
How to get out of stagnation: if you don't want to do anything?

Probably, many faced with such a period in their lives, when completely I don't want to do anything. From somewhere on top, all-consuming laziness comes over, and only one desire remains: to take cover with the head with a blanket and not even move. This is stagnation, fatigue, the first calls of depression. And they definitely need to fight. Otherwise, the mental state can be aggravated so much that later it will be possible to cope only with the help of a specialist.
In order to defeat stagnation, a person must perform several simple but indispensable actions. First you need to understand that life is not always bright and full of different emotions. Sometimes you need periods of respite, rest, calm. They need to be taken for granted without losing the joy of life. But if this does not work, then you have to act more radically.
All people are waiting for a change in life, but if you just sit there and do nothing, then you will not wait for anything. Need to clearly understand. That usually silence happens before the storm, and most likely a whole whirlwind of new impressions and sensations will replace the gray days. And their arrival can be much closer.
By topic: Why there is a void in the soul?
First, you need to try to clearly present what exactly the desired future seems to be. And do not say that it is absolutely indifferent - it does not happen. A man pulls himself together and begins to dream: what do you want, what do you dream about? When a clear picture is drawn, it's time to proceed to the next stage.
Drawing, visualization of desires - this is what should be in the second period. Dreams have little idea in mind, they need to portray, draw, cut and paste, in general, to make visible. Waking up, a person will see his aspirations in front of him, and this will add energy, push him to action.
Thirdly, in no case should one allow oneself to limp. Constant work on yourself is the key to a quick return to active life. I do not want, for example, to eat - you need to force yourself, go to the kitchen and eat. There is no desire to walk - you need to get up, get together and go out. Constant struggle with yourself brings up and tempers.
Do not succumb to apathy - these are the main conditions for a quick and successful exit from stagnation. But it is also very important to have a proper attitude towards yourself and everything that happens. Everything passes, and a bright new comes to replace the departed old. This should not be forgotten under any circumstances.