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"My light, mirror, say ...": the psychology of narcissism among women

Narcissism is often associated only with the strong half of humanity according to the ancient Greek myth of narcissistic youth Narcissus.

However, this personal quality not only men can possess. Who are the women daffodils? What are women's narcissism?

Woman narcissus - who is that?

Narcissism by definition - this is a pathological love for oneself, self-admiration of one's own virtues, which very often lead to an exaggerated self-esteem that has nothing to do with objectivity.

Narcissistic female narcissus also pays special attention to her appearancemoreover, it is much more pronounced than that of the narcissistic man.

Psychological portrait and character traits

Narcissism in girls rarely seen. At this time, they do not need constant attention to their appearance and personality, replacing demanding admiration for indifference.

Having achieved her goal from a young man - recognition of her beauty and exclusivity, a narcissus girl may lose interest in thisby switching to another guy.

Also for such girls are characterized by high expectations of their future, they are quite ambitious in their dreams.

In adulthood narcissism in women is much more pronounced. They seek to create families with caring and attentive partners who are able to satisfy their need for attention and admiration.

It is for this reason that they do not bind themselves to self-centered men with firm and decisive character.

In family relationships, the female narcissus occupies a dominant position, that is, often becomes the head of the family.

This is often manifested in outright disrespect of a spouse and disregard of his desires and aspirations.

A narcissistic woman has a consumer attitude towards her companion - she believes that her husband should admire her, should give presents, should pay attention, cope with difficulties, make her happy, etc.

If she loses the desired, then she will blame the spouse for this, and his demands are often considered inadmissible.

These women have special relationships with children. Initially they make excessive demands on their children, as they are their own reflection.

Any failure or bad deed of the child turns into disappointment and grief for his mother, which she tells him directly. In this regard, the child lives in constant fear of making a mistake.

Coldness in the relationship and the requirement of the mother to be always the best often leads to the fact that children also become addicted to narcissism.

Women - Malignant Daffodils. This type is characterized by the inability to have deep feelings for a partner.

In women - malignant daffodils exclusively consumer attitude towards spouses, they do not become attached to people.

Often this creates serious barriers to building a normal strong relationship, in the event of the occurrence of marriages will soon be dissolved.

Cerebral narcissus. This type with an emphasis on the exclusivity of the spiritual qualities of his personality. They consider themselves intellectuals, sex has no value for them - except as a tool for manipulating men and achieving their goals.

Inverted Daffodil. This type of personality is most dependent on its partner. If classical narcissism implies narcissism, then inverted means admiration for one’s partner.

Intimacy with a bright, talented man becomes the main goal for such a woman, and she initially takes a subordinate position in relation to him.

However, this does not preclude the manipulation of a partner - such women may lament that they are doing everything for their partner and require constant attention to themselves.

Signs and manifestations

The signs by which you can recognize a female narcissus are the following:

  1. Inflated sense of self-worth. Such women openly demand that their opinion is not only necessarily taken into account, but also read the most important.
  2. Conviction in their own exclusivity and uniqueness - she "is not like everyone else." This is often manifested in the rejection of comparison with any other woman.
  3. Missing guilt. Even having committed an act of bad moral standards, a narcissus woman would not apologize and feel remorse.
  4. The impossibility of compassion and sympathy. Such people are not inclined with empathy.

    Often leads to the fact that the partner in the life of such a woman feels unnecessary, does not feel care and warm emotions.

  5. Tendency to manipulate others. Female narcissuses become the aces of manipulation techniques. Elevating themselves above the others, they use the people around them for their own purposes, without hesitation of conscience, taking it for granted.
  6. Communicating with people often turns into offensive banter and outright mockery., sometimes turning into insult and direct humiliation of the interlocutor. If there are shortcomings or flaws in the interlocutor, such a woman will not fail to indicate them.
  7. Mercantile spirit. The woman-narcissus seeks to use any situation for profit, not taking into account the interests of the people around them.
  8. Increased aggression in controversial situations. In the event of conflict, it is easy to proceed to its open flow, it can go to insults.
  9. The constant demand of admiration from others. A narcissus woman will demand that she be recognized as the best. If such requirements are ignored, she will take a defensive stance towards those who do not recognize her exclusivity and excellence.
  10. Disguise and hide their negative qualities.

    Such a woman does not recognize the negative traits of her character, but will gladly point out those of her interlocutor.

  11. Tendency to tyranny and submission to the partner. At the same time, the woman-narcissus will tell him about his superiority over the others.
  12. Arrogance when communicating with people, the tendency to labeling.

Psychology and causes

Among the causes of narcissism in women, psychologists most often distinguish features of education in childhood:

  1. Permissiveness and lack of parental punishment. The child is not restricted in anything, they indulge all his whims, as a result of which he develops conviction in his exclusivity, develops a consumer attitude towards others.
  2. Excessive praise and causeless admiration for the child. As a result, the girl experiences psychological discomfort in the event that no one notes her exclusivity, demanding this from others.
  3. The imposition of unfulfilled ambitions on the child by the parents. In this case, the girl is given a strict framework, which she must follow. Constant suggestions like "you will become an excellent doctor" give rise to a sense of superiority and perfectionism in a child.
  4. Inflated demands of parents from the child. In case of inconsistency with them - pronounced discontent. In this case, the child learns that if he is not the best, then no one will love him.

Also, as one of the causes of narcissism in women emit low self-esteem.

At the same time, the desire for excellence, the desire to realize oneself exceptional and demand it from others is the goal of compensating for one’s own self-esteem. Often, such female narcissus becomes too dependent on the opinions of others.

Features of female deficiency unlike men

Although both male and female narcissism have many common features, their main difference is that some forms of the latter allow conscious dependence on your partner.

Also a pronounced problem of women-narcissus become their relationship with children.

The problem is that mother narcissus can not give enough warmth and care to your childbecause it needs it itself.

The result is a vicious circle, when the mothers of narcissus children grow up with a tendency to narcissism.

Special mention are relationship of a woman narcissus with a man narcissus. In this case, both require recognition and admiration from the partner, without supposing mutual returns. As a result, such relationships, as a rule, quickly collapse.

The strongest relationships in women of narcissus are formed with calm and caring men who do not claim to be the leader in the family.

How to communicate with such a lady?

Communicating with a female narcissus is quite specific, but following certain rules you can establish a constructive relationship without harming both parties. The following standards must be observed:

  1. Mark the scope and boundaries of communication. Since female daffodils are skillful manipulators, be always ready to say no to them. And it is best to make it soft, but not accepting objections tone. Once yielding, expect that you will try to use in the future.
  2. Do not seek to open the soul of a woman narcissus. She can listen to you carefully and then use everything you said against you. Always keep a moderate distance in personal topics. Do not tell her about your shortcomings and weaknesses.
  3. Be confident in yourself. Do not mention your doubts. Remember - in dealing with a female narcissus, you must know for sure what you want and expect.
  4. Be careful if a woman-daffodil does you a royalty-free service.. Most likely, she is not worth any effort for her, since this type of people is not capable of self-giving and sacrifice.

    Most likely, in the near future you will be reminded that you must do something in response.

  5. Do not take everything said by a female narcissus on faith. In order to manipulate, they can easily embellish certain events or distort them in order to cause you to have certain impressions. Mentally subject everything heard to objective criticism.
  6. Do not adopt communication tactics in a female narcissus. Do not play on her field, as she is the master there. Keep your own line of conduct.
  7. If the situation calls for criticism of a female narcissus, remember that she will be painful to react to her. Better pack critical notes in compliments. For example - “Punctuality is just your thing. But what made you late for a meeting today? ”
  8. Do not rush to believe their compliments. They are not always sincere. Perhaps you quite consciously want to make a certain impression. Be prepared for the fact that after the words of admiration you can just as easily be subjected to destructive criticism.

Narcissism in women maybe just a traitnot causing difficulties and problems in communication and relationships with the opposite sex.

However, in its pathological forms, it can create not only problems in these areas, but also psychological discomfort for the woman herself.

In the latter case, it is better to resort to services. a psychologist or psychotherapist.

The nature of narcissism:

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