Personal growth

What is visualization and does it really work?

Visualization is a rather poorly studied area of ​​psychology. It involves the work of self-suggestion and self-improvement.

Despite the great advances in scientific research of this aspect of psychology, scientists have not been able to fully understand this phenomenon. The process of studying this direction makes it possible to plunge into a sea of ​​unknown and unknown nuances of the work of our consciousness.

Origins of visualization

visualization mechanism is not yet fully understood

It should be noted that some forms of visualization have been known since ancient times. For example, in Buddhism, it has one of the most important roles. The whole section is aimed at studying visualization as a way of self-improvement and the achievement of goals.

The concept of visualization is firmly established in modern life. And now many have heard this term, but still not many can tell what it is.

How it works?

The fictional events that capture our mind (that is, the visualization of desires) sometimes become overgrown with materialized facts and pass from a series of dreams to a category called “true reality”.

Some people have noticed a pattern that the more often a person represents this or that event in thoughts, the more likely it is to be performed in the existing world. Why it happens? What are the reasons why the conscious and subconscious minds have such a powerful impact on people's lives? Answers to these questions have yet to be found.

One of the explanations of the processes occurring in the subconscious of a person during visualization can be the study of techniques of brain activity. The fact is that for the brain it is absolutely unimportant whether the images represented by its owner are real or invented.

And this is confirmed. If you recall any particularly vivid dream, then you can see that the sensations in the nap are no different from the obvious manifestations of consciousness. In a dream, as in reality, it can also be joyful or sad, calm or anxious, there may be a feeling of love, fear, anger, and so on. The fact that the brain takes these images for "face value" is confirmed by various physiological indicators. For example, heart palpitations increase or breathing may change.

Thus, when visualizing desires, presenting some images in consciousness, a person forces his brain to work in the specified direction. Begins the search for solutions to the tasks at the subconscious level. And it is quite possible that the goal with regular exercise visualization will be achieved.

Watch the video: Does Visualization Work? (May 2024).