A life

What is a sense of life? Simple answers to a difficult question

Before answering the question what is the meaning of life, first we should understand in relation to whom we ask it. Indeed, from the standpoint of a person, the meaningfulness of his being will be in one, and from the side of society he can be given a completely different role. For example, someone is born to become a commander, and the people around him are given the role of a slave. If this were not, then probably the story would not know Spartacus. Most likely, this ancient warrior knew very well why to live. His personal motive was the fight against the injustice of power and the defense of his rights and the freedom of gladiators.

You can dig even deeper and assume what the meaning of life of a particular individual is solved by higher powers. Then it is even more interesting to understand whether a person can determine his own destiny, or he simply follows someone’s will. We will try to answer these and other questions in this publication.


First of all, it is necessary not for the biological organism, but for the soul! After all, from the natural point of view, the main purpose of existence is the continuation of the species. This is what lies in our genes. Also, this includes related needs for food, protection, search for a potential sexual partner and other natural needs. But man, being a biosocial creature, has long gone beyond the usual evolutionary framework. Although, until now, many representatives of the human race see the above mentioned as the goal of their existence.

What is the meaning of life on the spiritual level? This is a much more complicated question. Most likely, the most correct answer would be to search for your place under the Sun. On the one hand, understand your vocation, that is, to which the soul lies. On the other - to follow its purpose, which allows you to perform the assigned universal mission.

What is the meaning of all this? Why is it so important to understand? There are several reasons why a person has the meaning of life:

  • Meaningful life is much more interesting and brighter;
  • Understanding where you are moving, it is easier to concentrate efforts in the right direction;
  • A conscious person is the master of his life;
  • The meaning of life gives a person strength and energy, gives youth and longevity;
  • Fills every day with positive emotions, gives a feeling of happiness and joy.

Perhaps the list is far from complete, but even a few points show the full significance of this concept.


Now begins the most important and interesting stage. Talked about the need for search. Why it is necessary, also understood. And where and what to look for? Of course, everyone must find the purpose of his life. But, if a person is entangled in himself, then at least the direction can be suggested. So, let's try to figure out what the meaning of being of most people is.


Most people, especially women, will say without thinking that the meaning of life is in the well-being of their children. Perhaps they will be right, because nature has endowed them with the great mission of procreation. On the other hand, how to be with years to conceive a child. It turns out that their life had no meaning before. How to live then when the children grow up and go their own way? After all, life does not end there.


At first, the one in which they were born, then the other that they created themselves. Family values ​​are certainly important for a person, but is it worth making them the meaning of your being? After all, different things happen in life. You can move to another city and not see your parents for a long time. A wife or husband also does not always remain for life. Children, sooner or later, will go their way. With grandchildren and great-grandchildren and more understandable. The family, for all its importance to a person, is also not very suitable for the role of the meaning of life.


An interesting option. Fully succeed. Climb to the very top of the pedestal. Prove to the world its superiority. It sounds great, but it will hurt to fall. And all fall. And then what? Suicide, alcoholism, mental hospital? Unfortunately, there are plenty of such examples. People's love is a changeable thing. It means that it is not exactly what you need to look for in the meaning of life.


Most likely, a more suitable direction. Do not depend on others. Choose your own path of development and move boldly along it. It is likely that of the previously listed options self-realization is precisely the one in which the meaning of human life lies.

On the other hand, not everyone is in a hurry to engage in self-development and self-improvement. Someone sees his mission in helping others, or, conversely, in total non-intervention. Can this be considered self-actualization? Perhaps, but not always.


The most ridiculous and, at the same time, one of the most common ways to replace the notion of the meaning of his being. Money can be a tool, a motive, a way, but not a meaning. Although many people perceive this way. Of course, material goods are extremely important in our mercantile world, but it is clearly not worth making them your idol. Otherwise, you can live your whole life without living, but only by earning and postponing.

Self development

Quite a good option in what the meaning of life can be found. In the endless search for something new, understanding of yourself and the laws of the universe. Countless practices and teachings. Theological schools, yoga, sports clubs and creative circles. Everything you want. Is it possible to consider self-development as the meaning of being? The question is ambiguous, but most likely the closest to the truth.


Starting from the ancient Greeks, many philosophers claim that the meaning of human life is joy, in avoiding misfortunes. What causes these positive emotions is no longer so important. The main thing is the very process of releasing necessary hormones of happiness into the blood. If for such a euphoria someone needs to raise children - please!

Another person will receive a similar release of endorphins from the publication of his book, or, having got on a trip to an exotic country. There are countless ways to become happy and each of them is in its own right and suitable for each individual person.


First of all, to make yourself and your family happy! You can still talk about how the world has become better. But, let's be realistic. Not everyone is capable of it. More precisely, everyone can, but few are developing their skills.
So what is a man worth living for? The answer to this question everyone must find himself. The main thing is to fold your fears, complexes and egoism on this path. Listen to your inner voice and act according to his convincing recommendations.

Considering the answer to the question “what is the meaning of life?”, One should not forget about this very life. And sometimes a deep immersion in oneself and self-analysis can take an unforgivably long time that it would be better to spend on more productive tasks. For example, in order to simply live and enjoy every day, and the meaning will open in the process itself.

Watch the video: 5 Simple Questions Only a Genius Can Answer - Intelligence Test Episode 2 (May 2024).