Personal growth

How to quickly read how difficult and 7 ways

Although the question is "how fast to read?" they are asked more often, it would be more correct to ask "why do this?", because the quality of digestible information depends on the speed of reading. Thoughtful, in-depth perception of the text is much better than superficial acquaintance. But there are cases when it is still necessary to quickly assimilate the maximum data. For example, before exams. Then it is really important to learn to read quickly. How to do it? How long will it take to master this technique? With a thoughtful reading of this article, everything will fall into place.

How difficult is it to master fast reading?

Reading is the process of perceiving information recorded as text. Efficiency depends on the features of vision, as well as mental and physiological reactions associated with concentration, attentiveness, perseverance, memory, speed of thought processes, analysis and processing of the received information. All of these factors are amenable to development and improvement. Accordingly, their training helps to increase the speed of perception of the material.

It is believed that you can learn to read quickly in 20 minutes., that is, to master the necessary skills, which in the future should be regularly honed.

The first scientific studies of the speed of reading were conducted in 1878 by the French ophthalmologist Emile Javal. The results of his work showed that the field of human vision is much wider than previously thought. This laid the foundations of speed reading. And literally 50 years later, the first courses on fast reading opened in the USA.

In 1998, a seminar "Project PX", organized at Princeton University. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the use of individual recommendations contributed to a fourfold increase in the speed of reading. If for Slavic languages ​​reading 120-180 words per minute is considered the norm, then this indicator can be increased to 700-900 words.

By the way, it is possible to learn to read quickly and intuitively, without special training. Simply, if a person needs to quickly process the text, he automatically begins to adapt to these conditions. Elemental adaptation can be significantly extended in time, and directional training accelerates this process.

The main obstacles to quickly reading include:

  • Regression - recurrent eye movements, re-rereading the covered parts of the text;
  • Narrow field of visual perception - lack of peripheral vision (coverage of a smaller number of words in one gaze stop);
  • Subvocalization - internal pronunciation of the text that is read;
  • Reduced attention span - inability to focus on one object, the tendency to be distracted by external stimuli;
  • Lack of motivation to read - not interesting text, or its complexity for perception.

Understanding these difficulties and finding ways to level them, a person is able to quickly master the technique of speed reading. We will discuss the main methods further.

How to learn to read quickly

There are a lot of techniques for how to read quickly. Disassemble them all does not make sense. So, let's take a look at some of the most effective:

  • Keyword method;
  • "Sighting";
  • Reading through the word;
  • Subvocalization suppression;
  • Vertical reading;
  • The method of "mixed letters";
  • The method of "crossed out letters."

These techniques help to improve the various skills required for reading, including concentration, perseverance and visual field.

Keyword Method

It helps to read quickly, and only what is needed. This method consists in understanding the subject of the text. For example, a person needs to understand the peculiarities of the Greco-Roman wrestling. He gets a text that summarizes various types of martial arts, including karate, boxing, etc. It makes no sense to spend time studying them all. Therefore, it is sufficient to superficially get acquainted with the material, paying attention only to those parts of it, where the mention of wrestling is found.


This method saves time for reading the most important fragments. It consists in fluently acquainting oneself with all the text, “weeding out” those parts that are already known, and devoting the main efforts to reading the necessary material.

For the development of the skill of "shooting" it is necessary to take any text and view it for half a minute. Next, close your eyes and "scroll through the head" any three thoughts of this fragment. Then read it again. This time, select 3-4 new facts, not paying attention to the previously developed ones. It is desirable to repeat this exercise at least five times to better consolidate the effect.

Reading through the word

A good exercise that helps in addition to the speed of reading, to develop more brain activity in general. It consists in not focusing on each concrete word, but in capturing the essence by jumping over the words. This allows you to perceive the text "wider", additionally activating intellectual abilities.

Subvocalization suppression

“Conversation” with oneself may be useful, but clearly not in those cases when there is a need for quick reading. Pronunciation of the text significantly reduces the speed of studying the material. What to do in this case? How to muffle the inner "horn"? You can tap your fingers on some simple rhythm that will suppress sub-vocalization, while not reducing the concentration of attention on the text.

Vertical reading

A skill that helps to cover the entire page, rather than moving linearly from line to line. For its development, it is useful to apply the Schulte method - tables with numbers or letters randomly located in them. This technique allows you to expand the scale of perception of the page. The simplest version of the Schulte table is a square divided into 25 cells (five rows and five columns). Digits from 1 to 25 are entered into it in random order. With time, the task can be complicated by drawing tables 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, etc.

The method of "mixed letters"

As it turned out as a result of scientific research, it is better for the human brain not to have a letter, but a dictionary reading. Thus, asking the question, "how fast to read?", Should it be altered to "how quickly to read individual words?" - This helps exercise, called "confused letters." The fact is that in order to identify a word it is necessary that the first and the last letter are correct. Inside they may be confused. On the quality of perception is not how to display. This exercise should be performed with someone. It is necessary to prepare for each other texts, in which the inner parts of most words will contain letters interspersed. The development of vocabulary reading significantly increases the speed of the study of the text as a whole.

The method of "crossed out letters"

An alternative to the previous method, when certain letters are crossed out in words, for example, vowels or consonants. This, again, allows us to pay less attention to trifles and increases the scope of coverage of the entire text. This exercise is also best performed in pairs to eliminate the factor of initial familiarization with the text.

These tips, how to quickly read, do not require lengthy preparation and any special tools. In most cases, these exercises can be performed independently, but even those for which you need a partner, still do not differ in the complexity of implementation, because there are plenty of people willing to learn speed reading.

Watch the video: How To Read Anyone Instantly - 18 Psychological Tips (December 2024).