
How do Hellinger family arrangements work?

When thinking about a psychologist, most often people represent a couch and long conversations.

but psychotherapy session may look different: a bunch of unfamiliar people who are placed around the room, and the specialist moves between them, listens, rearranges, makes them say strange phrases.

Looks like a theater of the absurd? Yes. But how often all that is connected with the human soul is beyond a rational explanation, and it is precisely such a “theater” helps to put everything in its place.

This expression is most suitable for describing the method of system-family psychological arrangements according to Hellinger, even if it turns out to be a tautology.

What it is?

Bert hellinger - now living psychotherapist, as well as a philosopher and theologian.

In his work with a person, he departs from strictly scientific methods, which causes some criticism.

He became known for his “family constellations”.

A psychotherapy session looks like this.: the client talks about his problem, the consultant is trying to understand whether it can be solved by placement and who needs to be present for that.

These are always family members who applied, the only question is who exactly should be represented and who is significant for this problem.

Not, relatives are not collected in the same room. Moreover, significant for the arrangement may be:

  • deceased family members - grandmothers, grandfathers;
  • unborn children;
  • "Former";
  • unfamiliar people to a person, such as a father or mother, whom he has never seen;
  • non-relatives, family-related relations of good and evil (a deceived business partner of the grandfather, a dekulakous family member, influenced the teacher’s life choices), life and death (a relative’s murderer).

Participants in psychotherapy try on the roles of all these people.

So what is next only their senses matter.

They are placed around the room in accordance with these sensations and asked to tell what they are experiencing. The client also enters this system or is looking for his place in it.

Further permutations follow, so that all participants felt the harmonyresolving phrases and actions.

How does the method work?

From the perspective of science, it is difficult to explain. The Hellinger technique works on a phenomenological approach when the main things are feelings, experiences.

The basis is the process of replacement: the psychotherapist is confident that each person can become a “deputy” of the other, express his feelings. How? This is where unfounded proven knowledge begins.

Someone calls it the information field of the Earth, someone in the subtle world, someone astral. The bottom line is that all experiences are reflected, "Recorded" at some other level that cannot be measured with instruments, fixed and described - only to feel.

The “deputy” assumes this information flow, which does not disappear even with the death of the creator who created it, but is transmitted further, through the channels of the clan.

Children and grandchildren bear a load of errors and the repressed pain of parents and grandmothers, their unfulfilled life scenarios.

The alignment “inserts” the missing links, and the problem turns out to be realized and corrected.

Key Concepts

Every man has need to belong to a particular social groupfamily For this his personal conscience serves: she makes him so that the group accepts (for example, the child tries to meet the expectations of the parents so that they love him).

When a person does something that does not meet the criteria of his personal conscience, something for which he can be rejected, he feels discomfort. If his actions lead to his acceptance - happiness. These feelings - the main regulator of behavior.

But there is a collective conscience: it acts no longer at the level of the individual, but at the level of the very group, system. And it has its own laws:

  • affiliation (no member of the system can be excluded);
  • balance (you need to give as much as you take);
  • hierarchy (each subsequent member of the system is less important than the previous one).

When these laws are violated, a conflict arises.

Example: a woman became pregnant and had an abortion.

For her personal conscience, the right decision was to oust this act, forget the pain and live on.

But violated the law of ownership: the unborn baby already existed and was part of the system, and it was ousted.

The collective conscience makes her feel guilty, but this does not allow us to live in peace: she avoids relationships with men, because the situation may repeat, it may subconsciously want to die.

Moreover, it is passed on to the kin: close sister, born children can experience the same problems.

The alignment reveals where the problem originates from. Her decision is to restore the law, accept a traumatic event, survive it, and not push it out.

The deputy of the unborn child expresses how he feels, maybe he is moved to the mother so that she comes in contact with him, so he took his place.

The final psychotherapy sounds resolving phrase.

It could be something like: “I love you, baby, although I could not give birth.

You will stay with me forever, I will remember you. ” The wine disappears.

There is an even higher level of conscience - spiritual.

Where can be applied?

The alignment can be used not only in personal problems, but also in any situations where system, team.

Using this method, they solve problems in business, select personnel, etc.

Can I use alone at home?

You can try to arrange the arrangement of the house. but this is not the easiest technique, you need to take into account many factors.

In the simplest version of the arrangement, which is applicable at home, do not even need a lot of participants.

Their place is occupied Anchors, and the person alternately stands in the place of everyone, reflexes his sensations, remembers them, writes them down.

So the general picture is built. You can go to the final stage - permutationsso that each member of the system is in his place, to allow phrases and actions.

It is important that the debilitator understands how the system works and its laws, which of them is violated, and where guilt comes from. Required to study the relevant literature.

What are dangerous?

In fact, when placing a participant takes the life and fate of another person, and it is psychologically difficult.

Such an experience can negatively affect his own personality.

Supporters of theories of the thin world, the astral, etc. go further: they believe this destroy their own energy system try on someone else's role.

Especially the role of the deceased: supposedly powerful outflow of vitality, "Deputy" can feel weakness, numbness, dizziness, and so on.

As far as this is true, we do not undertake to judge. Other problem - these are resolving phrases and actions.

Sometimes the arranger insists on a resolution of the conflict, which is not entirely acceptable from a moral and ethical point of view.

For example, he may advise a couple dissolve the marriage in cases when other psychotherapists would try to save him: the alleged arrangement only indicates that it is possible to restore spiritual comfort.

Is it true that Hellinger is banned in Germany?

Like everything that cannot be reliably verified, measured and recorded, the Hellinger technique criticized.

He is accused of excessive mysticism, the replacement of scientific methods okolomagicheskie rituals.

In addition, questions arise from ethics.

The aligner can categorically state that the couple needs to refuse adoption of the child, that it is necessary to dismiss the employee. No other solutions are offered, he actually dictates its will.

In this regard, the German psychotherapists were in favor of The method needs to be modified. It all began in 2003, when the German Society of System and Family Therapists admitted in a statement that the method was theoretically useful, but it doubted its safety.

A year later, a close friend of Bert, Arist von Schlippe, in an open letter expressed his disagreement. Two months later 200 doctors signed the Potsdam Declaration about systemic arrangements, in which they called for the development of the methodology, but in a different form.

For another three years, Hellinger and his followers argued in open letters. It ended up not coming to the Cologne International Constellation Congress, but the association is no longer named after him.

However, there is no direct prohibition on constellations.

This way of psychotherapy still takes place in practice and helps in the short term to achieve the effect, but its application is faced with many moral and ethical issues. Predict development is difficult.

Interview with Bert Hellinger in this video: