
What is nymphomania or the demonic power of nymphomaniac

Often women blame partners for excessive sexual appetite and betrayal. But sometimes female insatiability in bed becomes a problem. What is it like when you want sex 24 hours a day? Who can be diagnosed with nymphomania? How many partners are considered “normal”? Is there a socially acceptable distinction between diversity and lust? We will understand the concepts of imaginary and classical nymphomania, types and causes of pathologies.

What is nymphomania

Nymphomania is excessive sexual desire in women, which is manifested by sexual dissatisfaction, emotional stress, constant search and change of a partner, casual sexual relationships. In nymphomaniac everything happens at the level of emotions and hormones, without the fate of the brain. And the excitement reaches such a force that makes a woman literally a hostage to sex. This type of hypersexuality got its name from an ancient Greek deity - Nymphsseducing the gods. Translated from the Greek nymphomania literally means "violent bride".

In everyday life, nymphomaniac women are called immoral behavior, not constrained by social norms. But this is not a lifestyle or temperament, but a pathology or a symptom of a psychiatric illness. If earlier there was little talk about pathological hypersexuality, today it is called the disease of the 21st century and convene conferences.

According to statistics, female seksomaniya occurs no more than 1 case per 2.5-5 thousand women, but this figure is growing. Mostly nymphomania suffers from women of traditional orientation, they can be married or free. If a before women prone to sexogolism were 2 times less than men, then today the weaker sex is actively catching up with the strong.

Nymphomaniac temperamental lovers of sex is distinguished by obsession with the very idea of ​​sex. Classic nymphomaniac constantly think about sex, change partners and even have an orgasm, but after that the excitement does not disappear, I want more and more. They are constantly in a state of hunting, but absolutely not selective - they are not interested in the age or appearance of a partner, his social status or his financial status. The only goal is sex as a process.

Causes of nymphomania

Still in antiquity Healers diagnosed uterine rabies for women longing for sex. It was believed that the uterus "travels" through the body, touches the internal organs and causes pain. In the middle Ages such women were considered servants of the devil and burned at the stake as witches. Victorian scholars have associated the phenomenon of nymphomania with the shape of a skull. In the 19th century, the disease was considered mortally dangerous, and patients were treated by barbaric methods - bleeding, cold showers and a straitjacket.

Modern psychologists It is said that dependence on sex is more common in women who are prone to different dependencies. Sexogolism can develop after the treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism, shopaholism. But sexologists warn: if you cannot control the desire on your own, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Nymphomania can deprive a woman of disgust and common sense, and the abundance of sexual contact increases the risk of contracting a venereal disease. But this is not the most dangerous. Female seksomaniya on the background of one only sexual desire is extremely rare. But the common causes of nymphomania are:

  • Tumors of the ovaries or brain.
  • Hypothalamus malfunction.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Hormonal dysfunction.
  • Hysteria or anxiety-depressive psychosis.
  • Transferred neuroinfections (encephalitis).
  • Senile dementia in the face of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Acceptance of narcotic or psychotropic drugs (including drugs for weight loss).
  • Traumatic brain injury.

Contrary to psychiatric warnings and sexologists that female sex having sex is a serious illness, men are attracted to such active women. According to statistics, one of three men dreams of having sex with a nymphomaniac. They are not stopped by the fact that a woman pursues only her goals and is not interested in the feelings of her partner. Among the reasons prompting successful, educated and quite sensible men to go in search of impetuous nymphomaniac sexologists call:

  • The desire to practice sex in all positions of the Kama Sutra or BDSM.
  • The young age of most nymphomaniac.
  • The ability to realize the hidden erotic fantasies.
  • The ability to get sex without commitment.

Types of nymphomania

Stories about female insatiability in sex have been mentioned in ancient papyrus, myths and legends. Among the women who were traditionally called prostitute were famous historical figures: Cleopatra, Gala Daly, Marie-Antoinette. Caesar's wife, Claudius Valeria Messalina, was so famous for her sexual appetite that the term "nymphomania"received another name" Messalina complex ".

One can only guess what caused these women to nymphomania. But today, scientists distinguish four types of nymphomania:


It occurs in childhood or adolescence. It is expressed by a heightened interest in relations between the sexes, obsessive erotic fantasies, fixing the psyche in talking about sex or stimulating actions (touches, attempts at self-stimulation). Symptoms are aggravated when the child is frightened or experiences negative emotions.


The cause is usually endocrine, reproductive, or nervous system disease. Sometimes it occurs after a nervous shock, fear, experienced violence, strong physiological or emotional stress.


It occurs as a result of hormonal changes during menopause. It occurs in 2-15% of cases.


A woman enters into a relationship with a large number of partners not because of the “call of the organism,” but because of psychological problems. This may be an inferiority complex, doubts about their own attractiveness, lack of love. By their behavior, women try to compensate for internal emptiness, and sex becomes anesthetic for the psyche. Sometimes "go left" just out of boredom.

In real life, to divide the extreme variants of the norm and pathologies is difficult. If a large number of sexual partners does not cause a woman discomfort or problems, then treatment is not required. If antisocial behavior interferes with work, socialization, or does not allow building long-term strong relationships, it is worth conducting a comprehensive mental health survey.

To find out the causes of hypersexuality, a psychotherapist will help to understand himself. Additionally, you can make an MRI of the brain, to pass tests for hormones. Depending on the root cause, the pathology is treated by psychotherapy, physiotherapy, drugs, antidepressants, hypnosis, nutrition correction (excludes aphrodisiacs). The goal of treatment is not only to reduce sexual desire, but also to restore social contacts.

Nymphet: the big power of a little girl

Symptoms of nymphomania may appear in a woman at any age, but at risk are more likely to be adolescent girls during puberty and women experiencing menopause. But if women in adulthood suffer from this disorder, young nymphets do not suffer from their condition.

Nymphet - teenage girl with pronounced signs of early puberty. Nymphets are interested in exceptionally mature men, they are 2-3 times older. For the first time the term appeared in Shakespeare. In original "nymphet"- it's just a little nymph. But this word became popular thanks to the novel"Lolita"Nabokov.

They say that young nymphs have some kind of diabolical power over men. What is the reason for this attractive force? Scientists say that in a deviation from the norm of the development of the mental and hormonal systems. Nymphet looks outwardly feminine, but psychologically stuck in a state of teenage hypersexuality. The girl realizes that excites men and enjoys her power. In this state, it is capable of unpredictable actions. Sometimes, by the age of 13-14, she has as many lovers as a “normal” woman does not have in her entire life.

Psychologists are convinced that early sexuality is the result of improper upbringing. If parents are concerned about the girl’s too adult behavior, it is important to pay more attention to sexual literacy. On the topic of how to talk with your child about sex, special trainings and master classes are conducted. If there is no time or desire to educate a teenager in such matters, it is worth making an appointment with a sexologist or a sexual literacy trainer.

What should not be done is to think about what the neighbors will say, and do not let things take their course. And do not trust the education of porn. Adult cinema is not an example to follow, but a picture about an unreal life. And parents or sex education teachers can explain this.

How to stop being afraid of your desire

The reasons for nymphomania may be sexual permissiveness, or, conversely, puritan upbringing. Sometimes parents not only ignore sex education, but also pass on the limitations of these issues to children. In addition to home bans on sex, a woman is under pressure from society. And it is not surprising, since very little has changed since antiquity in relation to sexual emancipation: for men this is considered the norm, for women - a reason for conviction.

In society, it is not customary to talk about the change of partners on the part of women. But sex therapists argue that sexuality is the ability of a woman to receive sensual pleasure from contact with the world. If a woman knows how to relax in sex, great things await her.

Here are some tips from experts who will help you realize your temperament and enjoy sex:

  • Rememberthat during an orgasm in the brain, useful neurotransmitters are released and so-called "death mediators" are slowed down. That is, each new orgasm reveals creativity, prolongs life and makes a woman smarter.
  • read bookswho can teach something and give answers to intimate questions. In the literature there are tips for naive dreamers and fatal seductress women, the results of studies of female attractiveness, and manuals on finding sexuality in oneself.
  • Forget about patterns and stereotypes about how "a real woman should behave." There are no standards for "normal" behavior. It is important to recognize your own limitations and find the strength to get rid of the restraints.
  • Find a partnerattractive physical and moral character. It is important to find a smart and understanding man who, at a crucial moment, will understand and support, and not condemn or humiliate. Otherwise, previously obtained complexes only multiply.

And yet: sex is not the surrender of standards for physical education, but the mutual pleasure of partners.


  • Classical nymphomania occurs against the background of real diseases: mental, nervous, or endocrine.
  • Sexual fantasies nymphomaniac sex does not stop.
  • Pathological sexogolism in everyday life is confused with the habit of sex, when the body gets used to endorphins obtained after orgasm.
  • If this feature worries or interferes with life, it may be worth working out the problem with a psychotherapist, sexologist and gynecologist.
  • Freeze in bed will help sexologists, doctors, sex education specialists and books.

Watch the video: Top 10 Facts About Nymphomaniacs TopTenzNet (December 2024).