A life

Life is meaningless or how to find the light at the end of the tunnel

If life is meaningless, it's time to become a fool. Strange connection?

Philosophical questions, including the topic of the meaning of life, is the problem of smart people. Sooner or later, a thinking person delves into thoughts about the purpose, the highest mission, the ultimate goal. It may even be good that this dilemma remains unresolved, because, having reached its peak, what would a person do next? Is it better to be a joyful fool who does not think about something global? And how to learn to be happy, if the sense of earthly joys does not want to show up?

Argue with yourself

This is one of the psychological techniques. The psychotherapist turns the situation around so that the patient begins to contradict himself, to look for a refutation of his own thoughts. However, this technique can be carried out independently, without the help of a specialist. How to do it? A few steps:

  1. to form the initial phrase, the starting point from which the dialogue will continue. In this case, the words "Life is meaningless";
  2. add an argument in favor of the basic statement, for example: “My life does not make sense, because I do not benefit this world”;
  3. mentally create an opponent who believes in the opposite point of view;
  4. find a counter-argument to the initial phrase, for example: “I am useful, because I help people / make someone happy / contribute my part to the development of a country (+ description of a specific example)”;
  5. continue to build a dialogue on the “argument - counter argument” scheme, alternately taking the side of both personal opinions.

The beauty of this method is that all the answers are in themselves, their own subconscious. In this special skills, complex spiritual quest is not needed. The main thing - to begin, and the thought will float the river. Such practices are also conducted with friends, when someone from their close ones defends the opinion of meaninglessness, and the person herself tries to convince his friend of the opposite. You can record a dialogue in a notebook or on a voice recorder, but oral practices without memorizing are no less effective.

Become a witness of beauty

To live for the sake of beauty, good, not seeing the real manifestations of these qualities, is unlikely to succeed. Before you get depressed, put a cross on your existence, it is better to see it all alive. What is meant by the beautiful:

  • someone's sincere joy;
  • manifestations of kindness, reaction to it;
  • the expression of the parental instinct - both in humans and in animals;
  • blooming, flowering, especially in spring;
  • natural landscapes, untouched by man;
  • completion of the masterpiece by the master;
  • changes in the appearance and inner world of a person for the better;
  • recovery or getting something long awaited, etc.

Perhaps the meaning of life is not a point, but a process. And someone will find it in the creation or creation of beauty, goodness. Become a part of something good, beautiful, actively support it, develop - what is not meaningful life?

Boost requests

Andrey is a university graduate, confident, not seeing obstacles. His main goal is to become a lawyer. Six months after graduation, he gets a job as an assistant at the law office. Six months later, for the good discharge of his duties, he was given the first case. A dream come true - the guy became a lawyer. What's next? And then the recruit sets another goal - to win the first case. Soon, this desire is embodied in reality.

Acknowledgment, customer appreciation, new business. The next task is to successfully close a more complex hearing. Immediately or not, but the young man copes with this. What then?

And nothing, routine, longing, gray day gives way to the same. There is no plan, installations too, but the thought appears that everything around is meaningless, but there is no need to live. How to be in such cases?

Set the bar higher. A lawyer may wish to receive a state award, go to work abroad, become the hero of an article in a newspaper. The more difficult to implement the plan, the more valued life with all the victories.

Make an inventory of the past

It seems that all the past years were in vain? However, there is no such thing that the century is lived, and the mark is not left. For each person stretches a chain of his steps, some of them are good, good. To recall them is to doubt the theory of the meaninglessness of its existence. How to do it:

  1. create a quiet comfortable environment - dim the lights, turn on quiet, pleasant music, light aromatic sticks. Take care that nothing and no one distracts;
  2. take a comfortable posture. It is better to lie down, relax your muscles, but you can also rest half-sitting;
  3. to get out of your head extra thoughts - daily worries, problems, feelings of guilt, jealousy, etc .;
  4. start to remember your good deeds, pronouncing them out loud, thanks to yourself for their accomplishment;
  5. continue in the same vein, call that the first comes to mind, even the most absurd at first glance.

You can thank yourself for helping others, big, generous steps. And you can be grateful to yourself even for the fact that as a child I ate well porridge, not causing trouble to parents. Any little thing is important. The first 5-10 actions will be easy to remember, the next ten will be given many times more difficult. But then the thoughts themselves will begin to pour out, surprising their master. If so much has been done, then life is not in vain. And with such thoughts you can continue to bring benefit to the world.

To study other people's meanings

If there is no reason for existence, why not peek at others? Not everyone around them thinks about the meaning, but their goals are immediately visible. Most often these are aspirations:

  • family, children, home;
  • love, long life together with a beloved partner;
  • material security for many years;
  • popularity, high status in society, power;
  • self-realization in a career or hobby, recognition;
  • good, spiritual enrichment, serving the idea or people;
  • continuous self-development;
  • pleasure.

It would be nice to skip these categories through yourself, to feel them. No, you do not need to adopt a child, put up posters of self-praise or throw everything to drink wine all day, seizing it with noble cheeses. You can spend more time with your loved one or his search, sit with small nephews, arrange a small charity event. It'll be enough. But such tests will help to learn about their perception of various aspects of life. The experiment will tell you what the soul is for.

Meanings can be intertwined. Often a person strives for two or more goals - family and love, work and self-realization, money and pleasure. Finding a balance between these parts is a difficult but important task.

Take a step back

If nonsense interweaves the present and the future, it does not mean that it was in the past. People with lost interest in the current, future time were once happy. Babies are not born with an expression of meaninglessness on the face. This is an acquired “disease”.

If so, then it is better to remember the year when all life seemed necessary, valuable. What happened next, what was the turning point? There are several options:

  • psychological trauma;
  • disappointment in people or their own purpose;
  • awareness of the unattainability of dreams;
  • loss of a person, an important thing, a motive;
  • criticism, obstacles;
  • laziness or fatigue.

Stumbling over such obstacles, a person begins to wonder whether it was worth starting a fight at all, to which it leads. There is a second wind, luck, luck, help - and he gets out. But not everyone is lucky.

If the turning point really was, it is better to try to overcome it, continue to move forward. A few snags on the way will make mining even more desirable. Deal with moral decay will help relatives, like-minded people or psychologists.

Stop looking for meaning

Maybe, well, his, this sense? Why ask questions that obviously can not get a definite answer? Sometimes hard thoughts are signs of developing depression. By getting rid of her, you can heal again safely.

Hike to a beauty salon, ordering sushi, walking with your beloved dog can not be the meanings of life, but they give a lot of joy. Perhaps the feeling of these small particles of happiness is the main goal of human existence. And the Universe will take care of more.

If it seems that life is pain, life is meaningless, this is no reason to give up, be indifferent to yourself or others. Do not see the point now? Who will guarantee that it will not appear in a year, month or even a minute? You can continue to look for reasons to wake up in the morning. These searches will become distracting, will give some kind of goal. And you can just go with the flow, not puzzling over philosophical issues, enjoy every moment, which gives an unpredictable fate.

Watch the video: How To Get Out Of Depression And Failure, Then Turn Your Life Around (May 2024).