
How to become a happy woman if you are alone: ​​advice and help from a psychologist

Can you be happy alone? Especially when there are so many happy couples and established families around. If there is no opportunity to love and be loved, life loses color and nothing pleases. Girls have been raised since childhood to be good wives, caring mothers, while still at school age they are more oriented towards creating a family and maintaining a family hearth. This is how our society works. That is why women are more difficult to experience a break in relationships or temporary loneliness.

Loneliness or freedom?

Women are too emotional and difficult to experience loneliness also because they tend to dramatize the circumstances. Pay attention to men. A divorced or single man at any age considers himself not alone, but "free." Free from relationships, commitment, sharing life with a woman. He just lives for his own pleasure.

Why women in similar circumstances treat themselves differently? An unmarried or divorced girl most often feels discomfort, her own personal inconsistency, which makes it very difficult to enjoy life. But loneliness is freedom. But in order to understand this, you need to get rid of the stereotypes imposed by society. Then you will discover all the advantages of a “bachelor” life:

  1. You owe nothing to anyone. In family life and love relationships, we are all on the web of mutual duty, both on a moral and everyday level. Loneliness gives you the opportunity to be yourself - to say what you think, to do what you want, without looking back at the opinion of your partner. If in the evening there is no desire to wash the dishes and cook dinner, you can relax and order a pizza, and not force yourself to stand at the stove after work. A nice bonus - no need to iron men's shirts and wash socks!
  2. You can not plan a budget and spend money at your pleasure. In most couples, any spending and purchases are negotiated, rarely you can afford something that goes beyond the family budget. A free girl can spend at least half of her salary on new clothes, borrow a super-powerful laptop or iPhone of the latest model, and no one will accuse her of waste. You can live peacefully for yourself and have nothing to refuse!
  3. You don't have to be sexy 24 hours a day. You feel real freedom only after taking off your formal suit after work in the office, throwing off stilettos and putting on cozy home pajamas. You can safely fall into bed with a laptop and a plate with dinner. No need to wear a sexy peignoir and uncomfortable underwear at home in the evening to look always desirable in the eyes of his man. It is not necessary to put on makeup or make depilation if there is no desire. And, by the way, no sex, if there is no mood! And if there is, you can always find a partner for a while.

Loneliness gives you the freedom to plan your life, without looking at the opinions of others, without considering the wishes of another person. You can safely be selfish and make any dream a reality! This does not mean that you should forget about the relationship with the opposite sex. Just feeling the taste of freedom, you can only give it up to a decent man.

Changing life for the better

If time in your life is suddenly freed from relationships and unnecessary people, you should try to extract maximum benefit from the circumstances. You do not know how the turn of fate awaits a new love and how long your freedom will last, which means you need to have time to live in your pleasure!

Think about what you want to see yourself and your life in the future, and take decisive steps towards the dream. In the meantime, the following actions will help you clear the space around you and look at the world with different eyes:

  1. Get rid of excess. In the new life there is no place for old things! Do an audit at home. Determine what things make you unpleasant associations, tired, just do not like, and ruthlessly get rid of them. Change your wardrobe, in whole or in part, make repairs, change furniture. Put in order the space that surrounds you.
  2. We say goodbye to unnecessary people. In the environment of each of us there are people, communication with which does not bring any pleasure. Colleagues from past works, classmates, with whom long gone, former guys. Spend a "revision" of your contacts on social networks, think about who you are ready to say goodbye without regret. Perhaps such a move seems meaningless, but clearing your life of “garbage” in the form of unnecessary contacts, you will experience great relief.
  3. We update ourselves. It is not necessary to drastically change the image, but if you wanted to make a short haircut or change the hair color - do it now, there will not be a better opportunity for bold experiments. You can just go to a beauty salon and consult with a stylist. Perhaps you have long wanted to make permanent makeup of lips or eyebrows, try a new cosmetic procedure for yourself. Update your appearance and become even more beautiful!
  4. We make a dream come true. The meaning of life is not in relationships with other people. He is in ourselves. Whether a person is happy or not, it only depends on whether the circumstances in which he is placed bring him joy. Do you have a dream? What would you like the most? Implement it. Each of us has global dreams, which may take years, and small dreams that can be realized here and now. And if the luxury convertible is not yet affordable, then you will definitely be given a consumer loan for holidays in southern countries. Do not assume that you can not afford something. Act!
  5. Learning to listen to yourself and your desires. This is an important and difficult step. We are in a society that imposes on us certain stereotypes of success. Every day, talking with colleagues, friends, acquaintances, watching commercials, news blocks, we hear hundreds of opinions that ultimately shape our own. Amid all this chaos, it’s hard to hear your own "I".

Think about how you would like to live your life? Why so, and not otherwise? What is imposed on you from the outside, and what exactly is yours? Perhaps you will be helped by books of famous authors (for example, Louise Hay "Wisdom of the woman"), meditations, psychological trainings. It is important that you learn to understand yourself, to love and to hear your desires in any life situation.

Find happiness in yourself

A person is happy, not because he is with someone, but by himself. Once you understand this, loneliness will no longer be a problem for you. No need to give up social life. A free woman can afford to spend time at noisy parties, in nightclubs, linger until the night at her friends. But she would also be happy to spend the evening at home with her favorite book and dog. Appreciate life and all its moments equally. Do not tie the opportunity to be happy to certain people, events, material things. Just allow yourself to enjoy every day regardless of the circumstances!

"Loneliness is a gift and should be used. If there is no ideal man in your life now, then become the ideal woman for yourself!" This is a quote from a book by Louise Hay, and it perfectly illustrates the correct attitude to the situation. Take care and be happy!

Irina, Moscow