
15 tips on how to eat

Eating right, eating healthy food is easier than it seems. Armed with useful information, you will be able to change your habits. You have to understand that proper nutrition is not a diet, it is a nutrition system that provides an opportunity to improve the quality of life, improve health, reduce weight, become energetic, etc. Let's see how to safely switch to a healthy diet.

1. Choose complex carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, sugar) are very quickly absorbed, to eliminate excess carbohydrates, the pancreas secretes a lot of insulin. If a person consumes simple carbohydrates often and in large quantities, then his pancreas works for wear and there is a possibility that you will subsequently get diabetes.
Complex carbohydrates (raw cereals, vegetables, pastries made from whole-grain flour) are absorbed by the body gradually and do not force the pancreas to work in an emergency mode.
Try to eat more vegetables, especially greens. Salad season with vegetable oil or yogurt.
There is no need to completely abandon pasta and bread, just instead of the usual pasta and bread, buy pasta made from whole-grain flour and bran bread.
2. Add more protein to your diet.
In the diet should be a lot of lean protein. Protein helps in building muscle mass, charges a person with energy and saturates for a long time.
Eat lean fish, poultry and beef, legumes and nuts, low-fat dairy products.
3. Learn to separate healthy and harmful fats.
For normal functioning, a person needs fats. But fats are different. The correct (good) fats include: various vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, fish, fatty varieties. But trans fats and saturated fats are best avoided. Carefully read the labels, never buy products that are marked "hydrogenated."
4. Reduce salt intake
Do not give up salt completely, in small quantities it is necessary, but an excess of salt can cause various diseases.
5. Diversify your diet.
Try to eat varied, do not eat too often any one product.
6. Drink more regular water.
By maintaining the balance of water in the body, you can improve health and lose a few pounds. Give up sugary drinks and juices, except for empty calories no benefit from them.
7. Avoid fast food
Take food with you so that during the day you can always have a snack with something useful.
8. Know the measure
Absolutely it is not necessary to give up alcohol, a glass of beer or wine has a positive effect on the body, but more of it is harmful to health.
9. Be sure to have breakfast
It triggers metabolism and energizes. You need to have breakfast, even if you have no appetite - drink a glass of yogurt and eat some fruit. Over time, you get used to breakfast. The best breakfast is oatmeal, you can add honey, banana, cinnamon. For a more satisfying option, you can put a spoon of cottage cheese in the porridge.
10. Eat slowly
The signal of saturation in the brain comes late, so many people often overeat. To avoid this, eat slowly to feel satiety, but do not over-eat too much.
11. Eat often, but a little bit.
It is impossible to send a whole bunch of various foods to the stomach at once. Food will be poorly digested, therefore, nutrients from it will not be fully digested. It is better to eat five times a day, little by little. Thus, you will always feel full, the food will be well absorbed, and the level of glucose in the blood will be on the same level.
12. Shopping list
Do not go shopping hungry, so you buy a lot of extra products. Always make a list and stick to it clearly. Do not keep at home harmful products, then the temptation to eat them will not.
13. It is necessary to overcome the craving for harmful products.
If you are attracted to something harmful, for example, you really want sweets, this may indicate a lack of magnesium in the body. Instead of eating a couple of sweets, take a handful of nuts or seeds, and magnesium is also found in some fruits and legumes.
When the body lacks some nutrients, begins to want something harmful, it is important to learn how to find a more useful alternative and eliminate cravings for junk food.
14. Do not starve
Fasting can disrupt your metabolism. Better eat regularly healthy food.
15. Have patience
Do not wait for instant results. You will feel the first changes only in a few weeks. But, if you do not give up this venture and continue to eat properly, then the cholesterol level will decrease, the weight will be normalized, the energy will increase and the mood will improve.
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