Personal growth

Midlife crisis in men: how to survive this period

The crisis of middle age in men comes suddenly, in the period from 35 to 45 years. He looks back at life and tries to evaluate it. Unfortunately, at this time a man is annoying: work, wife and children, old car and much more.

What is the reason for the dramatic changes in your man? Let's try to figure it out together.

The content of the article:
Causes of midlife crisis
Tips for wives: how to take anti-crisis measures
Tips for men: how to deal with the crisis
Psychologist's comment

Causes of crisis

Closer to the age of 40, the body’s hormonal activity decreases and the aging processes begin to predominate. Overweight appears, along with it comes fatigue and reduced potency.

The idea that soon he will not be able to satisfy his wife, depresses a man. Being a breadwinner in his family, he awaits praise from his wife and enthusiastic views from children.

But marriage has been going on for about 15 years. The wife rarely praises, and adolescent children try to avoid contact with their parents.

How does the midlife crisis manifest?

The symptoms of the crisis are the same for all representatives of the stronger sex: they become sentimental and irritable, picky about their appearance and are dissatisfied with everything around them. A man in crisis can be compared to a teenager: he changes the style of clothes, hairstyle, makes new acquaintances. Unfortunately, the family goes into the background.

A man ceases to attract his wife and interest children. Very many families do not stand this test and fall apart. What to do to the woman in such a situation? How to help her husband cope with the crisis and save the family?

Anti-crisis measures

If you notice a radical change in your husband, you know, the crisis has come. This is a very difficult period in the life of a man and they experience it very hard. To help your husband and keep your family, you should follow some rules:

  • Do not blame yourself for his depression. A man, of course, will blame you for all his problems, but do not pay attention.
  • Help open the second wind. If the husband regrets his life, remind him that she has not finished yet and he has a chance to start all over again. Give him self-confidence, help him to his feet. But do not bother with questions, sometimes a man just needs to be alone.
  • Change activities. If the husband has decided to radically change his profession - do not discourage him. On the contrary, support. If this work will give him pleasure, it means that the end of the crisis is not far off.
  • Do not wait for caress from the husband and the more so do not demand it. Now your husband does not want this. But at the same time try to caress him. Kiss him before work, write a text about what you are missing, and in the evening prepare a delicious dinner. Remember how your family life began. After all, it was so?
  • Celebrate your birthday in a new way. It is possible that during this period the husband does not want to celebrate his holiday at all. And do not. There is no need to call relatives, friends. Come up with something extraordinary. For example, give your husband a parachute jump. First, it will emphasize his courage. Secondly, just diversifies life. The jump can be videotaped and saved for a family archive.
  • Watch out for yourself. A man should see that his wife is beautiful, other men are staring at her. This will be as a push to action. It will wake up a sense of ownership. But do not overdo it. If the husband during the crisis has become very jealous, consider.
  • Do not show tears. If scandals become more frequent in the family, never cry in front of your husband. He should not see your tears. They will only annoy him.
  • Do not make tantrums. Of course, it is very difficult to endure such a situation. But remember, it depends on you whether your family will continue. Do not shout at your husband, do not make scenes of jealousy. Remember, this period will pass and he will regret the words spoken and the actions done.
  • Do not expel the husband from the house. What if he leaves?

Tips for men: how to survive a midlife crisis:

  • Learn to find the pros. If you have a wife and children, then you have lived your life for good reason. And whatever you think of yourself, you know, this family loves you very much.
  • Make plans. If the family is not there yet - build it! Your main task is to leave a mark behind you, and children are the best mark in your life.
  • Change life. If you are tired of work - change it. Find what you like. Work should be fun.
  • Take a vacation. If the situation is pumping - take a vacation. The main thing is to spend this vacation not at home. Sanatorium or vacation abroad - it does not matter, the main thing is to change the situation. Take your family with you on holiday and you will see how much everyone loves you. And in case you want to be alone, talk to your wife and explain your condition to her. A loving person will surely understand you.
  • Find a hobby. It is possible that until this time you did not need a hobby. Now is the time to find it. What do you like most? Read books, collect stamps, play guitar or watch hockey? Find a lesson during which your soul will rest.

The crisis of middle age in men usually occurs after 35 years. In order for the crisis to pass by, work on yourself: get a good job, buy a car and build a house. But all this is not important. If there is a person next to a man who will not give up in a difficult moment and will give a helping hand, he will not be afraid of any crisis.

Marianna, Moscow

Watch the video: Help from a Therapist : How to Treat Mid-Life Depression in Women (January 2025).