Family and Children

Features of the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

Many modern parents are faced with the need to give the child to kindergarten.

However, this new period is far from being for all children. proceeds painlessly.

The task of parents (as well as educators or even psychologists) is to make the baby’s adaptation to new conditions for him as quickly as possible and painlessly for fragile psyche.

This is very important, because for several years he will spend most of his active time in preschool.

And with proper preparation, the kindergarten will become a second home for the crumbs, teach him independence, the ability to communicate. And this, of course, useful to him in adulthood.

Habituation features

Adaptation - the process of adapting a person to new conditions of life for him.

These changes have a definite effect on the psychological and emotional state.

At the same time, the psyche of a young child is more vulnerableTherefore, a change in the external environment, in particular, when visiting a kindergarten, is very stressful for him.

As a result of such stress, the body over-exerts, spends a large amount of energy. However, not all children find it difficult to survive this period. Factors such as:

  1. Over-attachment to parents. At the same time, the crumbier experiences even a short-term separation from them.

    He will have to get used to other people's adults (tutor, nanny), learn to fulfill their requirements.

  2. The lack of a clear daily regimen. The preschool institution establishes certain rules, it is necessary to follow the established schedule, and if the child is not used to it, it will be harder for him to get used to it.
  3. Need to interact with other children. Uncommunicative children (as well as hyperactive) may experience certain difficulties when communicating with their peers.
  4. Need to get used to independenceAfter all, in the kindergarten group, the attention of the educator is divided among all the children.

Habitual life of the baby, who began to attend kindergarten, completely changing.

This is completely natural, and most often it is gradually being mastered, getting used to new conditions for it.

However, if problems arise, it is necessary to help him survive the period of adaptation.

The degree of adaptation of the child in preschool

There are the following degrees of adaptation to the conditions of preschool institutions:

  1. Disadaptation (acute phase). This stage is characterized by a significant change in behavior, increased capriciousness, irritability.

    Perhaps a temporary decrease in immunity, which leads to frequent diseases. Also disrupted appetite and sleep crumbs. He refuses to go to the garden.

  2. Adaptation period characterized by a gradual addiction to new circumstances, the normalization of behavior. Some children get used quickly, others need a longer period.
  3. Compensatory degree. The pupil feels confident in the new team, communicates well with his peers, makes friendly relations. Behavior calm, moodiness, irritability disappear.

For each period of adaptation takes place in different ways. Easy adaptation in question:

  • when he enters the group, he easily lets his parents go, does not cry and is not capricious;
  • can feel free to ask the teacher or the nurse, it is understandable to voice your request;
  • easily interacts with other children, often the first to seek communication;
  • can play on their own for a long time;
  • adheres to established pre-school policies and requirements;
  • adequately responds to the observations of the educator;
  • gladly tells parents about their time in kindergarten.

In some cases, certain problems may arise when entering kindergarten. Then we are talking about medium degree of adaptation.

These deviations include:

  • unwillingness to remain in a group without parents. In this case, the crumb is easily distracted and forgets about the problem;
  • he normally communicates with peers, but sometimes can create conflict situations;
  • the crumb obeys the regime of the day and the requirements of adults, responds adequately to the comments, but can sometimes express its displeasure.

Severe characteristics

Some have an adaptation process. more problematicit takes more time to get used to new conditions.

Heavy adaptation is characterized by such features as:

  1. Sleep disturbance. The baby often wakes up at night, cries, refuses to fall asleep without parents.
  2. Lack of appetite. He not only does not want to try dishes unfamiliar to him, but also refuses those that he liked before.
  3. Temporary loss of skills. If the baby knows how to use the pot, owns the cutlery, can dress, clean up after itself toys, at first time after meeting the kindergarten, these skills may disappear. After adaptation, the skills come back again.
  4. Apathy. The child is not interested in toys, does not aspire to cognitive activity, does not pay attention to the lessons he loved before.
  5. Behavior change. During the adaptation period, calm children may show aggression, irritability, active, on the contrary, become more sluggish, indifferent.
  6. Decreased body defenses. In the period of habituation, the body is most susceptible to various infectious diseases.

    The baby is under stress, which is a common cause of reduced immunity.

How to help your baby adapt?

Parents of crumbs must comply with the following regulations:

  1. To avoid talk about problems that may arise in a preschool institution. Do not respond in a negative way about kindergarten, caregivers, other children.
  2. Send a child to the garden only when he completely healthy and feels good.
  3. It is not recommended to give the child in pre-school in 3 years. During this period, many children develop a crisis of behavior, and a dramatic change in conditions will only be an additional stress.
  4. In advance to teach the crumbs to comply with the established daily routine.
  5. Pre-introduce future pupil with a teacher, other children in the group, if possible.

    Tell about the positive moments of visiting the kindergarten (the opportunity to play with new toys, make friends, become more adult and independent).

  6. Teach essential essential self-care skills.
  7. Do not show your anxiety.
  8. At first, the crumbs need to pick up from the garden early.
  9. The most important thing is important tell little about their love, that forced separation does not affect your mutual feelings at all.

Psychologist tips

Often the process of adaptation is painless, baby gradually he gets used to kindergarten.

However, in some cases, without the help of a specialist can not do.

It is important for parents to keep everything recommendations of the psychologist. In this case, the baby will quickly master the new conditions for him.

If the kid refuses to go to kindergarten

Sometimes the baby does not want to go to the kindergarten, cries, shows aggression towards parents, not willing to let go of them. How to persuade or convince a child to go to kindergarten?

Parents, first of all, need to identify the cause of this behavior, especially if the kid used to go to the garden with pleasure (he was attracted by new toys, pictures, games with other children).

Perhaps the crumb just feels bad, he had a terrible dream, and he was scared? Each child is faced with such circumstances. quite naturaland after a while the problem is solved by itself.

Often scares the kid parting with mom or dad. Then it is necessary to discuss the problem with the teacher, ask for more time if the child can spend more time. In addition, it is good if the parents come for the child at the same time. This will give the crumbs confidence.

If unwillingness to attend kindergarten lead peer conflicts, it is necessary to settle this problem with the caregiver or the parents of other children (for example, if the peasant is offended by his peers).

Stress after visiting the group

Changing the usual conditions associated with attending kindergarten - stress for any, even the most calm person.

What should parents do in this situation?

Psychologists advise, above all, talk to your children, talk about the positive moments of visiting the kindergarten (for example, you can tell the kid that he has become more adult, because now he “goes to work” like a mom or dad).

In the evening, you need to be interested in how the day of the kid went to the kindergarten, what he did, made friends with other children.

In order to maximally protect the baby from stress, you should prepare it for the kindergarten in advance. To do this, parents must establish a daily routine for the crumbs and make sure that the baby strictly complies with it.

In addition, it is important to give him simple tasks, in accordance with his age. This will allow the baby feel more independent. And of course, it is necessary to instill the self-care skills necessary for his age.

What to do with aggression?

When adapting behavior may change for the worse.

The baby appears aggression, even if earlier he was calm and obedient.

It is peculiar defensive reaction organism on the changed conditions.

However, it is impossible to disregard this problem, because the situation can only get worse. To a peer who often fights, shows a negative, worse. Other children don't want to be friends with him, Do not invite to joint games. This provokes even more stress.

Parents need to take action. First of all, the baby must be taught to discipline. Observe the regime of the day baby should not only in kindergarten, but at home.

It is necessary to explain to the child that punishment will necessarily follow every offense. Moreover, the punishment must be in proportion to the perfect offense.

You need to tell how good it is to have friends, explain that it is necessary to share toys with other children, and, of course, warn about the inadmissibility of fights and conflicts.

If the baby has the makings of a leader, it can also cause aggressive behavior. And then it is necessary to tell that any problem is best solved in words, and not by force. Moreover, parents should constantly prove it by example.

It is important to reconsider and their behavior. Families that are characterized by scandals between parents, often grow up aggressive children, who consider this model of relationships the only possible one.

You can not allow the crumbs to watch cruel shows and movieswhere violence is promoted.

If the methods mentioned above remain inactive, the child must be shown to a psychologist.

Do I need medicines in this period?

Do I need to give the child medication during the adaptation period?

Medications, such as Glycine, can lead to positive results, however, they are prescribed only in especially severe cases and only by prescription.

In all other situations, the best helpers will be love, caress and attention parents to their little treasure.

Adaptation is a natural process of habituation of a person to the changed external conditions. Any violation of the usual rhythm of life, for example, entering a kindergarten, is a strong stress for the body.

Therefore, it is quite natural that he gives the appropriate reaction. Of course, the severity of this reaction depends on the nature of the baby, his education, living conditions.

Most children painlessly tolerate adaptation, while others may have problems. Often, during adaptation, a disturbance in appetite and sleep, moodiness, irritability, aggression appears. The important task of parents - to help the baby to survive this difficult period for him.

Consultation of a psychologist about the period of adaptation to kindergarten:

Watch the video: Adaptations in Animals -Kindergarten,Preschoolers,Kids (January 2025).