Personal growth

How to find your destination in life?

How to find your purpose in life

Having embarked on the path of success and prosperity, the first step is to answer the questions: "What is the purpose of my life?" and "How to find your true purpose in life?" In essence, following your own purpose is to realize the meaning of the life you live and move along the path to the main (highest) goal. In other words, to live in accordance with the true purpose, means a long and fascinating process of self-realization.

In fact, it is not so difficult to find the main vocation - just by doing something that really pleases you and brings pleasure, create something valuable that you can share with others. Discard stereotypes imposed by fashion, advertising and media; determine your goals, desires and aspirations; find friends and like-minded people; enjoy the process of life itself - this is the whole recipe for success.

Consider more broadly the basic truths that answer the question "How to find your purpose in life?"

Action, moving forward and life experiment. No one except you can determine the direction of movement and the true purpose. Rejecting all doubts, you will have to try yourself in a wide variety of areas of activity. Stop your attention on what really interests you, and do what you like. Only by the method of endless trials and solely on your own experience, you can still determine what kind of activity brings you not only pleasure, but also feelings: complete moral satisfaction and self-realization.
Prestige is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Choosing a future profession, based on newfangled trends, prestige and profitability, you doom yourself to boring stagnation and sacrifice your true destiny. Your soul and heart know exactly what they want to receive, but public opinion and the illusory prestige of professions is a way to impose something that is foreign to you. Real innovators make their choice based on their own picture of the world. After all, the easiest way to win the approval of others is not to need it, but to follow one's own path. Therefore, being engaged in what fascinates and inspires you, you are doomed to popularity, success and exclusivity.
Decide what success you have. After all, ideas about prosperity and happiness each has its own. Following the stereotypical thinking imposed from outside, people tend to those peaks, the conquest of which they do not need. How can you find your destination, when the idea of ​​success is shaped by marketing impulses and television programs, focused on the opinions of famous people and other people's beliefs. It is not about instantaneous cardinal changes in life and reorienting to other goals, you just need to make sure that our own opinion about success is based on the dictates of the soul and the heart, and not on external illusions and foreign influence.
What is the difference between work and creative work? Any work requires a man of willpower, be it household duties (washing dishes, cleaning the room) or a boring task given by the boss. It has to be carried out from under the stick, hour by hour, monotonously, with the mere thought of quickly getting rid of and ending this “burden”.
Creative work is a fascinating and exciting process that fully captures our attention, becomes part of the person himself, as it is based on true passion. Surrendering to the creative flow, you can forget about everything in the world, feeling like a part of the whole universe, because a favorite cause generates not only ingenuity, but also inexhaustible performance.
Finding like-minded people, you will at times increase your potential. You understand that the question "How to find your destination in life?" excites the vast majority of people. Direct part of your efforts to search for like-minded people who are interested in the same thing as you and with enthusiasm doing your favorite thing. Companions share our worldview, motivate us to achieve new results and support in moments of weakness and failure. Having fallen in love with your work and people aspiring to the same heights, you will become a single team, a separate monolith, which is able to break through any walls and overcome unimaginable obstacles.

To find your destination in life, do not stop for a minute.

Do not lose at least one of the days of its existence, because each of them may be the last. No books, seminars, business coaches, psychologists, TV shows and studies, even the best in the whole world, can ever be a jot to replace what is called subjective life experience. They can create the illusion of reality, but not to help you go through your life path. And it depends only on you, will you move forward and grow above yourself or become mired in dullness, dismal work and incessant melancholy.