Love and relationship

How to forget a loved one: advice from a psychologist and practical recommendations

Relationships can last long. But it also happens that one of the partners leaves. The one who is left passes a long period of experiences, sadness, hopes, or maybe he will come back.

Immediately impossible to forget. The longer you have been together, the longer the separation period is experienced. Some people have a couple of months to recover. Another will need a year or two.

People who have been attached too much and can not let go, remember for many years, not giving themselves the opportunity to start a new, happier relationship. Psychologist tips will help, how to forget a loved one and start living again.

What are the stages to go through?

How long does it take to forget a loved one?

Psychologists, conducting research relationships, have identified several stagesthat most people go through:

  1. Negation. The stage is close to shock. The man is not fully aware of what happened. It seems that everything is not true, the partner just temporarily left, and is about to return. Feelings are frozen, there is no understanding that the partner will no longer be around.
  2. Anger, expression of feelings. At this stage, there are emotions: resentment, anger, hatred. Anger can manifest itself on the outside world or accumulate inside. It can be projected on other people: relatives, friends. There may be auto-aggression, guilt.
  3. Bargain. There are thoughts that everything could be different, about the opportunity to rectify the situation, to return the partner. Often at this stage calls begin in an attempt to explain, to change the situation. There is a feeling that all is not lost, hope that everything will be fine again. At the third stage, the person is in a state of fear of what is going on and the inability to live as before.
  4. Depression. Difficult stage. There is a breakdown, despair, sadness, I don't want to do anything, work. In severe cases, thoughts of suicide may occur.

    The psyche no longer denies what is happening, but is still not able to adapt to new conditions, there is no understanding how to live on.

  5. Adoption. Pain and sadness are released, there is a sense of existence. The past has not yet been forgotten, but it is no longer perceived so painfully. Conclusions are made, the person learns to live independently.

Unrequited unhappy love! Relationship psychology:

Practical recommendations to the weaker sex

Girls are painfully perceived if a loved one suddenly decided to break off a relationship, or it happened because someone of the partners changed.

Fear, sadness, despair, tears, attempts to return - the most frequent manifestations of parting on the part of the girl. Survive the situation can be more painless.

How to forget a beloved man?

Parting with a man you love madly is equated with death. You want to be near him, but he will no longer be with you. What to do in this case:

  1. To try really look at the situation.
  2. To understand that every person is free. A man has the right to choose with whom to live. True love is the ability to let go, no matter how sad it is.
  3. Relationship must end. This is an important phase. Unfinished relationships cause difficulties at the beginning of new ones. To end is to let go, first of all within yourself.
  4. Give thanks over the years, for the great time around. The man gave you a lot, taught, gave his warmth. Now he has decided to leave. Gratitude clears, frees.

The first rule is not to rush into new relationships right away without working on the problems of the old ones.

Let go of the man who doesn't love you

In this case, it may even be easier. Why do you live with a man who does not love you?

Yes, he can be attentive, caring, but he also wants to be happy.

Trying to keep one who does not love you is a selfish decision.

Usually from this nothing good happens. A man can temporarily keep the children, but sooner or later the decision to leave will come anyway. So give both him and you the opportunity to build new, more harmonious relationships.

Don't think about the guy you broke up with

First love is very rare for life. Of course, every girl thinks - that's the only one. But the period comes, and couple breaks up. How to quickly forget the former?

In youth, the search is the natural state of the individual. So much more to come. Yes, parting with a guy, especially if he is the first, is tragic and sad. What to do:

  1. Occupy yourself something Free time should be a minimum.
  2. Useful for defusing emotions exercise stress: dancing, cycling, skiing, running, jumping on a trampoline, horseback riding.
  3. To find hobby. An interesting hobby will add positive emotions to life.
  4. To try calm down and not do rash actions: hysterics, revenge, attempts to return will only lead to the opposite result.

Remember: everything takes time, emotions do not subside in one second, but every day it becomes easier.

How to throw a lover and love your husband again?

Why did you go on treason? It was moment of weakness, revenge on her husbandan attempt to diversify your life?

To part with a lover is not easy, because you are used to meeting with this person, for you it becomes part of life.

What to do to quickly forget it:

  1. Interrupt contacts right away Long separation, meeting again and again will lead to a tightening of relations and even greater habit.
  2. Understand that visiting a lover, you thereby deprive parts of your husband's attention.
  3. Spouse probably feels happeningand this can cause a divorce from him.

Can I love my husband again? The feeling does not arise only because you want it. However, you can pay more attention to your spouse.

Look at it from the other side, find its positive qualities. Time together has made you close people, remember what united you.

One of the ways to return the old feeling is joint walks, trips. Try to make life more comfortable.

Is it possible to forget a married man if he pulls heavily?

The problem of a mistress or a girl who fell in love with a married man is quite complicated. Want the man to be yours, leave the family. But this happens only in a small percentage of cases. Most often either have to leave, or the relationship lasts for many years.

  1. Understand that in connection with the married almost no prospects. You can be your mistress for years, depend on this man, but never build your happier life without becoming a wife.
  2. Remember the proverb: "On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built".
  3. As in other options, relationship is better to tear immediatelyby changing the phone number, possibly moving. Do not give him a way to get you back again, you’ll get a vicious circle.
  4. Connect with other peopleexpand the circle of dating. This does not mean that we must immediately begin a new relationship. No, you must move away from the old ones, letting them go completely.

Ways to get rid of unrequited feelings for the boy

Unrequited love can be as strong as mutual love.

Teenagers have a non-reciprocal feeling more often.

Here hormones, the need for romance make themselves felt, watched movies and books read out.

To forget the boy, you have to switch to something else. This may be a real object that gives you signs of attention. It is likely that with him will develop a real relationship. It is useful to do yourself a study, hobby, sports.

The brain must be distracted, so as not to think constantly about feelings. Do not run after the object of love, certainly want to meet. On the contrary, the less often you pay attention to it, the faster love will pass.

How to forget your favorite guy after breaking up? Useful recommendations:

Tips half strong

Male sex is also worried about parting. Although most men it is easier than womenit is still hard. In some moments, you may want to return the lady.

I want to forget the girl who left

Difficult period will have to endure. You will go through 5 stages of parting, and after that it will become easier. Bad option - fill in the sadness with alcohol, commit dangerous acts. Such actions only exacerbate the condition.

No matter how painful it is, one will have to let go of the person. The girl chose her way. Imagine if for many years a person will live with you who does not love you and who does not need you.

He will feel unhappy, and you will feel guilty. We can not and do not have the right to keep a person just because we love ourselves. Thank you for your time together.and let the girl be happy.

Is it possible to stop loving the wife you divorced from?

The tips above will help in this case.

Of course, the wife - it's more than just a girl.

Many memories are connected with it, joint actions, probably, children. It is completely impossible to forget it, because a person has become a part of your life.

The first thing that is needed is accept the situation as a given, the inevitable. Be sure to be the last conversation, where you thank each other and release.

Unfinished relationships make it difficult to build new ones, and they need to be completed first of all within themselves. If you have children, pay attention to them.

How to get rid of a very strong feeling?

Love goes through stages. In some periods, it can grow into a passion, and losing the object of adoration at this time is most painful. Start thinking about yourself, your development, work, study.

Be sure to find a distraction. The best of all intellectual activity or associated with active physical activity.

Express your feelings help letter. At the end of it, be sure to write that you let go and give her and yourself the opportunity to start a new life. Strong love passes with time.

Try to reduce meetings with the girl to a minimum, and it is better to exclude them, because each meeting again wakes up feelings.

How to forget a girl? How to get rid of love? Find out from the video:

Ways to start living

How to forget the woman you love and start living? So:

  1. Examine the stage of separation. Most people pass through them, they are universal for the human psyche.
  2. Take a break.
  3. Thank and let go.
  4. Allow yourself to meet other women.
  5. To understand that a person is free in his choice, and if they do not love you, you cannot influence this.
  6. Do not press on pity, do not try to return, if the decision on her part is final.

Leave a mistress and return to the family

Relationship with his mistress often become bright, interesting, and family life seems boring. Many men decide on adventures.especially in the middle age period.

It is not easy to forget forever the passion that the mistress presented. Here it is necessary to solve - what is more important to you - wife, family, children or another woman.

The spouse feels the change in the mood of her husband, and sooner or later it will lead to a break. Do you want this? If you want to save your family, you will have to end the relationship with your mistress.

But how:

  1. Explain your position to her, say that you do not want to lose your wife.
  2. Ask for forgiveness, because this woman is also experiencing a break.
  3. Give thanks.
  4. Break off relationships immediately, if you do it gradually, they will not end.
  5. Start paying more attention to your wife - if you stayed with her, then she is a worthy woman. Surround her with care, take a trip together, remember the best moments together.

Understand that the longer your relationship, the stronger you and the mistress become attached to each other. BUT suffer from this three sides.

Husband went to another and returned. How to forget a mistress:

A special case is virtual love.

Besides the usual relationships that most people go through, there are not quite standard. How to forget virtual love?

With the advent of the Internet, social networks, more and more people fall in love with virtual characters whom they have never even met.

Sometimes this leads to dangerous consequences: runaways from home, the emergence of love dependence, depression, falling into the hands of fraudsters.

Both teenagers and adults can fall in love virtually, but the former are more unstable and trusting due to the peculiarities of the nervous system. What to do in this case?

  1. Understand that the person who communicates with you over the network the reality is most likely completely different.
  2. You created yourself perfect imageby endowing a virtual person with desirable qualities for you, however, quite often, when meeting in reality, illusions are scattered.
  3. Most likely, the person communicates with you, to dispel your boredom, raise your own self-esteem at the expense of you.
  4. Break all contacts. Communicating at a distance, in words, a person clings to you again and again, and you cannot forget it. Remove temporarily from social networks, go to real life, look at the world outside the window - it is - interesting and real.

How to forget a loved one forever? Psychologist tips:


Meditation is an ancient way to bring the internal state of the body and psyche into harmony, stabilize the nervous system.

  1. Sit back or lie down on a flat surface. If it's cool, cover yourself with a blanket while meditating. should be comfortable.
  2. Breathe smoothly and calmly. Feel your right hand relaxing, starting with the hand. Then left. Now alternately relax the right, left legs, starting from the feet and directing the relaxation upwards. Now relax your belly, chest and finally your head.
  3. Take a slow breath, delay, slow exhale, delay. Breathe until the body is completely relaxed.
  4. Imagineyou on a green meadow. Around you is quiet nature, the birds sing. Around you calm. Look at the sky - it is clean and cool. Heaven doesn’t care what happens around.
  5. You find yourself on the shores of the warm sea. Waves quietly roll on you. They wash your feet, your body. Water takes away bad memories, it clears, frees you from feelings. Only gratitude and tranquility remain. Go ashore. Now you ready to start a new, happy life.

The best way to let go is thanks. The ability to thank - life, events, people - gives us not only peace, but brings us closer to harmony and happiness.

Remember that feelings are impermanent, they will pass. Allow yourself to let go of your loved one wish him happiness and start building your life.

Meditation - freeing oneself from old relationships:

Watch the video: How To Stop Thinking About Someone Forget Someone You Love (April 2024).