Personal growth

Definition, psychology and history of leadership

To properly manage people, you need to know the essence of leadership and its laws.

This helps to eliminate mistakes and choose the most effective way to manage the team.

What it is?

Leadership - is the process of influencing a group or person.

This is a social concept forming in a group.

Lead highlighting allows you to maintain order in society, to form a hierarchy, weed out weaker individuals.

Leadership is also the ability to lead people, so that they do not just obey, but become imbued with the desired ideology.


The leader must have power in formal and informal groups. He chooses such methods of influence that allow you to successfully manage small and large social groups.

In leadership, regardless of the size of the group, there is always a social and emotional component.

Leadership is of two main types:

  • formal;
  • informal

In the first case, the team has headwhich must obey. He occupies a certain position, distributes responsibilities.

In the second case, informal leadership, influence occurs, using personal abilities, emotions, and sometimes coercion. Often in a team informal leader has a greater impact on the opinion of the group.


In ancient times, leaders are often endowed with supernormal abilities.

They possessed the gift of persuading. The generals, the leaders, the pharaohs were endowed with great intelligence, the power given by the Higher Forces.

In 1517 Machiavelli wrote tract "Sovereign". From this began a serious study of leadership and the advancement of various theories.

Fr Galton in 1869 proposed the theory according to which the traits of a leader are innate

In the first half of the 20th century began a serious study of the phenomenon of leadership. It was believed that the leader should have a set of certain traits.

These are mental, physical abilities, as well as the need for power, domination, self-confidence and other personal qualities.


Even in very difficult situations, the leader maintains composure. It is resistant to stress, effectively makes decisions. Such a person ready to take responsibility for your actions.

The main qualities of a leader:

  1. Ability to move to a goal. The leader knows what he wants, and achieves this, despite the obstacles. He does not stop there. If he decided to achieve a certain goal, then it is almost impossible to stop him and change his decision. To move forward, a person must have desires, and they are present in the leader. He has perseverance to move towards his goal.
  2. High level intelligence. The leader constantly has to solve complex problems, calculate moves, develop the most effective plans. He strives for knowledge, constantly learns something new, and not only concerning the main activity.
  3. Leader - diversified personality. In addition to work, she has other interests. Striving for self-development is a natural need of a leader.
  4. Self-confidence. There should be no doubt about moving forward. If a person is unsure of himself, he is not a leader, because other people will not go for the weak. Self-confidence is not only an internal state, but also the ability to project it outside, so that other members of society feel strong.
  5. Ability to make decisions.
  6. Ability to gather around them a group of like-minded people. A leader cannot be on his own, as this is a social phenomenon. He must manage, lead. With a good leader, you get an organized, well-coordinated team.
  7. Be ready for change. The leader must understand that circumstances may change, and then you will have to change plans, urgently make new decisions, drastically change your life, the concept of developing yourself and the team gathered around you.

The leader should also feel himself as such, to be internally prepared to manage other people.


What makes people in one person recognize the leader and ignore the other?

The society is arranged in such a way that they must be managed, otherwise a small or large social group falls apart, the organization is broken, chaos comes.

People need a leader, since most members of society are not able to independently choose their own path of development, it’s easier for them when the leader points in which direction to go.

Leadership concept

The leader regulates interpersonal relationships in a group. It appears spontaneously and may depend on the mood of the team. Leader able to influence both the individual and the social group.

Head is position. He is endowed with certain powers, appointed from above.

Often the leader and leader are different people, and the former often has a greater influence on the behavior of the group.

Head in the organization carries out the planning of activities of subordinates, controls their activities. The leader has an impact on emotions, behavior, is able to convince.

How is leadership completely different from management?

Manager only leads the process.

He sets work tasks, is personally responsible for the results of the team.

He must also to controlhow well subordinates or members of the group act.

Head often takes passive position. There are goals that are set above, they must be fulfilled.

However, he does not attempt to improve the motivation of workers, to stimulate them. The manager prefers a clear planning, taking into account the time and results to be obtained.

The leader is emotions, infection, activity and dedication on the part of the team. Leader looks to the future. He is energetic, constantly looking for change.

Not every leader is a leader, and not every leader can become a manager. The leader chooses people who share his views. The manager doesn’t care, the main thing is to perform the main task.

Leaders themselves set goals and use other people to achieve them.

Basic concepts

Leadership has been studied by many authors, therefore various concepts of this phenomenon have been put forward.

  1. Leadership Theory. Those personal qualities and features of individuals who distinguished significant people in world history were revealed. The approach is based on the fact that leaders are born; it is impossible for them to become without having certain inclinations.
  2. Leadership Concepts. In the early twentieth century began the study of the characteristics of behavior inherent in the leaders. As a consequence, a classification of leadership styles was created. These include the concept of Levin, MacGregor's research, the Likert management system, a concept based on reward and punishment.
  3. Concepts of Situational Leadership. Based on the need to use a leadership style that is most appropriate for a particular situation. Dedicated leadership leadership, supporting, participating.

Gender aspects

Women leaders are much smallerthan men. This is largely due to the traditional perception that the weaker sex is not intended to occupy leadership positions.

However, now these concepts are being revised. More and more women become managers and show their effectiveness in terms of team management.

There are different concepts regarding leadership and its connection with gender:

  1. Gender flow. In this concept, the gender factor is considered important. The theory put forward by Barbara Gutek.
  2. Gender selection. Different demands are made on different sexes; they are more inflated to women.
  3. Tokenism. Depends on the distribution in the group of representatives of different cultures. It is on this basis that the leader is chosen, who is more in the group, and a leader is put forward from those layers.
  4. The idea of ​​androgyny. By the presence of signs of high masculinity and high femininity.
  5. Freudianism. Negatively refers to the fact that a woman can be a leader and leader, considering this as a manifestation of inferiority.


A leader is always a matter of manifestation of power, the ability to influence.

The leader has to to prove their superiority. He must constantly fight for power, otherwise his place will be taken by another.

It is hard for both formal leaders and informal ones. The first are responsible for the actions of their subordinates. The second has to apply complex techniques of persuasion and retention of power.

The leader must always be collected, active, able to not show weakness. Not every person is able to take a similar position.

In organizations, there is often a problem of which leader to put in a position — dominant, soft, democratic. Depends on the right choice how well the team will work.

What is a leader?

What does a leader mean?

A leader is one who leads the way. The group recognizes his right to make responsible decisions, obeys his will, sometimes unconsciously.

First of all, it is a person who has learned control yourself, motivate for action. Such a person sets specific goals, achieves success in his career.

He moves forward regardless of other people's opinions. A leader is a strong personality with charisma.

Competent management leadership - is the ability to effectively manage a team, positively influence the development of the company.

Signs of

How to distinguish a leader from an ordinary person:

  1. He has no fear of failure, he understands that this is an experience.
  2. Able to make non-standard decisions.
  3. Owns himself in an emergency.
  4. The meaning of life is action and development.
  5. Follows your dream.
  6. Able to convince.
  7. They want to obey him.
  8. Causes an emotional response.
  9. Able to articulate their thoughts.
  10. Possesses attractiveness, regardless of the qualities of the exterior.


Functions depend on the group, which the leader directs, but highlights are:

  1. Integration of interests based on basic values.
  2. Regulates relationships within the group.
  3. Is planning.
  4. The source of rewards and punishments.
  5. Achieving the integrity of social interests.
  6. Exemption of group members from liability.
  7. Represents the interests of the group outside.
  8. Political
  9. Administrative - development, planning, monitoring activities.


In the story we can see Many examples of leaders:

  • Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain;
  • Franklin Roosevelt, politician, 32 US President;
  • Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister in the UK;
  • John D. Rockefeller, American entrepreneur, millionaire;
  • Henry Ford, inventor, founder of the Ford Motor Company.

AntiLider - definition

Even in a good team, sooner or later a person may appear whose interests are opposed to leadership. He will set up a group against the main leader, which can lead to a number of problems, including refusing to work and obey the requirements of the leader.

The anti-leader clearly shows its dissatisfaction with the formal leader, gathering around him supporters. Anti-leader in the team, having a strong position and support of the group is a big problem if the struggle becomes negative.

With the presence of healthy competition, this fact may even increase productivity.

If an anti-leader has appeared, the leader cannot show his weakness, succumb to provocations. The best way - transfer the opposition to another department or dismiss.

Thus, a leader is a person endowed with charisma, willpower and a constant desire for the chosen goal. He is active, intelligent and stands out among other people for his behavior and achievements.

Essence of leadership:

Watch the video: Ten Leadership Theories in Five Minutes (January 2025).