Love and relationship

The husband lost interest in his wife: what could be the reason?

Difficult situations sometimes arise in any marriage, because people who perfectly understand each other practically do not exist. One of these problem situations - the discord of sexual relations. Sometimes it happens that the husband does not want his wife in bed, although he used to show quite different feelings towards her. Why does this happen and what does the spouse do in this case? Let's try to understand the possible causes and find a way out of this impasse.

The content of the article:

Husband changes
Stress at work
Jealousy of the child
The appearance of his wife
Psychologist's comment

Husband cheating with another woman

Of course, the most common cause of a sharp cooling of a husband to his wife is an affair on the side. Sexual relations with another woman take away all his strength, and he is simply not able (or unwilling) to fulfill his marital duty.

If a man not only stopped having sex with his wife, but often lingers at work, became secretive and taciturn, gets annoyed at his wife for nothing, then the reason is almost obvious. Any woman will immediately understand what is the matter.


The best thing you can do in this situation is to talk to your husband. Do not roll up scandals and tantrums (if you find it difficult to control yourself, it is better to drink a sedative before the conversation). Conversation is needed in order to understand what has led to this situation, to find ways to solve it. Many marriages break up after her husband’s adultery, because his wife cannot accept the fact that she was betrayed by her closest and dearest person.

Some women forgive their unfaithful spouses, but then suffer all their lives from distrust and resentment. Of course, the consequences will depend on the characteristics of the relationship and the characters of the spouses. Keeping a family or filing for divorce is up to you, but in any situation, the main thing is to keep your face and not to go down to an ugly showdown.

Depression or stress at work

For cooling between spouses there may be another reason - serious problems at work or in other areas of life that occupy all thoughts of a man. In fact, the masculine psyche is less stress-resistant than the feminine one, since women can afford to throw out their emotions, crying or gossiping with friends, and most men keep everything in themselves.

If a man has withdrawn into himself, has become silent, his mood is bad most of the time, then it is quite likely that he does not have that mood because of the problems with which he has to cope.


Try to create all the conditions for your husband to rest at home and feel that he is loved. Do not try to find out everything by asking him a bunch of questions - so you only aggravate the situation. If a man wants to share with you, he will do it. The main task of a woman in such a situation is to help her husband morally. Prepare his favorite dish, make a massage, invite a stroll. A man who is tortured by stress needs care. As soon as he feels that he is loved and appreciated, he will perk up and his sex life will improve.

Parental responsibilities and hidden jealousy for the child

When a child appears in the family, the life of the husband and wife changes dramatically. If earlier they devoted their time exclusively to each other, now the main attention of the mother is drawn to the child. Many husbands at this time feel unnecessary, lost. Some even begin to feel jealous of the baby.

The birth of a child, the acquisition of a new and very responsible status of a father is a serious test for any man, therefore, for many, sexual relations fade into the background. Plus, the eternal lack of sleep in the first months, when the child’s sleep pattern has not yet been fully formed.


Young parents should not forget about each other, since harmonious relationships are the secret to preserving peace in the family. If the parents feel cooling towards each other, the child also feels this on an emotional level. Try to organize your time so that you and your husband have moments alone.

To improve sex life, you can try something new: take a bath together, make love on the kitchen table. In addition, it is desirable to teach the child to sleep in the crib from the very beginning: often joint sleep negates the intimacy between the spouses.

Wife stopped caring for herself

Many women, having married, relax: they stop using cosmetics, get fat, go around the house in a battered old sports suit. The disheveled wedge is far from the ideal of beauty, so even the most loving husband after a while begins to peer at more well-groomed women, and sex with the wife becomes an unpleasant duty.

Do you feel sexy and desirable? If you do not even want to look in the mirror, then you can only blame yourself for intimate disorder. Marriage is not a guarantee that the husband will love you to the grave in any way.


Take care of your appearance. Update your wardrobe, buy a subscription to a fitness club, make a new hairstyle, find on the Internet videos with makeup master classes. Buy yourself sexy clothes for home. She must sit well.

Believe me, my husband will immediately notice the changes and appreciate them. Please your husband and yourself, becoming beautiful and sexy.

Ideas for restoring sex life

  • Go with your husband to the sex shop and get something interesting that will help diversify your family life. Even a simple nurse suit can ignite the serious flame of passion.
  • Buy new sexy lace lingerie and show it to your husband in all its glory.
  • Add homemade products aphrodisiacs that enhance sexual desire and male power: walnuts, seafood, pineapples, sour cream, avocado, chocolate, garlic.
  • If you like to dance, start attending strip plastic classes. This is useful for both shape and sex life. In a few weeks you will be able to show your husband a beautiful striptease.
  • Change the setting. Try making love in a new place. You can rent a hotel room, go together to the sauna or go to nature. Imagine and realize your erotic dreams together.

Anya, Stavropol

Watch the video: 5 Reasons Why A Man Loses Interest In The Relationship (May 2024).