a witness to non-standard relationships or situations.
  3. Keep your maternal instinct under the seven barn locks. The partner should inspire confidence, not desire to be nursed. But this is not a dogma. If a girl is an imperious lady with a strong-willed character, is able to stand up for herself and a couple more of those guys, while adoring small men, then it is possible that the best layout for her in life is to take care of her low partner, if he doesn't mind. If necessary, she can pretend that it is he who commands her and provides her social unit with a strong social position, and not vice versa.

    After all, people are rather strange creatures and often find solace in relationships that, on the part of many, seem abnormal. But if the two are good and the world is not at a loss from this, then what business should be the lucky ones before it? And what people are talking about is their right - let them knead their tongues.

Couples in which one of the partners is significantly lower always arouse the interest of others. The life of these two reminds the fate of celebrities that not everyone can stand.

However, if two are happy and enjoy the company of a friend of a friend, then no sayings of those around them can destroy the idyll.

What is important to a girl? Growth, money or size matter? Find out from the video:

Watch the video: WHAT GUYS THINK OF TALL GIRLS! (December 2024).