Personal growth

How to stop worrying?

Excitement can not only bring a lot of inconvenience to you and others, but also lead to certain health problems in the future. Moreover, the excitement will constantly increase and sooner or later make you worry in almost all situations. Therefore, it is important to know how to stop worrying and be able to control yourself. At a minimum, this will allow not to make a lot of mistakes, besides, it will not simply let you waste your nerves where this can be avoided.

Of course, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of excitement, except that Buddhist monks, whose self-control has long been legendary, are capable of it. Otherwise, the feeling of excitement is part of the natural reflexes and defense mechanisms, so you should not look at it only from the negative side.
However, everyone can learn to control themselves better not only in critical situations, but also in all situations. Thanks to simple techniques and methods, you can control yourself better. This will reduce the growing excitement, regardless of whether there is a reason for this, or whether it is some trifle.
# 1 - Learn to understand the excitement and panic
Of course, at first glance this sounds rather naive and even banal, but the best way to avoid panic is to recognize it. It is good when there is someone nearby who can help with this, but what to do when there is no place to wait for help? First of all, try to understand that your excitement is growing by the second, and very quickly the person will reach the state when you have to use the sedative, and even then wait until it works.
It will also help to focus and search for the cause, which causes excitement. It often happens that without self-control, experiences constantly grow, even in cases when the cause is something completely simple and insignificant. Therefore, if you can understand what causes you to feel panic, you can also easily regain control of the situation and if you do not completely stop being nervous, then at least not wind yourself up even more.
№2 - Macros
This is one of the very first ways that psychologists recommend to their patients. You must have seen the effect of such macros in various films. Their essence lies in finding a certain key that will reduce anxiety, even if it already turns into panic fear.
A macro can be anything from a favorite melody, counting points, or even words from a song, to some personal phrases. The main thing is that macros can distract you and return the opportunity to think rationally, from which the excitement will subside and will not be able to reach the critical point. If you take ready-made templates, you can use:
  • The list of numbers (standard from 1 to 9, although you can choose any values);
  • A list of the names and / or surnames of all members of their family;
  • Repeat the streets that go in a row, from your home or place of work.
  • 7-8 deep breaths followed by a slow exhalation.

The main essence of this technique is always one thing - to divert attention from the object of experience, which constantly increases the level of excitement. For this purpose, various mechanical landmarks are used, which cause the brain to focus on them.
No. 3 - Planning
This method will allow you to stop worrying about trivialities in cases where you are obviously prepared for the situation, but you cannot control yourself in the process, which leads to a loss of control. For example, most often such cases occur during interviews, public speaking, presentations, and so on. It is planning that will avoid situations that lead to panic, although this method does not have a very serious impact on the excitement itself. Rather, it is an attempt to influence the cause, rather than deal with the consequences.
Try to plan everything from your behavior to some key points that will allow you to say the right words or answer any question, no matter what the situation is. It also does not hurt to submit all the interview, meeting or any event in the form of a solid body, which is divided into blocks. Even if you lose one block due to excitement, you can immediately move to another. At a minimum, this will avoid failures that will certainly lead to strong excitement.
# 4 - Put the nervous system in order
Not only psychologists, but also doctors can tell you how to stop worrying about any reason. It is also important to note that if constant excitement is caused by some disorder or other physiological problems, then most of the methods will be ineffective or completely ineffective. Therefore, you need to start with in order to put in order the nervous system. Often this alone will be enough to forget about the excitement.
The first thing to remember is a balanced diet. Avoid harmful products, lean on fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better to consume less fat and fried, resorting to steaming or baking. Try not to avoid such products:
  • Tomatoes;
  • Citrus and bananas;
  • Legumes (beans, peas);
  • Any berries and nuts;
  • Beef;
  • Milk products.

The next most important is vitamins. This is especially worth considering, since many people have a shortage of vitamins and minerals (especially with modern nutrition, the quality of which is deteriorating every year). The most important vitamins of group B, although it is best to buy vitamin-mineral complexes.
If you have a responsible job, or situations regularly arise in life when you have to be nervous or anxious, then it is better to drink various herbal soothing preparations or to brew tea with lemon balm and mint.
№5 - Physical activity
It is no secret that those who regularly play sports control their emotions much better. Sport allows you to strengthen the central nervous system, normalize the hormonal state, give the necessary relaxation and simply "relax the brains" when it is needed. Even going out for a morning jog, you will notice that after it you feel much more cheerful, more fun, and various problems no longer cause such a violent reaction or experience.
It is also worth considering that there is no particular kind of sports activity that would be ideally suited in such a situation. Therefore, you are given complete freedom in choosing. Do you like dancing or swimming? Do you want to go in for martial arts or just go to the nearest gym? Choose only those options that you like. Attempts to force yourself to do something, especially if you do not like it, obviously will not do any good.
No. 6 - Self Confidence
Often, confidence can help avoid regular unrest, especially if it is associated with some kind of complex, awkward situations and other factors that are the cause of experiences. For those who study in school or the university, even going to the blackboard can be a cause for excitement, when you even have to forget that even 10 minutes ago you could tell without much difficulty.
Unfortunately, there is no universal way to improve confidence, but the most popular "helpers" in such situations are:
  • Sports activities;
  • The search for what you are good at;
  • Revise their views on the people around them, the situation and even life in general;
  • Meditation.

In fact, it does not matter in what way you will achieve a result, much more important is that it will allow you to worry much less in any situations.
# 7 - Exception
The last way is more likely not in what needs to be done in order to forget about constant excitement, but in what it is better not to allow. Unfortunately, often the most common ways to reduce stress are the most inappropriate. Instead of helping, they only cause harm. Therefore, if you want to calm down and exclude anxiety, then never resort to:
  • Alcohol (at best, it will give only a temporary effect, after which everything will return with double power);
  • Permanent sedation;
  • Smoking (in spite of frequent delusions, cigarettes do not reduce nervousness, but are one of the macros, which is very harmful to the body and the central nervous system).
  • Lack of sleep

The last item can lead to frequent loss of control and excessive excitement even in completely healthy people, so try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and increase the sleep duration up to 8-9 hours over the weekend. See also:
13 tips to quickly calm down and stop being nervous
What if everything infuriates and annoys

Watch the video: How To Stop Worrying - 15 Ways To Deal With Anxiety (April 2024).