Personal growth

How to pick up questions for conversation and communication?

One of the most important human resources is information. To get it in the required amount, it is desirable to learn how to choose the right questions for the conversation. How to do it better? How to prepare questions for communication? Is it possible to conduct a dialogue according to a pre-planned algorithm? What you can ask the interlocutor, and which topics are better not to raise? Is it correct to ask tricky questions? Is it possible to ask so that a person cannot avoid answering? We will understand this important topic.

What kinds of questions are there?

Before you learn to ask questions, you need to understand what they are. There are about six classifications of questions for conversation.

By structure they are divided into simple and complex, which consist of several questions. The simple question is "How old are you?" Complicated - "Who among you saw the director, and in what mood?"

By severity questions for communication can be explicit or hidden. Explicit is set "in the forehead." In the case of a hidden or veiled question, we do not directly wait for an answer from the interlocutor, but we encourage him to think. He starts asking himself questions. For example, "an increasing number of readers give high marks to articles on WikiGrowth, perhaps this is due to the improvement in the quality of publications." Thoughts immediately come to mind "probably there are a lot of interesting things here?", "Does it turn out that the articles were worse before?", "And shouldn't you read some publications?" etc.

In relation to the goal questions for conversation are divided into nodal and suggestive. The first option takes place if a person seeks to obtain the necessary information. The leading question is asked when someone is certain that he knows the truth and wants the source to come to the necessary conclusion. This type of questions is used in coaching, when a client has to solve problems, actualizing his own experience and knowledge.

By request method There may be complementary and clarifying questions for communication. Completing begin with the words "What?", "Who?", "Where?", "Why?" or "When?" Clarify the presence of such a part of speech, as "li". For example, "Do you invest money in real estate?", "Are there any better examples?", "Are there many more interesting articles on WikiGrowth?"

According to the complexity of the answer There are closed and open questions. Closed ones assume only a simple answer, like "yes" or "no." An open question for communication is asked to get additional information. It is impossible to answer with consent or denial. An example would be such a phrase - "why did you decide to become a coach?" Just nod your head will not work. You must open your mouth and begin to pour out the soul. By the way, open-ended questions are popular in coaching. Thanks to them, you can get the necessary data for the job, understand the reasons for the client’s actions, goals and plans.

By correctness allocate correct and incorrect questions. The first is set in search of truth. The second is false. But not everything is so simple. If the person asking himself does not control the situation and makes an erroneous assumption, this is one thing. If the task is to confuse the interlocutor - is completely different. In this case, the questions are called provocative. They were widely used by ancient sages, sophists, who by their eloquence could prove completely meaningless things, if this was required by the situation.

Do not confuse provocative questions with tricky, which can also be inconvenient to the interlocutor. Tricky questions are questions that contain hidden unexpected difficulty for the respondent. They can also be false, but they are also absolutely true. Most often used in politics, journalism, as well as in philosophical debates.

How to ask questions for communication?

Having dealt with the classification of questions, we proceed to their practical application. First of all, it is necessary to understand that any issue exists, but this or that situation just does not suit every option. Everything should be on time and appropriate. Secondly, it is desirable to understand the purpose of communication. Why ask questions? To understand something yourself or to help your interlocutor. This option is actively used in coaching, in which questions about life are practiced aimed at enlightening the client. Thirdly, much depends on the mood of the person with whom the communication takes place. Knowledge of all types of questions, in most cases, makes it possible to transfer the conversation to where it is needed.

General principle - positive tone of dialogue. It is better to begin communication with simple questions that a person will answer in the affirmative. When he several times agrees with the interlocutor, it will help him to open up for dialogue and to tune in to the interaction. Then you can go to the open complex issues that require a detailed answer. They will help to adjust the algorithm of communication and get the necessary information about the interlocutor. Especially important if it is a matter of customer life. After all, without understanding the inner world of a person, it makes no sense to direct him in any direction.

But do not think that coaching relies purely on the positive and good nature. One of its main methods is the "magic kick", knocking the client out of the "comfort zone", forcing him to take a fresh look at his life. In this case, provocative and tricky questions that will "stir up" the convolutions of the interlocutor, can show him the whole failure of the usual concept of the world.

The main thing is not to overdo it in the "pressure"so that a person does not break down and is not morally depleted. Therefore, such questions are relevant, but until a certain point. It is best to combine approaches when minor relaxation is followed by the activation of moral and intellectual reserves. The client should be in good shape, but with periods of rest and recovery.

Questions for conversation - the topic is extensive, but not the most difficult. Having mastered their classification and sorting out the functions, it is quite simple to find questions for communication. The main thing is to feel the rhythm of the dialogue, set the tone and the right direction. Assistant can be a variety of techniques, including tricky questions. Their use is dictated by the purpose of communication, from which the necessary "arsenal" of methods is already being formed.

Watch the video: 4 Great Conversation Starters. Small Talk Tips and Tricks (May 2024).