Personal growth

How to develop imagination and fantasy: methods and techniques

Imagination is unique qualitypeculiar only to people.

Thanks to fantasy and imagination, you can create something new in your mind, generate stories, images and ideas.

The development of imagination - what is it in psychology?

For a long time, scientists were inclined to believe that science cannot offer methods and techniques for teaching imagination.

Psyche attributed to this property spontaneity.

And people endowed with imagination, considered exceptional.

But over time, people came to the opposite opinion, because they found some patterns in the creative processes. Psychology for creating new images offers methods:

  • agglutination;
  • emphasis;
  • schematization;
  • typing.

We describe them briefly.

Agglutination - the combination of any random qualities, properties and parts into one integral image, often not having any relation to the real world.

Emphasis - the selection in the image of any part and the shift of attention to this part with the further assignment of a leading role to it.

Typing - the most complex technique, in which in several images they identify key, characteristic qualities, and then a new image is created on the basis of these qualities.

Schematization - deliberately ignoring or reducing the differences in order to unite images according to the principle of similar traits.

The methods are based on the operations of analysis (dividing existing ideas into parts) and synthesis (combining individual parts into new combinations).

Those. the development of imagination in psychology is nothing but the work with methods of analysis and synthesis.

What is it for?

Man surround the most various inventions, which our distant ancestors did not have and could not have. But how does the creator create his brainchild?

How does he realize in reality that which does not exist? The inventor comes up with (imagines) a certain object, which then recreates, following the manner out of his fantasies.

Imagination helps create new things globally. But even if a person is not an inventor, it is very useful for him to train his imagination.

After all imagining the consequences of their actions You can choose the best option, avoid mistakes and “smooth sharp corners”.

Dreamers easier to motivate themselvesby creating a bright and practically realistic goal in my head, and then generating in my mind ways to achieve this goal.

Without imagination, action is impossible. After all, when confronted with a task, a person must first imagine how he copes with it, and then realize it in reality.


Stages or stages of development of the imagination of a person have a gradation by age:

  1. First stage. Age from 0 to 3 years. Imagination is based on previously studied images. The child recognizes the images in the pictures, completing in his mind the image to the object familiar to him. So kids after contact with a real cat can recognize the painted version of it.

    In this case, the child does not generate anything new, and the imagination is a passive process.

  2. Second phase. Age from 3 to 4 years. Formed verbal imagination. The child is already seeking to play activities, but he still needs the support of an adult. At the same time, game images rely on real situations and images, but the characteristics and individual features of real prototypes in the game are mixed and divided, as a result of which new “objects” appear. The child is original in the substitution of functions and the choice of game plotlines, as well as being critical for the replacement of a playmate.
  3. The third stage. Age from 4 to 5 years. The child is creatively active in various activities, games, modeling and drawing, retelling of what was heard earlier and so on. Dreams and plans for the future appear. Imagination becomes a special kind of intellectual activity aimed at transforming the real world. But the child is not yet able to fully control this involuntary process. But he can already create images based on words and stories, as well as represent the condition of another person.
  4. Fourth stage. Age from 6 to 7 years. Imagination in this period takes an active character. The child can create ideas and plan their phased implementation. The need for visual support for creating images disappears, and the imagination acts as if “in the background.” In the activities of the child can track the creative elements.
  5. Fifth stage. From 7 to 11 years. Now the child receives knowledge that is fuel for the imagination.

    A verbal-mental imagination develops that does not require reliance on a real object, quality, or action.

  6. The sixth stage. From 12 to 18 years. Imagination and creative activity develops not only in the framework of the curriculum, but also in the framework of the individual (out-of-school) activity of the individual. The active development of the imagination is promoted by visiting circles and electives, reading books and encouraging creative activity on the part of people who are significant to the child.

Methods and methods

General tips for developing imaginationthat are suitable for children and adults on a universal basis:

  1. Enhance perception experience, as in the imagination of a person uses the baggage of knowledge obtained when perceiving objects of the real world.
  2. The development of speech. It is speech that allows you to give the names of individual components of the image, draw up ideas and share these ideas with others. Juggling with words, a person creates new images, because sometimes a picture in his head is born only thanks to a new word or a verbal pun.
  3. Encouragement and support child creativity (both spontaneous and organized).
  4. Support for children's games and participation in them in order to provide material for critical assessment and enrichment of the game storyline.
  5. Application additional techniques development of imagination.

Receptions and techniques

  1. Activate the work of the right brain. Try using your left hand in everyday life (if you are right handed). You can try to write with your left hand, hold cutlery, button up, comb your hair, etc.

    Since this will involve the part of the brain responsible for figurative perception, the ability to work may increase.

  2. Play. Try to find a partner for the game and offer to write a story together. In this case, the first player says only a few sentences and stops, so that the second player continues his thought. Such alternation and extension of someone else's storyline helps to train the imagination.
  3. Create associations. Look at the clouds, cracks on the walls, patterns on the sand and try to link these pictures with any images. Mentally "draw" lines to get a picture.
  4. Avoid routine. Try something new. Imagination is based on an emotional base. Changes in life can be significant (travel, change of residence, etc.), and can be minor (reading a new book, changing the situation in the room or going to a concert).

Features of the development of imagination in preschoolers

The imagination of preschoolers only seems rich. In fact, it is too stereotypical and schematic, based on a small number of real images known to the child and not supported by scientific knowledge.

Features of the development of imagination:

  • imagination passes into an arbitrary plane, suggesting the creation and further embodiment of the ideas;
  • imagination becomes a special kind of activity, turning into fantasy;
  • the child studies techniques of creating images on an intuitive level;
  • imagination is slowly shifting to the inner plan and the need for a visual prototype to create an image disappears.

The imagination of the kids is also performed. gnostic functionby combining disparate knowledge by filling in the gaps.

How to develop a child's fantasy?

Creative activity

In order for a child to develop a fantasy, it is necessary involve him in the creative process.

Plasticine, paints, pencils and so on will be perfect for this.

The more often the baby creates something with his own hands, the more active his fantasy works.

Try to periodically go beyond the usual. Offer a child to invent and portray fairytale characters or magical animals. It develops more than the reproduction of the familiar images of a hedgehog, squirrel, Christmas tree, etc.

Theater productions

Staged performances help very well. You can prepare a puppet show, and you can participate in the scene personally.

Trying on the character’s image or “animating” the doll, the child will connect the fantasy, get used to the image and train your imagination.


Correct questions - the best way to awaken a dreamer in a child. Questions should not have an exhaustive answer in stating a fact:

  • how are you?
  • What is your doll's name?
  • what kind of animal is that?

Questions should lead the child to an imaginary situation:

  • What would happen if the dolls could talk?
  • how would you use a magic wand?
  • What do the inhabitants of the moon look like?

How to develop creative imagination in an adult?

In order for the creative “vein” to always work, an adult needs to find a hobby. Household life does not have to fantasies.

But hobbies, whether it be dancing, sewing, collecting or any other type of activity, have to analyze, dream, think strategies, etc.


Some people prefer to leave in their thoughts while walking, traveling by public transport or waiting for their turn.

But at this moment you can see unusual combinations of colors on an advertising poster, an interestingly dressed passer-by, a strange cat or symmetrically arranged trees. All this - food for imagination and perception training.


Make up tasks for yourself and decide them yourself.

What are the three best things to take with you to an uninhabited island?

How to build a hut of two sticks, cloth and rope? What should a dress look like in which a queen can go to a grand ball?

Questions may be very different, but they must necessarily connect the imagination and imagination. In the future, you can ask such questions to your friends in order to draw inspiration and look at the situation from different angles.


Try periodically invent stories of things that you see in front of you. Is there a flower in front of your eyes at lunchtime?

Think up his name, the story of dating and unrequited love for the flower on a nearby window sill, dreams and plans for the future.

Such a simple and entertaining exercise will have a positive effect on creative abilities.

Work on the development of imagination and imagination will certainly respond in the future in the form of ability to solve non-standard problems and problems. In addition, a rich imagination helps to set goals and dream, as well as plan ways to make dreams come true.

Exercises for the development of imagination and imagination:

Watch the video: How to write descriptively - Nalo Hopkinson (October 2024).