Love and relationship

How to invite a girl to meet: tips and psychologist comment

Sometimes relationships develop by themselves: joint pastime, pleasure from long walks, first kiss ... But more often building relationships requires the first step from a man, and before inviting a girl to meet, some develop a whole strategy.

Do not be afraid of failure

From this point you need to start. It is necessary to admit the thought that the girl does not necessarily have to agree. Oddly enough, but this should give the man confidence - the refusal should not be taken as a personal insult.

Firstly, this does not mean that something is wrong with you, secondly, a reasonable refusal may be an incentive to work on yourself. Thirdly, this is not the only girl in your life.

When to offer a girl to meet

Much depends on how much you know. If not enough time has passed, the girl can refuse only because she does not know you well enough. In fact, this is only a way of saying that you cannot count on anything more than friendship. Therefore, no need to hurry, use time to show your sweetheart that you can make a good pair.

Good mood - the key to success. If a girl is upset about something, is in trouble, then the best thing you can do is to help deal with all the difficulties, and then talk about relationships.

Preparatory stage

Well, if before you propose to meet, you are at least a little sure of mutual sympathy. Try “feel the ground”. How does she communicate with you? Does he distinguish from other friends? For your part, you can emphasize that you get along well, and you always have something to do together (this should be taken care of in advance).

Be confident. If you want to talk about your feelings, then think about what you will say at the meeting. Although it is better to do without unnecessary words. The main thing is to have a suitable attitude - both for you and for her, then a couple of phrases will be enough.

Consider temperament

With this difficult, if the character of a girl does not look like yours. To find out how your sweetheart represents an ideal relationship, try to persuade her friend (it’s better not the closest one, otherwise it will not remain a secret) or discuss the plot of a movie with a girl (like a friend). Based on the information received, create your plan for the perfect offer.


The classic option is a cafe or restaurant, flowers, a walk. This creates a special attitude and, in general, is a win-win option. Such moments should be at all, but, you see, it is quite boring. Although ideal for modest romantic natures.

All girls love flowers. Send her a beautiful bouquet with a confession, and it’s good if you are at this moment nearby and can ring the doorbell a minute later.

A standard walk can be turned into a small adventure - go to another city, go to places where you have not been. The success of any date lies in the emotions that remain after it - make the girl always enthusiastically tell about the time spent with you. Try to surprise her at every meeting, then she simply cannot refuse you.

If she has a boyfriend

Should I offer a girl to meet, if she has a boyfriend? Here should be very careful about the circumstances. If a girl has a long and serious relationship, then you should not interfere in them sharply. Look, if everything is all right in the pair, if there really is mutual love, then try to pay attention to another girl.

If you are confident in your choice or the relationship with the girl is far from ideal, and you are ready to offer her something more, then dare. Stay close, help, support, show your love and care without words.

How to offer to meet through a social network

It is difficult to imagine modern communication without social networks and phones. Many try to use them to build relationships. If acquaintance on the Internet is permissible (taking into account the observance of safety rules), then you should not make an offer by sending an SMS or a message.

Some guys, fearing failure, choose this, as they think, a simple way. However, in the first place, this is simply not a manly way — even if a girl does not agree, you must endure it. Secondly, if she agrees, then no technology can convey your emotions to each other at this moment.

The most important thing

If a girl wants to be with you, then even if you do not prepare, promise her all the stars from the sky, to perform knightly deeds - she will agree. This does not mean that we should not think about the question “how to invite a girl to meet.” You just should not worry much and be afraid that you will make some kind of mistake and she will not like something.

Watch the video: 7 Psychological TRICKS To Get A Girl To Like YOU! (December 2024).