
Effective multi-functionality and kairos management

Greetings The topic of this publication, entitled "Effective Multifunctionality" only sounds difficult. In fact, from the first lines everything will very quickly fall into place. Do not confuse multifunctionality with multitasking - the real scourge of most people. On the contrary, multi-functionality allows you to fight and overcome it with multitasking. This happens within the framework of my Kairos management concept. And now, first things first.

What is effective multifunctionality?

Effective multifunctionality is the presence of more than one useful skill or skill in a person. In fact, many of us are multifunctional, just feel free to do this, since we have been told since childhood, "do not spray." Most gurus and business coaches, as if by agreement, argue that it is necessary to perform one task. And all the "seven-kin" subjected to reprimand and "repression". Perhaps they are right about something. After all, they are adult wise people who have been living for more than a dozen years. But there is another player in our world who is already billions of years old. And his name - wildlife. So, in nature, other rules.

The term "multifunctionality" came from biology, more precisely from the evolutionary theory. This concept implies the ability of an organ to perform various functions. This is the adaptive value. The more versatile the body, the greater the chances for an organism to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

But not only in nature is important the ability to adapt. In society, sometimes natural selection manifests itself no less rigidly. And if someone is not born with the prospect of being the director of his father, then he will most likely have to adapt. And here multifunctionality is one hundred percent useful.

This article is an "indulgence" for all those who are not afraid of multitasking and are not ashamed of the vastness of their knowledge.

Multifunctionality and Kairos Management

Back to the main topic of my blog. Kairos management is the ability to create a fortunate set of circumstances on your own. In other words - adapt. The more skills and abilities a person has, the more, respectively, he can see opportunities for self-realization.

In addition, the diversity of interests is the expansion of social circle. Launches a chain of potentially useful dating on the principle of networking - building business relationships. On the one hand, a person has additional skills, and on the other hand, he will meet new people, each of whom is a “storehouse” of some possibilities.

Consider an elementary example. Two research associates of a research institute. One is narrowly "sharpened" under his thesis, and the second develops diversified. Let's say he tries his hand as a photo artist. At one "wonderful" moment, the institute closes and both end up on the street. Who do you think will be able to adapt faster? For the realities of the post-Soviet countries, such multifunctionality has long been the norm.

But one should not think that this property is useful only for socially unstable states with economic difficulties. I feel how all pro-European readers with trending gyrus in their head rebelled. I hasten to reassure, I am not going to teach how to survive and fight poverty, although the techniques of Kairos management are equally effective in these conditions.

Multifunctionality opens the way to success and big money, because it is the key to creativity. And this word is already more interesting, because creativity is part of the brand generation, PR or GR-technologies, advertising, marketing - those smart words, the knowledge of which makes a person in demand in the modern world.

Multifunctionality and creativity

Creativity, in my interpretation, is directed creativity. In other words - creativity by request. I will explain in two simple examples.

If a guy has thrown a girl and she, wanting to release emotions, writes tearful poems - this is our usual work. It is vectorless. She will not return the guy with these verses, she will not get a good grade at school, she will not earn a new smartphone.

When an advertising agency creative is commissioned to come up with an original logo, he will not get off with tearful poems. It is necessary to get exactly the logo - this is the ultimate goal of his work. In this case, we are talking about directed creativity or creativity.

And here multifunctional? The broader the person’s worldview, the more complex and unusual his ideas may be. Otherwise it will be like in a joke about a very highly specialized doctor, who perfectly understood the left nostril and did not understand anything in the right one. People with extensive erudition are able to generate real creative ideas, and not just "lick" them from competitors, a little "retouching" so as not to reproach plagiarism.

A striking example of the symbiosis of creativity and multifunctionality is bionics - a science that applies the principles of the structure and functioning of living organisms to create technical devices, systems, or buildings. In order to master this discipline, it is not enough knowledge in biology or technology. It is necessary to combine an in-depth understanding of the laws of living nature and the possibility of their application for technological needs.

Effective multi-functionality allows you to separate yourself from competitors, develop your unique selling proposition and become a real brand. Kairos management only improves this process, as it develops the ability to see a good opportunity. Another important element is creativity. It is about her that we'll talk more in the next article.

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