Personal growth

How do motivation achievements and motivation avoid failures work?

The basis of any human activity is desire to satisfy your need.

The motivation for moving toward a goal can be a desire to accomplish or be afraid to fail.

Achievement motivation

Any need creates motivation, and it forces a person to carry out activities to meet this need.

This mechanism of behavior lies in each of us.

Achievement motivation - this is the desire to achieve success, high results. Individuals with this kind of behavior are always focused on effective activities that will bring them maximum benefit.

People can give different meanings to the achievements in their lives. For some, this is the main incentive for any activity, a way to maintain self-confidence and self-esteem. Other relate to their own achievements calmly and do not feel a strong need for them.

As a rule, the choice of a field of activity and a model of behavior directly depends on the level of development of achievement motivation.

Interested in success individuals seek to develop leadership qualities, demonstrate an active life position, constantly master new skills.

They choose areas of activity in which there are prospects for conquering significant heights. These people seek recognition, material well-being, and high social status.

With low motivation achievements man takes a neutral lifestyle. He can be satisfied with the status quo and does not seek to somehow change the situation.

Such people are quite satisfied with a stable average income, a permanent position, etc.

This life position is explained. lack of interest in the achievements or the predominance of laziness, which makes it difficult to concentrate efforts and move towards the goal.

Motivation for avoiding failure

This type of motivation stimulates a person to perform activities in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The end result of the activity is also the achievement of the goal, but this goal has a fundamentally different character.

In this case, the determining factor is the desire to avoid failure, and not to win.

So, with the motivation of achievements, a person in the morning hurries to work and actively embarks on his work duties, wishing achieve high results and get rewarded from leadership.

His colleague, whose motivation for avoiding failure prevails, hurries to work and sets about solving professional tasks. for fear of losing your job, not getting a premium etc.

Both in the first and in the second case there is an active desire to achieve the goal.

But the second worker is guided exclusively fears to face unpleasant consequences.

This kind of motivation is less effective and efficient.

Of fear of possible failures at the current time, a person always seeks to perform tasks that are most acute.

As a result, urgent matters come to the fore, which may not be the most important. The solution of really serious issues in this case is relegated to the background.

There is also the fear of starting something new because of the fear of failure. Eventually Opportunities are always missingthat could lead to success.

Constant orientation to avoid failure gradually leads to the development of the habit of thinking negatively. As a result, low self-esteem is formed, faith in oneself is lost.

Success motivators

These are factors that stimulate to achieve the objectives. The most powerful motivators:

  1. Confession. Each person feels the need to recognize her talents, skills, abilities. The desire to get approval of specific significant people or the whole society as a whole is a powerful incentive. Often, people who occupy a low social position achieve significant heights precisely because of a strong desire to gain recognition. The main features of such personalities are vanity, ambition, ambition, self-confidence.
  2. Material benefits. In modern society, material gain is most important for most people. Financial well-being is considered as the main source of happiness. Accordingly, its presence is regarded as the highest degree of success in society.
  3. Personal growth. For individuals, the main symbol of success is overcoming oneself: one’s fears, doubts, complexes. The desire to reach a new level of psychological development makes a person constantly work on himself.
  4. Movement on the career ladder. Professional victories, which take on greater significance than any other successes, can come out on top. In this case, there is a desire to constantly improve their skills and abilities, to acquire new knowledge in the chosen direction. Getting the desired position or praise from the authorities are the main goal.
  5. Power. The ability to impose one’s will on other people, control them and make an impact - all these are the main signs of success for a person striving for power.

    Moreover, the essence of this power does not matter, the main factor in this case is the availability of the ability to direct and subordinate.

Motives for achieving the goal

Motivations that guide a person to achieve a goal are of several types:

  1. External. It is formed under the influence of the external environment. A person seeks to solve the tasks facing him for the sake of obtaining public recognition and approval. He acts in this case as a member of society, who has certain responsibilities to his environment.
  2. Internal. In this case, external factors do not have any impact on the person. Activities are carried out solely for the sake of this activity itself. The desire to achieve their goals arises at a subconscious level.

    Getting pleasure from the work done is the main sign of success.

  3. Positive. At the core of the activity is the right stimulus, which carries a positive charge. Man strives for the result that is desirable for him. Achieving this result gives a feeling of satisfaction, confidence.
  4. Negative. The urge to action is negative. Behavior due to negative factors - fear, fear, anger, irritation, etc. Such motivation is effective only in short periods of time when a specific task is required to be solved. On a long-term, permanent basis, it is better not to use this approach.

Effective words

Some phrases help people set themselves up for success, gain confidence:

  • "You need to go forward";
  • "Everything will turn out";
  • “I know what I want”;
  • "You can not give up";
  • “Patience and determination”;
  • "nothing is impossible".

Similar statements You can constantly speak to yourself or out loud. You can also write them in a notebook and constantly re-read.

There are quite a few quotes from great and successful people who have achieved significant heights in life.

Similar aphorisms can also be used to develop positive thinking.

Theory of Gordeeva, T.O.

According to Gordeeva, achievement motivation is a complex structure that consists of several key blocks:

  1. Motivational and regulatory. All needs are determined by values ​​and perceptions. Moreover, their influence on behavior can be both subconscious and conscious. It is the internal installations that induce activity. To predict a person’s behavior, it’s enough to have an idea about the value orientation of his personality.
  2. Trust. Unlike motives that are not always a conscious choice, goals are clearly understood and defined. They are the final result of the activity. It depends on the characteristics of a particular person, what goals she sets for herself, in what ways they will be achieved, how clear and understandable they are. The ability to set realistic, achievable goals is the key to obtaining the desired result.
  3. Planned. At this level, the strategy is developed, the choice of methods and techniques for solving the problem. Approximate terms in which it is planned to resolve the issue are determined. At this stage, the ability to control one's behavior and to objectively evaluate opportunities acquires great importance.
  4. Failure response. The success of bleaching individuals is largely determined by their way of reacting to failures. Some people, faced with unforeseen difficulties, immediately retreat and abandon their intentions. Others, on the contrary, perceive complexity as an additional incentive. They begin to look for new ways to solve the problem, to apply other methods, to revise the chosen strategy.

    An important psychological success factor here is the ability to view failures as a manifestation of external or internal phenomena subject to control.

    In this case, the person realizes that the trouble can be eliminated by him. If a person ascribes failure to himself (“I am not capable of ...”, “I have failed, ...”, “I was wrong ...”), then he is guaranteed to give up trying to change the situation.

  5. Implementation. The higher the degree of activity, dedication, dynamism of the subject, the higher the probability of obtaining the desired result within the prescribed period. Of great importance at this stage is the emotional and psychological structure of the personality. Confident, psychologically stable and positive people are more likely to succeed. Increased anxiety and doubt become a source of problems.

Technique T. Ehlers

T. Ehlers developed a technique that allows determine the degree of motivation of an individual to avoid failures. Elerson's test helps to identify how strong a person is focused on protection.

The passage of this study is recommended to those who often encounter failures and troubles in life. People realize that the source of the troubles lies in themselves, but they cannot identify the specific causes of the situation.

Personalities with a high level of desire to avoid failureAs a rule, they are characterized by anxiety, uncertainty, low self-esteem. They do not like to take risks, fear accidents, avoid unusual places and situations.

Myself questionnaire is a table consisting of 30 rows.

Each line contains three words. The subject's task is to select one word in each line that most accurately describes it.

For evaluation results A list of matches of the line number with the number of the word in it is given, for which it is charged according to the score.

If in the given list there is no selected word in the line, then the score for the answer is not charged. The more points a person gains, the higher his level of motivation to avoid failure.

Based on the test results, it can be concluded that there are psychological problems, the need to work on yourself.

In this way, There are two key forms of motivation. The most effective is a performance-oriented activity, rather than avoiding failure.

Motivation for achieving success and avoiding failures:

Watch the video: FAIL YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS - Motivational Video on Never Giving Up (December 2024).