
Who is an intellectual or a person from the spiritual elite of society

Paradox: the word "intellectual" is often mentioned in everyday speech, but few can explain its meaning. Most rely on stereotypes about pince-nez and hat, or recalls dissidents. Articles on the Internet also provide conflicting information. What associations arise when the word intelligence? Is it directly related to the intellect? Is it possible to become an intellectual in the first generation? In the article we will try to find the key to this multivalued concept.

Who is the intellectual

An intellectual is a decent, highly educated person with a developed intellect, high inner culture, self-esteem and respect for others, having a sense of proportion in words and actions. Such a definition is given by dictionaries. But the term refers to words with a vague meaning, which everyone uses in his own way. Some consider intellectuals of all "glasses" with a university degree. Others confuse them with intellectuals. Still others are ranked among intellectuals on secondary grounds - a hat, for example. One thing is clear: an intellectual is a characteristic not of a specific person, but of the characteristics of the human mind.

The word "intelligentsia"derived from Latin"Intelligents"- thinking, pondering, understanding. It was introduced into Russia in the 60s of the XIX century as an alternative to the concept"nobility". Later the word was transferred to Western European languages. From the German language" Intelligenz "translates as"community of educated or creatively gifted individuals". In foreign dictionaries, the word" intelligentsia "is often found with the addition."Russian". Therefore, it is believed that this is mainly a Russian phenomenon.

In foreign languages, the concept of intellectual is more common, and intellectual integrity takes the first places in the list of moral qualities. But in Russian, the difference in concepts "intellectual"and"intellectual"exists. Intellectual is a person with excellent memory and analytical skills. The Russian intellectual is a carrier of spirituality and morality, the elite, the intellect, education, and the spiritual and moral foundation in one person.

In his open letter, academician D.S. Likhachev He wrote: "The intellectual is a person with high mental decency. The basic principle of the intelligentsia is freedom as a moral category."

Little about the history of the intelligentsia

Despite the Russian and relatively recent origin of the word "intelligentsia", its inherent features were still among philosophers Ancient greece. They were inquisitive and intellectually developed people who achieved their position by mental labor. According to Aristotle, intelligence is a way of thinking of the neo-platonist philosophers, which is ruled by the Supreme Reason. For the inhabitants of the cradle of the English education of Oxford, in the XIII century, the word "brainy" - "brainy" was used. Although the word was pronounced with contempt, as intellectuals were traditionally accused of being separated from the people, impractical, snobbery.

In Russia the educated society began to be created in the time of Peter I. Then it consisted exclusively of noble-free-thinkers, expressing views that did not coincide with the royal position. When the word intelligentsia only entered into circulation it meant a person who graduated from a gymnasium and earned a living by non-physical labor. But for several decades, this concept and its derivatives have acquired great importance, entered into all explanatory dictionaries and history textbooks.

Initially, the intelligentsia called the social stratum of educated people engaged in complex mental work or creativity. The intelligentsia was in eternal opposition from the aristocracy, which accepted the existing order as a given, regardless of its reasonableness. Perhaps, therefore, the main feature of the intellectual is opposition in relation to the official authorities.

The question of the Russian intelligentsia is still classified as ambiguous and confusing. Before the revolution it was a class that existed, a phenomenon of Russian educated society. But during the years of Soviet rule the concept of intelligence was greatly leveled. The word "intellectual"it became almost abusive, a contempt was added to it"rotten". But Today the word "intelligentsia"increasingly used with the word"freedom". And the themes of the role of the intelligentsia in revolutions, coups, the formation of modern society are caused by heated debates of political scientists, sociologists, journalists, politicians, and religious leaders.

Ethical and human standards of the intelligentsia does not exist. As well as one opinion on its role in history. The works of FN Dostoevsky, B. Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova, Pavel Lungin, the works of Academician A. Sakharov, and the political philosopher N. Berdyaev will help to clarify the image of the Russian intelligentsia from its inception to the present day.

How to become an intellectual in the first generation

The debate about what kind of person can be called intelligent, has been going on for several centuries and continues today. They say that without genetics of intelligence transmitted by heredity does not happen. But there is another proposition: to be intelligent is the social duty of every person. Mental and intellectual forces develop in the same way as physical ones. And training is possible in any conditions.

What can be done right now and for free

If education takes time and money, there are plenty of ways to improve the level of culture right now. And this is the minimum level of income.

Totally free:

  1. Do not litter in the stairwell, on the street, in the park, in the forest.
  2. Do not steal light bulbs, do not break the railing, do not hit the walls in the entrance.
  3. Throw trash in bins and do not overturn them.
  4. Remove trash on his and on the general balcony, in the garage, in the country.
  5. Clean up after your dogs.
  6. Driving pedestrians to pass.
  7. Do not cross the street in the dark, at a red light or in the wrong place.
  8. Eat right (do not eat a lot of bread and sweet).
  9. Smile, say hello, hold the door in front of the person behind you.
  10. Argue with respect to the interlocutor.

You can refer yourself to the intelligentsia or not. You can not even think about the classification. After all, friendliness, politeness, sincerity, keen mercy, the ability to empathize make a person not only intelligent, but also beautiful.

How to develop intelligence to become an intellectual

There is a popular joke: "To become an intellectual you first need to learn how to write this word correctly, and then get a couple of higher education." Of course, a diploma in higher education alone will not provide a person with intelligence. But the mind, the intellect, the education is quite another. It is acquired by self-development in hard work over oneself.

Today you can find a lot of books with tips on how to train your brain and become smarter. We have collected tips from the best self-development trainers:

Learn a foreign language

Any language is a complex system consisting of small phoneme bricks. When the brain begins to learn the rules of adding "bricks" into syllables, words, sentences, it activates and creates new neural connections. If training takes place regularly, the brain tries to improve the process by associating more hormones of pleasure with it.

So learning a foreign language is an excellent simulator for thinking and flexibility of the brain. And yet - a challenge to yourself and training willpower.


It is scientifically proven that physical activity affects the performance of the brain. Playing sports in old age not only improves memory, but helps push senile dementia aside. There are similar studies for children and young people. Children with developed muscles perform memory tests better than their inactive peers. And the difference in the biological age of the brain of physically active and inactive people reaches ten years.

So we can confidently say: playing sports three times a week is directly related to career growth and salary.

Learn music

Music is a completely different type of brain work. Studies on the benefits of music have been published and refuted more than once. But in the modern scientific literature there are published proven facts: music lessons at an early age activate the brain and push senile dementia away. For those who are engaged in music, the quality of the neural network improves, the plasticity of the brain and the ability to learn languages ​​increase.

So playing a musical instrument is comparable to intense training of the neural network of the brain.

Solve puzzles

The new term neuroplasticity means: the more intensely you load the brain, the more susceptible to learning it becomes. But for the development of logical thinking computer games will not work. But help puzzles, puzzles, strategy games, puzzles or good old Rubik's cube. Another option is to answer non-standard questions or take part in the game "What? Where? When?".

So logically, games “revive” the brain, rejuvenate memory, develop thinking, and perseverance.

Practice prayer or meditation.

Scientifically proven: concentrated prayer helps unload the brain from psychological problems and changes it at a physiological level. But the effect is achieved only with daily practice. When a prayer or meditation becomes a habit, positive things happen in the brain: the bonds responsible for anxiety weaken, strong bonds are formed that are responsible for empathy, intuition.

So prayer or meditation improves cognitive abilities, expands the amount of working memory and makes a person happier.

Go for a healthy lifestyle

Lack of sleep, harmful foods, lack of water are detrimental to the brain. Because of the inhibition of neural processes, stress increases, memory deteriorates, and problems with vision and speed of reaction begin. A sufficient amount of water, high-quality green tea, products for stimulating brain activity, an afternoon siesta and a full sleep of at least 6-7 hours will help bring intelligence to a new level.

So proper nutrition, a variety of rest and self-care are additional components of intellectual growth.

Train memory

It is possible to develop memory in the same way as other abilities. The science of mnemonics helps to master the skills of memorization. And you do not need to know all the subtleties of the brain. There are ready-to-use tools that have been worked out over the years and by many people. The method of associations, chains of images, magic numbers and other techniques work after the first practice of application. The right attitude will help to program the brain to work and the result.

So, encoding, storing and “removing” information from different parts of the brain strengthens neural connections and trains sensory, short-term and long-term memory.

All these methods are useful not only in terms of intelligence, but also in terms of common sense. So instead of watching the next series, it’s better to go in for sports, download smart games to your smartphone and learn English finally.


  • The intellectual can be distinguished in three categories: education, profession, outlook and interest in social and political issues.
  • One of the main features of the Russian intelligentsia is a sick conscience.
  • A special distinguishing feature of the intelligentsia is the hereditary possession of "special knowledge." But nothing prevents you from starting your intellectual dynasty.

Watch the video: The Betrayal by the Black Elite (January 2025).