
How to reassure their mom or dad if they are upset?

It is unpleasant for us to see when one of our close people is upset about something.

In this case can not stay away. You need to show your interest and care.

Parents will be pleased. They will know that you need them and you love them. No need to show indifference and coldness. From this they will only get worse, and they will be left alone with their troubles.

What to do if a parent is upset?

The first thing to do is find out the reason.

But this should be done carefully, you should not shout and demand that they say what exactly they are upset about.

Perhaps the reason is not with you or your parents are not yet ready to report that they are so upset. In this case better wait.

If one of the parents is angry or crying, should not provoke him even more. Keep common sense, you may need to leave the parent alone for a while.

In no case can not scream and get angry in response, it will not help. Parents, being on emotions, can only tell a little too much and get even more upset.

Hug them and say that everything will be fine. Let them know that together you can overcome any obstacles. It is important to be sincere and honest. Tell them how much you love them and are always ready to support and help.

Do something nice. Take over the cleaning of the apartment or cook food. Try to cheer them up in every possible way. You can remember together stories from childhood, joint rest and so on. Try to distract them from problems, directing the conversation in a different direction.

Suggest to go somewhere with the whole family.

Parents need to be distracted from what upset them. A hike in a cafe or in the park will help them in this.

Just listen to them. Do this only if you are really interested. After all, if the parents see your indifference, it can upset them even more.

Have a family party. Spend the whole day together. Take care of the things you love. Go somewhere, talk a lot and laugh. This will help to distract from the problems.

If the reason for their frustration is your bad behavior or any act, then sit down and discuss everything.

Chat with them Express your point of view. Just do it calmly and without hysteria. Perhaps you can come to a solution that suits both you and your loved ones.

How to behave?

Sometimes you can misbehave at the moment when parents are upset about something. And this can only aggravate the situation. But what to do in this case?

  1. The most important thing - no need to panic and make a tantrum, keep calm as much as possible, this behavior will be the most correct.
  2. Find out the reason such behavior, if the parents shouted at you at this moment or answered rudely, you should not argue with them. Do not be offended, these emotions have not subsided, they did not want to be rude.
  3. If you found out the reason try to find a solution together. Quiet them with words, say that everything will work out.
  4. No need at this moment scream and complainif you have it. It is better to postpone it "for later."
  5. Be quiet and calmrefrain from provocations.
  6. Do not argue and do not argue.
  7. Do some useful thing, it will cheer on parents.
  8. Do not leave home at this moment., you need your parents, even if they do not show it to you.
  9. Make tea, it will help calm down.
  10. Sit down and all together talk.
  11. Worth giving to parents relive this emotional outburst. It will be better than they all will keep to themselves.

    Therefore, you should leave mom or dad alone so that they may cry and give way to emotions.

Practical recommendations: how to calm

It is unpleasant to watch how our loved ones get upset.

They are dear to us, so we in every way try to console them.

But a few good words and actions will immediately raise their spirits. The main thing is to know what to say.


How to reassure mom when she cries? It is very difficult to see the tears of the mother. I would like to immediately come and hug, but do not rush to do it.

First of all, let it throw out all the accumulated negative. For this, she needs to cry properly.

After that, hug her tightly with all the love that you have. She needs to know that she is a good mother and that you love her and support. Find out what upset her so much. Find words of comfort.

Be sincere and willing to listen. As a rule, moms have a lot of worries. Perhaps the reason she cries is common fatigue. Put her to bed and do all her homework for her. Prepare some surprise for her. This will please her.


How to calm granny? With older people it can be difficult to communicate.

They have their own concepts, which is difficult to fight.

If grandma is worried, find out the reason of this. Speak in a calm voice, in no case do not raise the tone.

Explain to grandma that there’s nothing to worry about, tell her that everything will work out. If the grandmother does not understand something, then explain everything to her. Better to agree with everything she says to you.

Even if you do not agree, do not argue. This will not lead to anything good, and grandmother will be even more upset.

Find out if she needs anything. fulfill her request. Treat your grandmother with something delicious, make tea, sit together, let her tell you stories from her life. She will be pleased.


How to calm dad? With dads is usually more difficult than with moms. They do not want to show their feelings and in every way trying to restrain emotions. If Dad is upset, he may even get angry and another problem is added.

It is important to give him time to cool down.

Maybe he then he will come and he will offer to talk.

As is the case with mom, you need to listen carefully.

Offer him your helpmaybe he needs something. You should not talk with him and raise the tone. Dad is the same as mom, he just hides it skillfully.


How to calm Grandpa? Usually grandfather, though old, but proud and impregnable as a father. It can be difficult with old men. It is important to find an approach. Listen to your grandfather, find out what he is concerned about. Try hard to support him.

It is important for older people to know that they are needed by someone, that they are not a burden.

Listen to him show maximum interest and attention. Find words of support for him, find out if he needs something. Dialogue with him.

Maybe do some common cause. Or ask him to tell some story from his youth, it will distract him from bad thoughts. Stay with him. Do not argue or raise your voice.

What not to do?

In moments when our parents are upset, we cannot always correctly lead ourselves.

There are several actions that should not be done at this time.

  1. No need to be nervous, hysterical, cry. All this will not help, but only worsen the situation. Parents are not easy anyway, but seeing your nerves is simply unbearable for them.
  2. No need to raise your voice, shout, behave aggressively and wrangle. This behavior is even worse than in the first paragraph. From this, parents can simply go mad and then the fact that they are upset will add another quarrel with you.
  3. No need to try to prove something to them or say they are wrong. At this point, they need your support, not your reproaches.
  4. Do not leave them alone.. If they ask you to leave the room, then leave, but in no case leave the house and leave them with their problems alone.

    After all, maybe in half an hour they will want to come into your room and speak about what upset them.

  5. Do not use these phrases: “I told you / a,” “I’m guilty myself,” “I knew that it would be like this”, “You shouldn’t get upset over such trifles”, “It’s not such a big problem” and that’s all in that spirit.
  6. Do not report any bad news., if they are. Set it aside until they calm down.
  7. Not worth ostentatious show your indifference and ignore parents.
  8. It is not necessary to bring outsiders into the house.. At the moment when your parents are upset, they do not really want your friends to be in the house, for example. Wait until things get better.
  9. Do not impose yourself with your questions or conversations.. No need to try by all means to try to figure out the cause of this condition. If you think that neutral questions or some stories will help your parents, then this is not so.

    When their emotions are at their peak, they will have no time for that. Wait for the storm to subside.

Support and comfort a loved one not so difficult. It does not need special skills, it is enough to be sincere.

No need to ignore the problems of their parents. Maximize your care and interest. After all, they are the most precious thing you have. They need to love and cherish.

How to make mom nice? Ways:

Watch the video: Adorable moment dad comforts baby while getting first shots (December 2024).