A life

What to do if all zadolbalo? How to pull yourself together?

With a long-term impact of negative factors on a person, at a certain moment, a condition called "zadolbalo all" occurs. What to do in this case? How to pull yourself together and mobilize. Is it possible to increase your working capacity, to feel the taste of life again? After all, such a state can sneak up at any time. How to protect yourself from apathy and gloom? Are there any ways to be inspired if everything is zadolbalo? Consider the basic tips on how to do this.

Engage in introspection

Before embarking on vigorous activity, it would not hurt, for a start, to understand the essence of the problem. It is necessary to find out why everything is overwhelmed. The most common causes are:

  • Difficulties in the relationship, or their complete absence;
  • Health problems and well-being;
  • Troubles at work, in business, etc .;
  • Low self-esteem, due to non-perception by other people;
  • The attack of seasonal blues and avitaminosis.

Accordingly, the methods of how to control oneself will differ markedly. But you can select the most universal techniques.

Refresh your life

There is no better way to control yourself than to drastically change something in your life. Haircut, car, hobby, work. What exactly? It is not so important, the main thing is to make the first step. After all, if everything is zadolbalo, it is necessary to offer something new to your subconscious. Suddenly, the general mood will rise, plans and goals will appear, an action strategy for the near future will emerge.

Read a book

A good literature is capable of supporting a person if he is all zadolbalo. In it you can find answers to most of the questions, learn about the fate of other people, read interesting facts and learn from the experience accumulated by mankind over the entire period of its existence. How to pull yourself together with such a baggage of knowledge? This is another matter. On a silver platter, no one is obliged to give us the solution to all problems. But to get a fertile ground for reflection, thanks to the books, it is definitely possible.

Get creative

Creating something new, a person is able to pull himself together even in very stressful conditions. If you are tired of everything and you want to howl from sadness, you should switch your attention to something else. You can pick up a pencil and start drawing, or learn the basics of origami. A good way to carry out internal recharging is folk crafts: sewing, knitting, molding, etc.

Perform spontaneous acts

Very often a person is attacked by despondency in the case of the monotony of days when nothing happens in his life. How to pull yourself together in this case? Simply enough - to diversify your life, to surprise, first of all, yourself. To do something that I never expected from myself.

For example, jump with a parachute or declare love to your employee, from whom you have long been "butterflies in the stomach", or unexpectedly for yourself to buy a bus ticket and leave for a couple of days to another city. Anything, the main thing that this act forced to leave the comfort zone.

Take time to rest and sleep

Another common reason for which can all get bored is fatigue and overstrain. Good sleep and relaxation will help to cope with them. So, if someone overworked and feels that he was all zadolbalo, you need to take a break and rejuvenate.

How to pull yourself together in a similar situation? It is better to devote a couple of days to rest than to reach the handle and then take yourself out of depression for several weeks. Including in the medicamental way. Considering that emotional overstrain is fraught with psychosomatic disorders, it is better not to joke with it.

Break free from negativity

Actions are generated by words, and the cause of words are thoughts. How to pull yourself together? First of all, you should curb your thinking, clear it and translate it into a positive plane. Forgive resentment, be not so self-critical, let go of what causes anger, irritation, discontent. Solitude with nature, humorous programs, communication with good people, etc. will help in this.


You do not know what to do - fell, wrung out! This phrase from the cartoon does not lose its relevance in real life. If everything is zadolbalo and you can see neither the end nor the edge, you should start playing sports. Increasing his motor activity, a person thereby mobilizes his internal reserves, clears the mind and draws the necessary energy. The main thing here is not to overdo it and remember that in everything you need to know when to stop.

Follow proper nutrition

Not less negative impact on the emotional state of a person, in addition to hypodynamia, has a wrong diet. In this case, the answer to the question of how to get a grip on yourself will be the right and balanced diet. We are made up of what we eat. Accordingly, if we eat foods rich in vitamins, trace elements and other essential substances, it will be much easier for the body to produce the hormones of "happiness."

Practice self development

Sometimes interest in life is lost due to its insufficient saturation. How to pull yourself together if everything is zadolbalo? The best way to diversify your life is to learn something new, try yourself in unknown activities, or climb the previously inaccessible heights of skill in your profession or hobby.

In other words - to engage in self-development. Trainings, workshops, seminars and forums, educational videos and books. There are a lot of personal and professional growth options and each is interesting in its own way.

Go on a trip

If a person is zadolbalo all here, it is worth trying to regain interest in life somewhere there! Other countries and continents, an unusual mentality and traditions - all this can lead out of depression even a hardened whiner. If there is no money and opportunities for long journeys, you can travel around the expanses of the Motherland. After all, even around the corner there may be something unexplored that already speaks of other cities.

How to pull yourself together if people got it at all? You can go hiking in the nearest forest or mountains, because traveling does not mean just visiting the islands of civilization. You can learn and the surrounding nature.

Come up with a hobby

If everything is zadolbalo, it is best to switch your attention to something else. For these purposes, you can use a hobby. If nothing comes to mind, you can remember your childhood hobbies. The personality and character of a person are formed in very young years. Accordingly, what aroused interest then may be relevant in adulthood. And the more this hobby is drastically different from the usual activities, the better, because it will help to quickly pull yourself together.

Ways to pull yourself together. The main criterion for choosing the appropriate method is desirable to make it simple and accessible. And also, the applicability in a particular situation. For example, if a sailor of a long voyage zadolbalo everything, then advising him to go on a trip will sound like a mockery. But rest and hobbies can be useful. So, it is important to carry out an introspection and, on its basis, to plan further steps.

Watch the video: Суппорт для токарного станка по металлу своими руками в работе. (December 2024).