Love and relationship

How to gently and beautifully call a loved one?

Affectionate nicknames for loved ones help to better express their feelings, emphasize their gentle attitude, cause pleasant emotions. Often in pairs, people invent them for each other.

It would seem that this is a trifle, but from the point of view of psychology, it has more meaning than it might seem. How to affectionately call a loved one or loved one? All individually, but there are factors that need to be taken into account.

Do I need to come up with affectionate nicknames, and why is it so important?

Coming up to each other affectionate names in a pair - this original love creativity.

There are two main reasons for its occurrence: the first is giving the relationship some uniqueness, the second is an appeal to the inner child.

Such nicknames coming up unconsciously, but at the same time they almost always have a secret meaning.

Such nicknames are important because they make relationships deeper and more sincere. If love disappears from relationships, partners forget how they called themselves.

When the relationship turns into a formality, the nicknames also remain formal. If this kind of creativity continues to develop, this talks about the development of the unionor rather, feelings in it.

Affectionate names are important as an expression of deeply tender feelings, and they like not only women, but also men.

As to whether they need to be invented, it is worth saying that everything is individual. Mostly they are selected spontaneously, and then all their feelings are sincerely manifested.

There is hardly any sense in choosing them specifically.because it is necessary. In addition, there are people who do not like such displays of tenderness. So everything is individual and depends on the relationships and the people who are in them.

Why don't couples use them?

Affectionate names for each other are not used by all couples.

The reasons why they do not do this can be the following:

  1. Relationship in a couple for this is not deep enough and trusting. Their level is closer to the formal. This may be at the beginning of a relationship, when partners are not too close to each other, or when their feelings have been exhausted.
  2. Many are afraid to get a negative reaction to such a nickname.. This is especially true for men, who often try to appear more serious and more brutal than they are.
  3. Lack of fantasy. Some simply can not figure out how to better name a loved one.
  4. Finally, some people just do not like such treatment. Some people are far from romance, and they like it better when they are called by name.

    In principle, there is nothing bad in it - all people are different, and a person can just be more comfortable.

What does your darling want to hear? Sweet words:

List for girls

How can you call a girl? First you need to understand in what tone the nickname will be pronounced.

You need to invest in it a maximum of tenderness. You can choose a name that will display some character trait or appearance of your partner.

But at the same time this feature should not be the one that beloved perceives as own fault.

After all, you can make a mistake too much and hurt her for living, that significantly spoil the relationship. Here are the variants of nicknames that can be used for a girl: baby, my love, my dear, my dear, my beauty, sweetheart, etc.


Here you can pay attention to some features of a girl, but only to positive ones. For example.

If, say, a girl sings well, you can call her a little bird or nightingale, or rummage through encyclopedias and find the name of some exotic bird with an incredible voice.

You can still come up with some variation of the name. There may be many of them, the main thing is that they should not be offensive and too childish.


They are used by couples who have everything is fine with a sense of humor. These are usually the names that the couple uses exclusively between themselves (durynda, kozyavochka, stupid, pupusik, etc.).


Girls usually love flowers and can be used as nicknames.

In this case, you can take into account the symbolism and value of the flower:

  • rose, rose - Demonstrates the beauty of the girl, as well as your feelings for her;
  • violet, violet - both gently and mysteriously;
  • sakura - suitable if the girl is of eastern nationality or enjoys the culture of the East;
  • tulip - It sounds cute and spring-like. Suitable for a girl with a four or a similar hairstyle;
  • aster - A flower associated with Aphrodite. It is beautiful;
  • lotus - suitable for a girl who enjoys yoga or Indian culture;
  • birch - emphasize the slimness of the ladies.
  • Beasts

    Traditionally, among all the nicknames lead animal motives. Here are their popular options.:

    • everything related to cats is usually liked by girls. Kitty, cat, kitten - it's almost a classic;
    • nicknames like “hare”, “hare” and the like are also popular;
    • fish or fish - also a sweet and affectionate version;
    • koala or koalochka - an option for a girl who loves to cuddle;
    • fox or chanterelle - for a cunning girl, possibly with red hair;
    • monkey - for a girl with a cheerful disposition and sense of humor. Consider that such a nickname is not always perceived positively;
    • Lioness - for a girl with a strong character, or born under this zodiac sign.
    • Panther - for a brunette girl.

    Fruit or sweet

    Many couples like to use the names of sweets, fruits, berries. Popular options: berry, cherry, strawberry, peach marshmallow and others.

    Here it is important that the chosen name does not hint at the lush figure of the girl - it can offend her.

    Also sometimes used nicknames associated with the names of famous personalities or heroines of some works of art. As an example Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Mona Lisa and others.

    What nicknames do girls like? Watch the video:

    What options are better not to use?

    First of all, do not use the words with which the ladies have negative associations.

    For example, if it appeals to some of its complexes, or she was so teased at school.

    So, in the presence of excess weight it is worth forgetting about nicknames like “pie”, “donut”, “piggy” and so on.

    Another moment - animal nicknames. Here you need to find out how the girl relates to a particular animal. Nicknames like horse, pig, cow, magpie, crow and others like that, having a negative color, will not please many people.

    However, this list is not closed. Perhaps the girl has a subtle sense of humor and there are no complexes, and she will appreciate such a thing.

    But it’s important how much you know the person and trust each other.

    Nicknames for a guy

    In the case of men, things are a little more complicated. Not every one of them likes tenderness, and it is important not to overdo it, so as not to humiliate the dignity of the chosen one.

    1. If your boyfriend is a classic brutal man, do not use too sweet names. You can start with small affectionate abbreviations of the name. He will also like nicknames that emphasize his strength and masculinity, such as Atlas, Apollo, Hercules and others.
    2. Classic optionsthat any man might like - nicknames that have positive energy, such as dear, dear, beloved, the best and the like.
    3. Animal related options, like Kitty or Bunny, can also be used if the partner is not opposed and is normal with this.

    At the same time, there are categories of nicknames that are not strongly recommended for men to use:

    1. Affectionate name should not be the one that humiliates or offends partner. For example, if he is shy of overweight or short stature, you should not call him a Hippo or baby or, on the contrary, slender and giant. Even if the young man himself does not mind, in the soul it can hurt him.
    2. Words have their own energyand there should be no negative message about them.
    3. Children’s nicknames are not recommended., it is better to leave their bosom friends.
    4. Do not use the nicknames associated with the rephrasing of the names of men. For him, this is pride, his race, what is inherited, and you should not joke about it.

    In addition, there are situations where both men and women Not recommended to call a loved one a fake nickname.

    So, it is better not to do this in public places and companies, with parents, in a business halt.

    It is better to use such nicknames then when you are alone - so you will be more comfortable, and the names will get even more intimacy, because they will be your secret.

    Affectionate nicknames and names - it is very cute, intimate and individual. There is no thing that fits all, because people are different, and their ideas about relationships are also different.

    If you know your partner well, you will surely be able to find a word that will fit him completely and cause only pleasant emotions.

    How to call your loved one? Find out from the video:

    Watch the video: 9 Types of Hugs Will Shed Light on Your Relationship (December 2024).