In terms of chemistry, euphoria is a hormonal surge. Is it all so trite? But what about the "butterflies in the stomach" during love? Or an incredible buzz after a cool run? Or a feeling of light drunkenness after a new victory? Yes, these are also hormones - our natural drugs. The need for happy experiences sometimes plays a cruel joke: having felt an emotional upswing once, many people tend to prolong it artificially. But there are many healthy ways to get the long-awaited ecstasy. About them will be discussed in our article.
What is euphoria
Euphoria is a short-term emotional state of elation, which gives a person a feeling of well-being, carelessness, unreasonable happiness. From Greek, euphoria is translated as "to give a good harvest" or "fertility." But in reality, this emotion of increasing productivity does not carry. Euphoric sensations are accompanied by an accelerated flow of thoughts, fussiness, mimic animation, verbosity and passive behavior.
In medicine, euphoria - This is a form of manifestation of painful heightened arousal, which occurs under the influence of certain drugs, alcoholic beverages, smoking mixtures, hallucinogenic mushrooms. Such states are quickly replaced by depression, despondency. If a person has been on the rise for a long time without stimulants, doctors suspect serious mental illness or brain damage. This may be bipolar disorder, oxygen deficiency or Alzheimer's disease.
Euphoric Emotional Emotion Very Short Term, because it requires large energy expenditure of the body. But the brain remembers this feeling of happiness, longs for it and is looking for new ways to return this state. Perhaps that is why the use of drugs or other stimulants was common among primitive peoples. But when using stimulants, mental dependence first arises, and then chemical dependence. This leads to the opposite effect - depression and personality destruction.
But the feeling of causeless happiness is not always caused by stimulants or diseases. She has healthy manifestations. For example, musical euphoria that occurs when listening to rhythmic musical compositions. These can be the sounds of a tambourine, drum or ratchet, with which shamans enter into a trance. Or a runner-like euphoria similar to slight intoxication that occurs after a long physical activity of marathon runners, skiers, oarsmen, cyclists.
Hormones of happiness: 4 horsemen of euphoria
From the point of view of chemistry, the state of love, the pleasure of work done and other powerful emotions are the result of a surge in the activity of four hormones. These are special hormones of happiness: endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. Depending on the concentration, they evoke feelings of different emotional intensity: from a pleasant uplift to absolute happiness.
The highest degree of pleasure in the euphoria - ecstasy. Ecstasy refers to positively colored affects and is manifested by maximum emotional excitement, which is similar in effect to alcohol intoxication. Therefore, many people try to restore this divinely pleasant state by any means. But not everything is so simple. When we make ecstasy an end in itself, we wear our bodies.
One of the main laws of nature is: energy is not taken from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere. Energy just goes from one state to another. Therefore, the constant stimulation of euphoric arousal harms the body:
- Reason 1. Hormones are produced in different parts of the brain and nervous system. For example, dopamine (expectation of pleasure) is produced by the adrenal glands. And endorphin (pain reduction) is produced in the brain. Each body has its own resource. If we constantly provoke intensive work of the body, then the resource is produced much faster. In place of continuous excitement comes complete indifference. Joys cause neither victory on the love front, nor money, nor other usual pleasures.
- Reason 2. The pursuit of hormonal surges causes a certain dependence. Of course, it is not as destructive as dependence on chemical stimulants. Much also depends on the person’s personality. If for a workaholic the finished project becomes the highest ecstasy on time, then a medal will be the desired energy for an athlete. But dependence on one source of pleasure undermines the hormonal balance in the body. Over time, his concentration would be desirable to increase, because the previous joys are no longer pleasing.
To maintain the balance of hormones in the body, it is worth alternating between safe ways to get happiness.
How to achieve a state of euphoria
Unlike chemical stimulants, natural neurochemicals do not cause dependence, do not destroy the psyche. But the positive effect of them is no less pleasant. Therefore, researchers regularly develop new techniques to experience the experience of happiness without external chemicals.
Breathing exercises
Holotropic breathing technique helps to achieve a special or trance state. Holotropic breathing is a combination of intense breathing with special physical exercises, music. In the 70s of the twentieth century, this technique was developed by a psychiatrist Stanislav Grof. Holotropic breathing is used in psychotherapy sessions: it helps a person to immerse himself in his unconscious, to live through painful memories, to express emotions. This breathing technique replaced the illicit drug LSD, and the effect was to completely replace it.
Despite the lack of physiological dependence, the technique cannot be practiced without preparation on your own. This should be a group or pair of classes, which are conducted under the supervision of an instructor. His task - to assist if necessary. For example, an altered consciousness can cause a painful memory in a person, which it is very difficult to experience independently. The instructor helps to survive a painful situation, to comprehend the experience. The practice is contraindicated for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, is registered with a psychiatrist.
Intensive training or jogging
Pleasant runner euphoria occurs after a long run or interval training. Even a novice can achieve this sublime sensation, and at the same time improve their physical form. When jogging, the feeling of joyful lifting comes after a 30-45 minute jog. It is recommended to start at a slow pace, and after a good warm-up - to make a sharp jerk and run for a maximum pace of 2-3 minutes. For intensive training, it is recommended to alternate power (push-ups, barbell lifting) and cardiovascular training (riding a stationary bike, jump rope).
To feel emotional lift during exercise, you need to work hard and constantly listen to the sensations in the body. Kaif comes during super efforts when an athlete overcomes his own "I can not." A pleasant state is described in different ways: one feels invincible, joyful, the other notes a marked improvement in mood. But the sense of joyful intoxication during loads should not be an end in itself. Therefore, it is worth starting a training session or race under the supervision of an experienced coach.
It is proved that musical compositions act on the same "pleasure centers" in the brain as drugs. That is why listening to your favorite melody gives you goosebumps, chills, or a slight shiver. To achieve the feeling of flight, there are special melodies, special techniques. For example, meditation music helps to relax and concentrate at the same time, to enter a state of trance. Experiences of happiness can also be achieved while listening to the "white noise".
When listening to music, the personality of the listener, his memories are of great importance. The same melody in two people can cause opposite reactions. Moreover, prolonged listening to meditative music or white noise can cause hallucinations with unpleasant physical sensations: nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache. To avoid trouble before starting workouts, you should consult a doctor. At the first unpleasant sensations, you will immediately have to stop experiments on your own psyche.
It is enough to fall in love so that the body starts to produce joy hormones at a breakneck pace. The main effect of all these substances is a state of euphoria: the world around becomes rosy, the future seems cloudless, any undertakings seem feasible. And yet - these are "butterflies in the stomach", shining eyes, a feeling of slight intoxication.
Creative people call euphoria a state of flow. In a state of flux, a person is long concentrated on his work and practically loses the sense of time. But at the same time he is focused and focused on success. The state of flow is given to experience not only the elect. Feel it to anyone who does what he likes.
The state of euphoria during prayer in Christianity is called "grace." The influence of prayer on the brain involved in neuroscience. Scientists have found that the particular euphoric state of a person praying or meditating is caused by a specific response of brain cells. In addition, incense pairs have a psychoactive effect and increase the effect of sincere prayer.
There are other healthy motodes to cause an amazing state of “flight”: extreme sports, sex, delicious food, work done, spontaneous gifts, and even acupuncture. Our capacity for emotions is limited. The constant pursuit of pleasure hormones can cause the same dependence as chemical stimulants. In order not to undermine the hormonal balance in the body, you should allow yourself to enjoy from different sources. The main thing is not to wait until someone else makes you happy or the same, lucky combination of circumstances.
- Euphoria in psychology is a state of joyful arousal. In medicine, it is a painful condition associated with brain damage.
- Life in a pink color, butterflies in the stomach, rose-colored glasses - it's all about euphoria.
- Euphoria takes too much energy, which is why it often ends with fatigue, apathy or depression.
- Constant euphoric state takes too much energy, so it passes very quickly.
- The highest manifestation of euphoric pleasure is ecstasy. Chasing him can be addictive.
- There are many healthy ways to get joy. If you learn to alternate them, you can experience happiness all the time.