
Yin and Yang: the infinite energy of movement within us

Probably, there is not a single person who has not heard about the Chinese Ying Yang symbols: the feminine and masculine beginnings, the light and the dark side of life. But the deepest concept of Yin Yang has never been attached to pairs of opposites, it is far beyond the simplified concept of the binomials of hot-cold, day-night. This is a whole philosophy.

But we are interested in the practical side of the concept. Why can't we only be good or only bad? How to reconcile opposites in oneself? How to find long-awaited harmony? In the magical space of Yin Yang, no phenomenon is permanent. Everything changes, flows, generates new forms. This state is worth learning to catch.

What is yin and yang

Yin Yang is the concept of two diametrically opposed and complementary principles, an ideal tool that generates everything in our world (phenomenon, matter, force). These beginnings or energies are inside each of us, in life, family, the world, the cosmos. Extreme states are limiting states, a kind of “final stop”. True development occurs only with constant interaction. opposing forces, their harmonious interaction.

The most figurative description of the energies of yin yang is a comparison with alternating current. Energy Yang - this is a positive charge. It is full of unbridled energy, which at any time can lead to an explosion. Yin Energy - cold negative charge that can freeze everything around. As long as the strength of the charges is the same, the spirit of equilibrium rules the system. But achieved equilibrium - not a static value. Having reached the peak, one of the energy is declining, the other is growing. Like alternating current, the yin-yang movement does not occur simultaneously, but in waves. At some moments, one and the forces exceeds the other, but in the end they are balanced again.

It is important for a person to learn to accept this in himself, not to struggle with internal energies, but to follow them. So, with the onset of white day Yang boiling energy increases: digestion improves, brain and physical activity. When the energy hits over the edge, you can safely go into battle, solve problems. With the onset of night In the first place comes the energy of peace Yin. Body temperature drops slightly, digestion almost slows down, the brain falls asleep from fatigue. No need to resist, it is better to calm down, give yourself a rest. But it concerns the larks. At owls, peaks of energy occur at other hours. And this is where the opposites reappear.

Unproved history of the concept of Ying and Yang

Although researchers argue that the concept was borrowed from Buddhism, the description of the concept of yin yang was one of the oldest cosmological symbols in Chinese culture. The concept was primarily described as periodic change of chaos and order. But the phenomenon cannot be considered exclusively Chinese. In the religions of many countries at the birth stage, the dual system of the struggle between good and evil was described. The familiar graphic image appeared much later..

What yin yang was first described in the traditional Chinese teachings of Taoism, which includes elements of religion and philosophy. As a religious and philosophical current, Taoism arose somewhere in the 6th-5th centuries BC. The founder of the doctrine is considered the philosopher Lao-Dzy, who wrote the book "Tao Te Ching". But for the life of this thinker for sure nothing is known. It is believed that the authorship of the book belongs not to one person, but to a whole group of philosophers.

In the theory of Taoism, yin and yang are described as follows.: The central place is occupied by Tao as the essence of being. In itself, the concept of Tao is considered as a dual and contradictory essence (lonely and all-encompassing, inactive and active). Tao is the spirit that produces the substance Qi. It is from Qi that two opposite energies are released: Ying and Yang. These two energies give rise to five elements, from which all beings on the Earth originate. All existence goes through a circle of development and returns to non-existence of Qi, and life is an endless cycle of elements and energies. Unlike other religious teachings, where the Higher Forces are the forces of good fighting against the evil, Taoism calls for both sides to know themselves in order to find themselves. "A wise man is flexible," say the followers of Taoism.

Yin and Yang: the meaning is much deeper than it seems at first glance

Of the modern authors-researchers of the teachings of the Tao, the Orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Maslova A. A. are more often quoted in his books. He talks about YinYan as a complex Chinese concept of perceiving the world from the outside and inside of oneself. At the same time, the author believes that in most publications the concept is too primitive.

For example, the description of energy is most often divided into:

Yang (light side)Yin (dark side)
Sky (lighter)Earth (heavier)
Movement (active)Inaction (calm)
Maximum forceImpotence
Day (light)Night (no light)

The author calls this division no more than a myth, although such an interpretation can be found even in popular Chinese literature. Deep understanding goes far beyond the framework of such a simplified description. It is at the level of the philosophical world view of the spiritual-material, good-evil. The mystical ring in the image of Yin and Yang symbolizes constant offspring of opposing forceswhich cannot exist separately.

So the mention of yin and yang as feminine and masculine does not mean separately a man and a woman separately. Male and female is present within each person: in character, emotions, body, actions, relationships, personal life, career. These concepts are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. When we learn to recognize the two yin yang energies simultaneously, the meaning of this symbol becomes volumetric, integral.

Today, there are many trainings, books and materials, exaggerating one of the parties. In women's trainings, for example, they do not tell you what Yin Yang means in full. Participants are taught to look for and develop the feminine principle in themselves, but they do not say what to do with the masculine. The seminars teach positive thinking, but do not recall the benefits of negative thoughts or emotions. But after all, it is the golden mean that allows you to find the inner harmony that weary inhabitants of the planet dream of.

How to find harmony with your own soul

It is believed that most diseases will go away after restoring emotional balance. It really is. But how to find peace of mind is a mystery. How many people, so many ways. If it’s enough for an extrovert to “get out in people” for calm, to chat on the phone, then the introvert needs a good book with complete privacy. But before that you need to walk on your own. After all, harmony with the world begins with harmony in one’s own soul.

Find the real "I"

Since childhood, we have been stepping up layers of ideas about ourselves, so that, at a conscious age, we sincerely consider them to be ours. But do the qualities we call personal reflect our inner aspirations? Psychologists say no. A person is a sum of patterns of behavior and character traits of people who have surrounded him since childhood. You get used to them.

But their own "I" is so complex, multifaceted and multi-layered, that adults prefer to hide it from themselves and from others. Until a certain time it works. But a long neglect of one’s spiritual impulses deprives one of sleep, health, and interest in life, happiness.

How to understand that the meeting took place with itself? When we act in accordance with the inner impulses, the soul begins to ring and resonate. Psychologists call this the flow state. In this state, a person constantly feels satisfaction with his work, development, achievements, results. He enjoys life, he is happy.

The outer world is a reflection of the inner state

It turns out that we ourselves call insults into our lives. It happens unconsciously, but regularly. Psychologists compare the newborn baby with the perfect ball. Under the influence of different people, upbringing, failures, the ball starts to bend, gets strong dents from a lack of love or, on the contrary, growths from its overabundance.

But the Universe strives for harmony, therefore, it sends people or events that help us to pay attention to ourselves and to take an ideal form again. For example, a hyper-responsible person has to work with irresponsible people, an impatient person all the time gets into traffic jams or queues, the touchy one is constantly offended.

And stress continues until a person is aware of a simple but understandable principle: the cause of all life dissatisfactions is himself. And the universe in this way indicates that the harmony of life is broken. Therefore, it is useless to take offense at others. All confusions are requests for a "deformed" soul.

"Other" within us

Internal imbalance is not as harmless as it seems. It can be compared with the included headlights in a parked car. It would seem, what a trifle, but after a while the driver gets into the car, but can not start it. Because the small light bulbs pulled out the entire battery charge.

Our unconscious is the “other” within us, which we constantly push out and spend on this mass of energy. We hate cooking, but we learn to cook borscht. We dream of a trip to the mountains, but go with friends to the sea. But our present "I" and those qualities that we recognize for ourselves, are constantly in conflict. Such conflicts are destructive and extremely painful for the soul.

The “other” within us is our unconscious. It manifests itself in dreams, reservations, unplanned actions, sometimes scares or even enrages. But it's not so scary, because we do not have to constantly behave well. Even the negative must be experienced completely. and negative thoughts can be learned to work for the good.

The power of negative thinking

The propaganda of positive thinking continues to march triumphantly around the world, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. But those who truly seek to find inner balance are forced to learn to think negatively. Do not whine or complain about unforeseen circumstances, but learn to see the dangers in advance, to meet them prepared.

For example, do not believe everyone, learn to see the dark sides relationships, other people and your own, anticipate possible mistakes or stop saving others without their desire. Yes, we learn when it hurts. But negative thinking will allow us to painlessly accept our real "I".

But do not confuse negative thinking with negative repetitive thoughts. Negative thinking is rather common sense, the ability to critically assess the situation. But negative thoughts oppress us. Refocus the brain on the search for harmony will help some effective exercises for the soul. It is worth trying a few to find the one thing:

  • Practice meditation or relaxation: it gives you the opportunity to focus not on bad or good, but on useful thoughts.
  • Do your favorite sport: helps to throw off the accumulated negative energy, learn to listen to body language.
  • Find a hobby: allow you to make your dreams, concentrate on the process, not on the result.
  • Start a pet: cares about a friend will help stop the endless dialogues in your head.
  • Do not forget to read: this is a great way to escape, to develop imagination, to replenish vocabulary.


  • Yin Yang is not a popular theory about the male and female beginnings, but a whole worldview, a system of concepts about good and evil.
  • The ability to identify and prevent an imbalance in any area of ​​life is the highest human skill.
  • Life is multi-layered, and layers overlap from early life. The search for inner harmony will have to start with the analysis of childhood.
  • By balancing ourselves, we add balance to the world around us.
  • The world is fair and harmonious. If he sends us stress, then it helps to find inner balance.
  • Negative thinking is not as useless as it seems.

Watch the video: Why Your Life Has Infinite Possibilities (May 2024).