Love and relationship

How to make the guy understand what you like: tips

When you see him for the first time, you think: "Not a boy, but a dream! That would be to become his girlfriend!" However, the young man does not show a clear interest and behaves neutrally: he does not single out you, does not make attempts to translate the acquaintance into a close relationship. Doubts gnaw you, and you don't know how he feels when you're around. It is difficult to understand - he is afraid that you are indifferent to him, and does not risk showing his interest, or is he indifferent himself?

In such a situation, the girl has no choice but to subtly and delicately show that she is sympathetic and not averse to continuing the relationship on a new wave. But it is scary and exciting, because there is always a risk that the guy will step back or scoff. But, without trying, you will not know.

Before taking action, you need to make sure that you cause him sympathy, and there is hope for reciprocity.

Get to know

Make sure that the guy is free - not dating another girl, not married. The more information about the potential cavalier you collect, the easier it will be to move towards the goal.

Very carefully, without attracting too much attention, interviewing girlfriends and acquaintances, - suddenly someone will tell you a lot of interesting things about the object of attention. It may happen that the information will force you to abandon your intentions, or, on the contrary, it will only “fuel” your interest.


If you communicate in one company - watch him, recognize him. Listen carefully - a person will talk about his lifestyle, interests, hobbies, friends and loved ones. It is important for you to find points of contact: maybe you both like to take pictures or you dream of entering the same university as he.

Sometimes it is already clear from several phrases how much a “your” person is and if a friend still likes it, it is worth going to active actions.

In an effort to attract attention to yourself, do not forget about self-esteem - obsession will only alienate the guy from you.

Take action

Your main task - as often as possible to come across the subject of adoration. It is important not to overdo it, so that the young man does not realize that your meetings are rigged. "Accidentally" stumbling upon a guy, be surprised, rejoice, joke about the fact that fate confronts you on purpose.

So that the young man noticed you and wanted to know more closely:

  • smile: the first thing that he should notice on your face is a benevolent smile, showing in all 32 teeth that you are glad to see him, he is pleasant to you and you have something to talk about. Lighten up with optimism and friendliness: such people attract and leave a good impression;
  • flirt: meaningful looks, advances, winks - all this arsenal should be used. Do not spray on others, all signs of attention are meant only for one young man;
  • praise: notice his successes and do not skimp on compliments - men love them no less than women. Do not disregard either a victory in a football match, or an accurate hit of a piece of paper in the waste basket. Do not go too far - the first case requires a detailed questioning about all the critical moments of the game, and the second - only a brief "Cool!";
  • touch: by chance - elbow, brush, hair strand, knee. Invade his personal space unobtrusively and easily. Already by these light touches you will be able to understand for sure whether you are pleasant to him and whether there is a chance of a close relationship.

Do not become a girlfriend with whom you can discuss other girls, be a lady and keep an expressive distance.

Go ahead

If all your efforts have not led to the result and the guy still manages to stay aloof - act decisively! You don't want to waste your time either, do you? If the young man does not understand the hints, take a moment to talk to him without witnesses and directly tell him: "I really like you, but I cannot understand how you feel about me."

If a guy to you is not indifferent - he will be delighted and confess his feelings, and you will understand that you are an indecisive young man, vulnerable and, possibly, unsure of yourself.

Well, if a friend tells you that he likes another girl or he sees only a friend in you - do not be upset, it means no luck. Thank the young man for sincerity and tell me that I am glad to have such a friend as he.

To a fascinating lesson in demonstrating sympathy to a guy you care about was successful, pay attention to common mistakes that can reduce efforts to nothing.

Psychologists advise:

  • do not behave relaxedly and cheekily - you will scare away;
  • do not show your feelings in front of everyone - embarrass you;
  • do not flirt with him with other guys - disappoint.

If a guy catches your eyes and tries to get closer, shoots you with compliments, admires your appearance and character, is keenly interested in problems and achievements - it's done: the young man understood the hints correctly and the next step is now behind him.

Watch the video: HOW TO KNOW IF A GIRL LIKES YOU INSTANTLY (May 2024).