Recently, the term "professional burnout" has been actively used, which is very closely interconnected with such a term as "chronic fatigue". Almost every person knows firsthand about chronic fatigue and experienced a state where his hands fall, do not want to work, the brain refuses to generate new ideas, and drowsiness, apathy and lethargy have become loyal assistants.
Professional burnout occurs as a result of frequent stress, the accumulation of negative emotions, congestion at work and the lack of quality rest.
One can speak about professional burnout only if such a state of depression appeared after months or even years of highly productive and effective work. If such a feeling appeared in a short time, it means that you need to say that the business in which you are engaged does not bring you pleasure and it would be time to find a favorite business or change professional activities.
Many people think that the main cause of professional burnout is long and intensive work. But, in this case, chronic fatigue can develop, and this is provided, if not properly organize your work process and plan your own time. Thus, in order for you not to have a professional burnout, learn how to competently and wisely approach your work. To do this, you can simply follow the following recommendations.
In order to work productively all day long, you need to complete all the tasks and tasks that require it. So make it a habit to plan your every day. Make a to-do list in the evening, preferably at bedtime and in a relaxed atmosphere, and in the morning with a fresh mind, edit the list and make adjustments. Mark and do the most important and urgent matters first. Thus, you will have time to do all the necessary work, and you will have free time.
Perform all tasks and projects exactly on time. No need to hope that tomorrow you will have time to do everything or postpone everything for the last day. The feeling of an unfinished project will haunt you regularly until you finish the work with it, and this will negatively affect your emotional background. You will feel anxiety, anxiety, irritability and, as a result, “earn” professional burnout.
No need to work for wear, without interruptions. Remember that this is extra stress for the body. Every hour, rest for 15 minutes. Just take a break from work, drink tea, relax or do some exercise. Breaks are necessary for productive work, otherwise, if you work for several hours in a row, your activity will not bring good results, and the load on the body will be unjustified.
Favourite buisness.
If you are doing what you love, which ignites and motivates you, you can safely forget about the syndrome of professional burnout. But if a job or work does not satisfy you and, besides income, does not bring anything, but only emotional stress, then think about changing activities. If you want to live a happy and joyful life, without disappointment and negativity, then you need to find a favorite thing.
In order to avoid professional burnout you need to have emotional and physical relaxation. It must be remembered that the rest must be of high quality, that is, useful and without a sense of guilt. If you have unfinished work that constantly reminds of itself, sit down and do it, otherwise you will be tormented by a feeling of guilt and you will not be able to unload and really relax, this will be followed by a professional burnout. A good rest is a guarantee of productive and efficient work. After a good rest, I would like to start work with new strength and enthusiasm and achieve new heights and results.
In addition, remember about your health, exercise regularly or at least do morning exercises, get enough sleep and watch your diet.