Love and relationship

How to make peace with a girl: the right ways

Quarrels and conflicts poison our lives. Unfortunately, they arise in any relationship. In order not to lose personal happiness, it is important to calm down and choose the right tactics of behavior. How to make peace with a girl? Choose your most suitable method for the situation.

First step

Almost always both are to blame for the conflict. Most likely, you are experiencing no less resentment, disappointment, anger. So is it necessary to take the first step towards reconciliation? If the relationship is expensive, then yes. Justice can be restored later, when the girl calms down and is ready for constructive dialogue.

So the decision is made. Where do you start?

  1. Analyze the cause of the conflict. Try to understand where you made a mistake and what made it commit. Be sure, the girl is waiting for a conscious apology, and not the empty words "sorry".
  2. Think about how you plan to fix the situation. It should be understood how to prevent such quarrels and conflicts so that they do not recur. What are you ready to do personally?
  3. Ask for forgiveness. No need for intricate phrases, hints, long sentences. Words of apology should be simple and clear, with no subtext or hidden meaning.
  4. Then it's up to the girl. If she also thought about her behavior, then everything will return to normal. In the case when she can not immediately give an answer, do not insist. Give her time. However, do not expect her to call herself. In a few days, invite her to the cinema, to a concert, to a dog show (wherever she likes to go).

Council Do not rush to make excuses or arrange "debriefing". You need to share your conclusions in a calm, friendly atmosphere, or in the case when a girl asks to explain herself.

If a girl intends to part

To return a girl who is very offended, but still loves, is easy. Of course, a simple “sorry” will not be enough here. However, you need to start all with the same standard scheme. If you choose any original way at once, the girl may find your words frivolous and frivolous.

So let's get started:

  1. Ask for a meeting or adjust it yourself. With a girl who is very offended, you need to talk only one-on-one.
  2. Sorry. Tell me what you want and are ready to fix it. If she is too upset and does not want to accept an apology, leave. Ask if you can call her in a couple of days.
  3. When emotions subside, explain the reason for their behavior. Your speech must be carefully considered. Be sure to suggest a solution to the problem. Example: "I shouldn't have flirted with that blonde. I realized how unpleasant and painful it is for you. I have no excuse. I can explain it only with the fact that many guys pay attention to other girls. But now I am sure that I need only you. I will do my best not to repeat my mistake "
  4. Give her time to think. If a girl starts asking questions, answer them honestly. Try not to rush to mutual accusations, otherwise it will grow into a new conflict.

Heavy artillery

Are you still not reconciled? Nothing wrong. If the girl is still not forgiven you, then you need to try other ways. Female sex is very sensitive to romantic deeds and surprises.

Organize her with this:

  1. A letter in a bouquet of flowers. Girls love to remember touching moments. Write your impressions of the first meeting with her, as you realized that you loved her. Be open and sincere, do not use blanks from the Internet.
  2. Public apology. Especially well suited for cases where everyone around is outraged by your act or behavior. You can ask for forgiveness at the moment when the girl will be with friends, parents or other close people.
  3. Cute surprises. Leave flowers, sweets or soft toys away from the apartment of the girl. You can also send gifts by courier to work. Sooner or later, any girl will melt.
  4. Recognition on the billboard. Choose the closest to her house billboard and order a seal on it. Words should be simple and pleasant. For example, a photo of a girl and the inscription “you are everything to me”, “I love you”, “I really miss you”. Please note that the photo should like her, otherwise your surprise will cause only negative.
  5. A touching song or verse. Words can be thought up independently (which is preferable) or you can use the texts of famous authors. Give a song or verse in person, or arrange a presentation under the window. Another option is to record a video and post it on Youtube.
  6. Flashmob. Ask friends and acquaintances to take a picture with a piece of paper on which words of apology or a declaration of love are written. Example: "Katya! Misha loves you! Forgive him!" The more people you attract, the better. Then from these photos you can make a touching video or collage.
  7. Ad in your favorite group. Surely the girl is in social networks. Review the list of its communities, and then agree with the administrator on the placement of an excusable post.

By the way, even if the girl is far away from you, any of these methods can also be used. It is enough to attract a caring person from her city.

Useful tips

A rare guy understands what is happening in the girl's head. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to find an approach to it. However, it is not. From personal experience I will say that you can always overcome insult and misunderstanding. A few helpful tips will help you with this:

  1. Perseverance is the key to success. But make sure she does not turn into intrusive.
  2. A sincere apology is better than a thousand gifts.
  3. Disassemble conflicts immediately. You can not save grievances.
  4. With a girl you need to talk calmly and confidently. Do not let emotions take over.
  5. You must make it clear that your intentions are serious. Meet the girl's parents if still have not done so.
  6. Do not apologize for everything, just to calm the person. Do not take her part of the blame on yourself.
  7. Sex is not always the best way to reconcile. For girls, emotional connection is much more important.
  8. Be consistent. If you have already apologized, do not give up your words.
  9. Enlist the support of girlfriends and relatives of the girl. Ask for help. If your reputation is positive, then, most likely, they will go to a meeting.
  10. Do not push the girl. She must make her own decision.
  11. Be patient. Sometimes it takes time to accept a situation and forgive a person.
  12. Having reconciled with the girl, put an end to this unpleasant story. Do not remember her at every quarrel.
  13. Be sure to work on the bugs. You need to sit down together and calmly discuss how to ensure that the situation does not recur.

Important! If you constantly quarrel with a girl, while she never admits her guilt and only reproaches you, then you should seriously think about breaking up. You may be too different people.

Rare quarrels only strengthen the relationship, make them some "peppercorn". But it is very important to know how to make up with the girl, what to say to her, so as not to aggravate the situation. It is necessary to learn how to resolve conflicts quickly and painlessly. Only then in the relationship will both be happy.

Watch the video: 5 Steps To Stop Overthinking Things and have more peace of mind (April 2024).