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How to write a fairy tale: step by step instructions and helpful tips

The tale is a powerful weapon against bad mood, insomnia, injustice. She is able to rehabilitate, shame, hint. And what is important - everyone can write it. How to do it? We will tell you how to write a fairy tale that will please, surprise and remember for a long time.

Develop imagination

In order to write a fairy tale, you need inspiration. The chances that it will come after a work day or during house cleaning are small. Then where to find him? The answer is unequivocal - among children. Playing with them in the sandbox, watching the immediate behavior, you can start to dream together. Children must come across the idea of ​​how to write a fairy tale.

This is exactly what Alan Alexander Milne, the author of the famous story about Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, once did. He was not a childish author, but playing with his son, listening to him, his ideas, the writer created a world-famous bestseller.

Choose a genre

When fairy tales appeared, it is impossible to determine, as they related to oral folk art. They were told to young children in order to reason, educate, bring a cautionary thought. Since those times, all stories for children have been divided into three categories (genres).

  • Magical - in the plot there are magical objects or events (tablecloths, transformations).
  • About animals - the main characters are animals endowed with human qualities (the life of animals in mittens).
  • Socio-household - people of different classes appear, everyday or social problems are raised (the story of porridge with an ax).

Genres may intersect, but the main genre line is better defined in advance.

Think over the topic and the main idea

We need to think about what will be a fairy tale. It is advisable to put the wording in one sentence, since the specifics at the beginning of the work contributes to its promotion.

The peculiarity of fairy tales is that they must teach something. A fairy tale without morality, like a joke without a funny end.

But the doctrine must be carefully veiled. That is, not to say bluntly that laziness is bad, to give the little reader the opportunity to close the conclusions himself, to push them. When the topic, as well as the main idea will be determined, it will become clear how to write a fairy tale further.

Identify the target audience

Books for adults have no return limits; they are not written “they are recommended for people from 30 to 40 years old or 50+ to read.” But children's fairy tales are always designed for an audience of a certain age - preschoolers, primary school students and so on.

Building on this, it will be easier to shape the communication style of the characters, the level of difficulty of their speech.

Create unique characters and unusual reality

Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Puss in Boots are bright interesting heroes that the novice storyteller should be forgotten. An interesting, no one else is like a character with a bizarre name - this is a pledge that the text will want to read.

What is important is the reality in which the characters will exist. It should be nothing like, original. Here you can give vent to fantasy by inventing, for example, houses with wings, honey roads or a country of pears.

It is necessary to imagine all the features of this world, every detail in the images of the characters. Children are very attentive readers, they will immediately notice a “blooper” or a contradiction.

How to write a fairy tale to make it a success? Revive the unique hero and believe in him!

Come up with an interesting plot

In order not to get confused in the events of our own narration and to observe their logical course, you need to adhere to a certain composition.

  • Introduction - engages the audience, causes the desire to read the text further. Here we acquaint readers with the main character, and also give an idea of ​​what the story will be about.
  • Outset - an event because of which it all starts. The plot should intrigue, to bring to the essence of what is happening.
  • Action development - in this part of the story, the hero encounters obstacles, solves problems. The plot should be interesting, dynamic. Only in this mode, the child reads up to the main episode.
  • Climax - This is the most intense and touching moment of history. It is necessary to close it up so that it captures the spirit of the experience of the protagonist. How does he get out of this situation? What will do? Will his true friends help him? What would I do? If there are so many questions in the little head, it means that the climax part is written perfectly.
  • Conclusion - now all the worst is over. Readers need to enjoy victory, savor the triumph of good over evil.

Following this plan is how to write a fairy tale so that its plot develops consistently and logically.

Hone the writing skills

To "catch the wave", you can start with the fact that remake several famous fairy tales. Or write to them fan fiction (continued). An exercise called "The Game of Words" will help "stir the imagination." What is its meaning?

Here are the lines already written:

An evil wizard cast a spell on the castle by stealing a princess.

What if they can be mixed?

An evil castle stole the wizard and the princess.

Or so:

The enchanted princess was looking for a wizard's castle.

So you can continue until such time as there is a suitable option.

Stick to style

Fairy tale should be read easily, at ease. To do this, follow the styling of the text. Namely:

  • Do not use complex, too long sentences.
  • Avoid lyrical digressions, philosophical reasoning.
  • Follow the vocabulary - do not use words incomprehensible to children.

Adults take children's books in their hands in order to distract and relax. And listen to them to go to other worlds.

This process should go unnoticed by themselves. How to write a fairy tale, how to achieve this? Read and re-read your own text, improving it.

Come up with a name

Children are not used to reading annotations, so they choose literature by name. It should intrigue, surprise, perhaps laugh and be easily remembered.

To name your work is best when it is finished. The plot in the course of writing may change, so you should not hurry.

The whole point is in the details

Good conquers evil

This is one of the main features of this type of creativity. Why this happened, the opinions of philologists diverge. On this topic can be discussed, but the law can not be broken. The end must be a good one.

Magic numbers

When the numbers 3, 7, 12 fall into a fairy tale, they cease to be ordinary. These numbers are real characters. They betray an intriguing mystery: 3 questions, 3 tests, 3 heroes, and so on.

True friend

The protagonist needs an assistant who will prompt, helping in difficulties. You can make it funny. In modern stories this is a real trend. For example, a donkey from the cartoon "Shrek". Laugh and support in trouble - the two main functions of such a character.

Means of artistic expression

Without hyperbole (exaggeration), antithesis (opposition), constant epithets (red girl), vivid comparisons will not work to create a colorful speech atmosphere. Their role in the text is very important, since it is precisely the means of artistic expression that form images in our consciousness. A person who wants to learn how to write a fairy tale, you need to master this artistic weapon.

Author's position

It is necessary initially for yourself to decide whom the author will support and whom to condemn. Children can not always distinguish halftones, to accept the versatility. They are ready to count as the author believes. And this is a big responsibility, isn't it?

How to write a fairy tale? Simply enough, if you have the desire to develop the imagination and stock up on time. Following our advice, you can create a unique interesting story, which for many will be loved.

Watch the video: Imaginative Writing: Writing a Fairytale (December 2024).