Personal growth

How to conduct a therapeutic self-hypnosis: self-immersion technique

Different ways of working with the conscious and subconscious gaining popularity today.

With the help of practices such as hypnosis, visualization, meditation, you can contribute to the most rapid success in various fields of human life.

One of the common technician working with a person on a conscious and subconscious level self-hypnosis is considered, that is, introducing yourself into a special hypnotic trance without the participation of another person.

Being in such a state, a person gives himself various commands and installations necessary for changing the consciousness responsible for one or another life aspect.

However, to achieve success, it is necessary to apply the technique correctly, take into account the various nuances that this practice implies.

General information

Self-hypnosis is considered to be actions aimed at immersing a person into a special state of hypnotic trance, in which it becomes possible work with consciousness and subconscious with the help of special commands and installations.

The use of these commands is called self-hypnosis.

With the help of self-hypnosis made by a person who is in a state of hypnosis, you can reprogram human consciousness, qualitatively changing certain aspects of his life.

The convenience of this practice is that in order to obtain the desired result a person does not need to seek help, he can use the technique on his own, without the participation of other persons.

In this case, the practice is completely safe, however, to obtain the expected effect, it must be carried out taking into account various rules and nuances.

What is it used for?

Believed to be a person's life have a big impact installationembedded in the mind and subconscious of man.

Consciousness includes all the information that an individual uses daily, the subconscious contains a much larger amount of information that was once received by a person, but is not used by him in everyday life (for example, a poem learned in early childhood, which he seems to have already forgotten, in fact, not forgotten, just this information is in the depths of the subconscious).

The technique of immersion in self-hypnosis allows you to work with the settings of both the consciousness and the subconscious, and achieve results in various areas of life, such as:

  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • restoration and promotion of health, elimination of problems in the work of certain organs;
  • normalization of sleep and rest;
  • treatment of depression;
  • elimination of fears that prevent a person from fully developing in professional or other areas of life;
  • treatment of neurological disorders;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • normalization of body weight by changing the eating habits embedded in the mind;
  • normalization of the emotional state after a severe loss;
  • the development of self-confidence;
  • eliminating interpersonal problems;
  • development of intellectual abilities, memory, intuition;
  • the development of creative abilities;
  • changing the way of thinking, getting rid of negative thoughts;
  • awareness of their own purpose and meaning of life.

Features Ericksonovskogo self-hypnosis

The main difference between Erickson's self-hypnosis and the classical technique is that do not offer new installationsHe works with the information that is already embedded in his mind and subconscious.

Classic self-hypnosis involves introducing into these areas completely new teams, behaviorsnot peculiar to this individual. Therefore, Erickson's self-hypnosis technique is the most benign.

To achieve a hypnotic state, a person needs to relax in a comfortable posture, and then take a close look at pre-cooked image. It can be a reproduction of a picture of the artist, various photos, own drawings.

It is necessary to look at the image as long as possible so that the person can most reliably remember all the smallest details of the picture.

After that, he closes his eyes and mentally imagines this image. Once it is possible to achieve the clearest possible visualization, man mentally changes the image, eliminates unnecessary, in his opinion, details, draws new ones.

Throughout this process, human consciousness will occur new thoughts, ideas, imageswhich he should not push aside, but accept.

This will allow the person to determine his true desires, to understand the path that he should move in order to change your life in a positive way.

How to hypnotize yourself?

How to enter hypnosis yourself?

In order to inculcate the attitudes and commands necessary for a person into his consciousness, he needs to go into a trance state.

It can be done independently in several stages:

  1. Designation of the existing problem, its adoption, determination of the resultsthat a person expects to receive as a result of the practice of self-hypnosis (that is, determining the final, desired result).
  2. Complete relaxation, both physically and emotionally. A person should be completely alone, it is important to adopt the most comfortable position for his body (sitting or lying, so that all muscles are as relaxed as possible), to protect themselves from extraneous noise and other stimuli. It is important to calm down completely, as anxiety and excitement will only interfere. You need to drive away all negative thoughts and experiences from yourself and focus only on the present moment.
  3. Mental pronunciation of introductory phrasesthat allow you to relax your body and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts (I am completely relaxed, my eyelids are heavy, I feel comfort and safety, my body becomes light, I feel peace and tranquility, I hear only my own voice, I trust only him, my breath becomes calm and measured, I do not feel my body, now I feel only my inner voice and only obey him). It is necessary to repeat such phrases until the person himself believes in them.
  4. Self-suggestion stagein which a person mentally speaks the goals that he wants to achieve with the help of self-hypnosis.

    These goals need to be pronounced many times, not in the future tense, but in the present, as if the desired situation has already arrived.

  5. The final stage - getting out of trance.

The method of implementation of the therapeutic program

The technique includes several basic steps.

First of all, it is the selection of an existing problem, the definition the life aspect that a person would like to change.

Once the problem has been identified, it is necessary to develop a practice scenario, in particular, to prepare in advance the phrases that the person will pronounce to enter the trance state. It is also important to clearly imagine the desired goal.

It is important to choose the right formula or image of suggestion. If a person is prone to imaginative thinking, he will imagine various images that will gradually change from the existing problem. to the state when it is already allowed.

Some people have more developed color thinking, then each stage will be indicated by a certain color.

For example: man suffers from skin diseases. In this case, he will need to present the initially affected skin, then mentally see how it is gradually updated, cleaned at the cellular level, and finally - the image of perfectly healthy skin.

If there is a frequent headache, you can mentally look inside the skull, which was originally painted black, but over time it becomes lighter, this will mean that the disease recedes.

The rules for making self-hypnosis formulas

Phrases and attitudes that a person will use during the procedure must comply with certain rules:

  1. Self-treatment. All phrases and thoughts should begin with the word I, it means that a person in a state of hypnosis accepts this installation, not considering it to be something alien and uncharacteristic for him.
  2. Time limit. The formula should have the form of a sentence in the present tense. The use of phrases in the future or the past tense, as well as the use of uncertain time frames is unacceptable.

    Man imagines that the desired result has already arrived.

  3. Statement. All phrases are affirmative, do not contain interrogative intonations. At the same time, these statements should be pronounced in an even and calm, but rather firm voice. Only in this case can they be accepted by consciousness.
  4. Acceptability. Each installation must comply with the internal principles of the person, not contradict his values ​​and beliefs. That is, it is unacceptable to fundamentally change the human consciousness, as this may adversely affect his psyche.
  5. Graduation. All changes, especially when it comes to a serious problem, should occur gradually. For example, in one session of self-hypnosis it is impossible to completely give up bad habits, to develop a completely new way of life. The number of sessions depends on the problem itself and its severity.

Exit state

The final and very important stage of this practice - the correct way out of the state of hypnotic trance. The duration of this period can vary from several minutes to 1 hour, it all depends on the degree of susceptibility of the human body to hypnosis.

In order to complete the procedure correctly, you must mentally order yourself to wake up with the help of your inner voice. In this case, the intonation should be as solid and calm as possible.

Beginners are far from immediately able to bring themselves into a normal, natural state. In this case, the team must sound in the mind several times.

At first time perhaps a feeling of weakness and sleepiness after the procedure (in this case, you do not need to resist the desire to take a nap, since it is the body’s natural defensive reaction after the state of trance), however, over time these discomfort will gradually recede, and after the self-hypnosis the person feels rested and vigorous.

Self hypnosis - a rather complicated procedure, so it is not surprising that a beginner does not always succeed in achieving a positive result the first time. This is normal.

Over time, the necessary habits and skills will be developed, which means self-hypnosis will become more and more effective.

It is important not to stop, but to develop the necessary skills, while observing all the necessary rules. Only in this case, the achievement of high quality new results and success in certain areas of life will be possible.

What is self-hypnosis and why is it needed? Find out about this from the video:

Watch the video: Self Hypnosis Induction Past Life Regression Quantum Healing Hypnagogic State Deep Sleep Trance (April 2024).