
How to help others gain clarity?

Spend just five minutes of your time on one simple exercise right now. It can produce the strongest effect. Enough of these five minutes to life has changed, to realize what he did not realize and did not know before. This is directly related to understanding where you want to go, where to be, and how to achieve this.

Exercise consists of only four steps. You will need a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.

Step one. Recall the three difficult situations that you successfully coped with and write them down.

For example, they wanted to expel you from the institute, and you had to solve many problems at once in a very limited time.

You must write these three difficult situations in one minute.

Step two.Recall three difficult situations that you coped with less successfully and write them down.

Step three.Look at all these situations and ask yourself the question: “Did I clearly know what I wanted, or did I focus on what I didn’t want? Was my wish positively worded? Did I control it?”

Step Four.Rate each situation on a scale from 1 to 10 in terms of how clearly you knew what you wanted. Where 1 means that you have no idea what you want, and 10 means that you absolutely knew what results you need.

Most often in the first situations, people put the numbers 8.9.10, and secondly - 3.2.1, sometimes 4.5.6. Most likely, you did the same thing. The fact is that when we know exactly what we want, we are much more successful in what we do.

Now that we have done this exercise, we can use another tool. This is a coaching tool that is applicable in absolutely any field of activity, in any business and even a hobby. This tool is called "Output Format". The whole task of this tool is to help a person understand what he really wants. This is essentially one of the first questions that are asked to a subordinate or employee: "What do you want?"

For example, if you manage a large company that participates in exhibitions, and an employee comes to you and says that you need to prepare for an exhibition, prepare an exhibition stand, then you can tell him everything from A to Z, how and what to do, or you can uncover the inner genius of your employee and ask him what he wants and how he imagines the result of this exhibition. He will say that he wants everyone to notice the booth when they come to the exhibition, and he wants the company to become at least 5% of those who have visited this pavilion. That is, a person already understands what he aspires to.
The second question will be: "How can you achieve this?" The answer must clearly comply with the criteria of “Smart”. Everything must be measurable, achievable and must be able to be executed on time. At this stage, the person gives quite specific solutions. In the case of the exhibition, it will be decisions about how to arrange everything, what place you need to take, what you need to put yourself. You can help him make decisions by asking openly questions: "How else? What else can be improved? What can I add?"

The third question: "What can stop you?" When we set a goal for ourselves, when we are planning something, it is very important to foresee something that may prevent us from achieving the goal, including sabotage.

The fourth question: "How do you understand that you have achieved this?" It directly intersects with the first. If you go back to the example of the exhibition, the employee will answer: "I understand that I have achieved my goal when the booth is surrounded by people and it will be difficult for other people to approach it."

The important thing is that when we motivate people, they may have fears, so the next question is about how to overcome fears.

Watch the video: How to Find Clarity: A Simple Drawing to Get Unstuck and Get What You Want (December 2024).