
Daily life as the main obstacle to success

Many of us very often understand that we need to change something in our life for the better, to come up with some kind of strategy for spending your time, which would bring us more interest in life and money. We are tormented by the monotony of our everyday life and the monotony of weekends, we are not satisfied with our level of income, and, in general, everything has long been tired.

What is daily life?

It is not difficult to imagine the everyday life of an ordinary person, with small joys and problems with which he surrounded himself. He, like everyone, goes to work, perhaps already has a family, friends and a certain list of entertainment. Most often, these entertainments consist in watching TV and drinking a few glasses of beer. His money is enough to pay for housing, eat, somehow to dress and occasionally endow with the participation of people close to him. He believes that this is correct, because his parents, friends and acquaintances live in the same way. He is like everyone else! And so day after day, week after week, year after year ...

And then, one day, an insight comes in the form of one simple question: "What's next?" It would seem that the thoughts that have been asking for years in his head finally come to mind and begin to bring tormenting inner torments. He thought about the fact that you can try to change jobs for more paid ones, or remembered that he knows a lot about cars and can have some kind of income from it. He got on the Internet and read several books about successful people and how to achieve their goals. He was charged with incomprehensible energy and inspiration for something that he could not yet understand. It does not leave the thought that something needs to be done, to undertake in order that it was more interesting and better to live in every sense of the word, to start a new life.

But a few days passed and he remembered: "But I already have a job. I earn on it as much as I can. We have enough! And, in general, why do we need all these changes, after all, everything is quite good enough." And here is also the best friend, who is a “great” expert in the field of success, confirmed his doubts with another glass of beer. Then a few days passed again, and thoughts come again: "Or maybe look for something else? What if it happens?" And again on the Internet. And a few more books about successful people. And this cycle of self-conviction can continue as long as the habitual does not overpower the imaginary. This happens in most cases. What is the problem? How to move the balance to the opposite side? How to make yourself move forward?

Daily routine is your comfort zone.

We get used to what we have and starts to arrange it. This is an indisputable fact, on which many works have been written. It is good if you are accustomed to the abundance and life-filled life. Much worse if you are a member of the above written history. In this case, the concept of comfort is very distorted, it is, if you will, built on the person’s self-conviction that it is right, that it should be so. In order to start looking for an idea, set goals and act, it is necessary to greatly understate the state of your affairs today. It is necessary to imagine, and often simply to understand, that there is no further, that it is no longer possible, that both me and my loved ones deserve much more.

Overcome everyday or that I can leave behind a decent?

And, in general, who am I now in the eyes of other people? Just a good guy or a charming girl? But in fact this is very little. Change your inner convictions, re-evaluate the values ​​in your head; firmly understand that there is a better life, that you just need to go to meet it. The process of movement is inseparably and necessarily associated with a large number of positive moments, in contrast to the process of standing in place. And, as you know, like attracts like. Clear your head from everyday life, from old stereotypes by frequent reading of books about personal growth, self-development, business. Make successful and positive acquaintances and spend more time with them, because the environment is a big component part of your standard of living. If you lived only among wealthy people, then you yourself would certainly have succeeded.

We all got equal shares of opportunity from birth, but some of them are buried with our own hands. Think about yourself, about your potential and you will have the most interesting and hardest work in this world, this is work on yourself. But at the end of it, you will be ready to make decisions and move only forward! Remember that the main question is not “What to do and what to do?”, But about who you need to become in order to do something and do something!

Watch the video: The boost students need to overcome obstacles. Anindya Kundu (October 2024).