Personal growth

STEP 1 - The Basics of Personal Development

This is the very first step from the self-development plan, which I drew up (if you do not know what the plan is, read the link). Like the beginning of any training, it will contain more theory than practice. Do not rush to read everything in one day, nobody rushes you. Choose a material absorption rate that is convenient for you. You can generally read the article per day, but plan it in advance and do not deviate from the intended plan, that is, if you told yourself that you would read the article per day, then do so until you pass this step, do not postpone it for Then, try not to miss the day, since you have chosen such a schedule.

Planning, ability to follow the planned course and not to deviate from it, “compulsory” are important components of the discipline, self-organization. And without these things, self-development is hardly possible. When you go to lectures at the institute, you not only get some knowledge, you teach yourself not to miss lessons because of laziness, to endure boring and weary reports. It disciplines you well. It was at school that your parents made you go to classes, and now nobody forces you, you need to organize yourself. This is a very useful skill.


So besides the basic material of this, as well as other steps, you will set a certain plan before you, which you will have to execute, and this will become for you a parallel branch of your self-improvement, since the very structure of passing a course, its logic, already contains some an element of training, life skills training and all that, so far whatever the content of this lesson and not only.

So, this lesson contains a number of theoretical materials that will introduce you to the basics of my view on self-development and tell you where to start.


1. Introduction to self-development
2. Introduction to self-development 2
3. Is it possible to change yourself
4. Where to start self-development
5. How to meditate
6. What does meditation give?


What meditation technique to choose for yourself


  • The goal of my system of self-development is not transcendental, it is quite understandable and earthly - it is the achievement of happiness, balance and well-being.
  • Doubt, fear, laziness - this is what prevents us from achieving our goal, to achieve happiness. The obstacles in front of us exposes mostly not the outside world, but ourselves.
  • The less we control our passions and desires, the more we become dependent on them, less free, and the easier it is to manage us. We should not consider our passions, habits, fears and fads as parts of our personality, so we will never get rid of them.
  • We are able to control our instincts and can coexist in harmony with them. They should not constantly indulge, you need to define a place for them and not to let it go beyond its borders. Otherwise, this leads to spoiled feelings, inability to resist their passions, depravity, impulsiveness, recklessness and satiety.
  • Self-development is a vector of evolution, built on the scale of each individual, this movement in the direction of becoming a truly human, conscious entity, and not an animal being.
  • Every person can change himself. The fact that you cannot change is a myth and a serious mistake.
  • Actions contrary to internal resistance, temper character and will, even if they do not lead to the desired goal.
  • Changing for the better is not unnatural, since this process is based on conscious intention, and not some kind of accident or another's will.
  • Bad qualities are those qualities that make us and others suffer, rush, feel dissatisfaction, misfortune, desire evil and remain in a state of chaos and anxiety.
  • Self-development is necessary for all. Not everyone is the crown of creation, there is always something to work on and what can be corrected.
  • It is necessary to begin self-development smoothly, to introduce at first only minor changes in your life, not to try to give up everything in one fell swoop and start life anew.
  • Meditation is an effective tool for self-development. She will be a great helper if you want to develop, change for the better and work on yourself.
  • Meditation is not magic or shamanism, it is just an exercise, the effectiveness of which is proved by the science and experience of many people.
  • Meditation helps to achieve calmness, awareness. It helps to get rid of bad habits, improves health, helps to cope with stress.
  • Meditation teaches detached observation of one’s inner processes with the help of consciousness. This is a very important skill that allows you to control your emotions, not to give in to sudden spiritual impulses and not to make impulsive, rash decisions.
  • Do not regret the time for meditation, especially since it takes not so much. This time is more than worth it later. Believe me, 40 minutes a day is a very small price to pay for such a result.
  • Main aspects of proper meditation: time (regularity), posture, relaxation, direction of attention
  • Do not expect instant results from practice! Meditate regularly, do not miss
  • The main conclusion: the roots of our problems lie in ourselves, not in the outside world. We are subject to weaknesses, passions, instincts, illusions and obsessive desires that poison our lives and those around us. The path of self-development is the path of struggle with passions and phantoms, the pursuit of truth, the attainment of human essence. This is a long process that requires effort and patience. This process should be approached gradually, without sudden jerks. The best way to start self-development is to meditate.


    Time to complete: Week - two, then go to the next step. At the same time continue to meditate, just go to the next level.

    Start meditating for 20 minutes, 2 times a day, in a mandatory, systematic manner, without missing a single session. If it is very difficult to sit 20 minutes in one place, then reduce this time to 10-15 minutes ... It is better to reduce the time of meditation than to skip it altogether. If you, in the comments to this step, write your impressions of the practice, a week after you began to practice it, then this is only welcome. If you have any questions - be sure to ask them here in the comments. Do not be lazy, nothing more is required from you at this step. You are not obliged to achieve any results yet, and they are unlikely to be right away, just meditate and try to follow all the accompanying recommendations regarding this process. Do not be discouraged if you do not succeed: very few people succeed at once.

    Watch the video: Personality development: Soft Skill -Overcoming Stage fear (January 2025).