A life

10 ways to live interesting

You can start living interesting at any time. It is enough to leave boring business and give at least 10 minutes to your favorite activity. It is useful to periodically make adjustments to plans and goals. Fulfillment of desires is another way to make life more interesting. It's not that hard! You need desire, a bit of effort, and interest will wake up.

Sometimes you need to be selfish

People often do what is expected of them. Parents want the child to become a doctor or a lawyer, and the artist withers in him. The girl is told that she is obliged to devote herself to her family, children, and she wants to conquer the sports Olympus or explore Antarctica. Unnecessary self-sacrifice is manifested in the details. When friends call on a horror movie, and you want to watch a comedy.

There is a desire to go to a newly opened restaurant, but the company insists that it is not worth changing traditions and dinner is held again in the usual pizzeria. Sometimes you need to go against all and insist on what you really want.

Interest outside the comfort zone

People are often afraid to try new things. Avoiding unpleasant situations is normal, if you make sure by your own experience that they are really uncomfortable. Another thing is to act out of fear, which will become uncomfortable. For example, a person who does not know how to dance at all wants to sign up for salsa lessons, but fear stops him from being laughed at for clumsy movements.

But after all, such a person will not be sent on the very first day to the group of professionals, most likely he will be in the hall with the same slow dancers, and the lesson will be fun and easy. Such experience will help to fulfill the desire, learn to overcome the fear of the unknown, to overcome shyness.

Complaints away!

Man attracts into his life that which he concentrates most of all. Complaints about what is boring, make the brain consider everything that is customary uninteresting. In summer it is too hot, in winter it is too cold, coffee is not tasty at work, the husband does not help around the house, and the wife keeps hanging out on the phone with her friends. But it is worth changing the focus of attention or trying to correct something that can be affected, as in life there will be dramatic changes.

Hot summer is a reason to go on vacation, in a cold winter you can have a romantic evening under a rug or make a snowman with friends, remembering childhood. You can make a habit to go for a morning drink in a nearby cafeteria. You can find a new approach to your husband by asking for help without reproaches and complaints, and having tried flirting on him. It is necessary to pay more attention to his wife, and she no longer wants to spend time on telephone conversations.

First "what", then "how"

You should focus on what you want to do, and only then think about how this can be done. People often attend the thoughts "oh, what a pity that it is so expensive to rest in Paris", "I will never learn to play the guitar." The scheme should be different: the desire - the plan for the fulfilled - the search for additional opportunities. Yes, not always dreams come true at once, sometimes you need to make an effort, to strain yourself. But the stronger the motivation, the easier it is to achieve the desired.

Only personal feelings are important.

It happens that people scoff at other people's interests. It seems absurd to them that at the age of 40 someone collects stamps, suddenly takes a great interest in modeling. Others are repelled by the unknown: meditation is like nonsense, fen-shuem hobby is like superstition. But the man himself has the right to decide how to live is interesting. Let other people's prejudices and stereotypes not affect your life.

Travel expands interests

You can start with trips to his native country - forays into nature, one-day tours, a weekend in the country. It all depends on the interests. Next, you should explore the neighboring countries or buy a hot tour. Photos, souvenirs, goods that are peculiar to the place of travel will cause nostalgia, so they certainly need to be saved. You can create a sketch of a beech, stick there tickets with transport, cinema, theater, wrappers from sugar bags from places you have been to.

Interesting workshops

Sometimes a person wants to do something for a long time, but after trying it, he understands that he doesn’t like doing it. Before you buy a full course, an annual subscription, pay for a month of lessons, you should go to a trial lesson or a master class. Some of them are free, others are not so expensive. Almost every city has an online poster where they post upcoming events and events. It is necessary to try new things more boldly.

Interest clubs

In many cities, clubs are created that hold various events. It can be trips to another city, open-air cinema, bicycle tours, joint sports activities, master classes. There you can meet interesting people. New acquaintances are an opportunity to create relationships, make new friends, find like-minded people. This is a great way to arouse interest in life.

Favorite work

Work takes time in a person’s life. If every day he has to spend 8-12 hours doing an unloved affair, then there is nothing strange in the fact that there is a feeling of wasted time. You need to think about what you would like to do, what skills you already have, and what else you need to acquire. If experience and knowledge is not enough, try a free internship, courses on changing qualifications.

Balance and harmony

There are several areas of life: work, family, personal space, friends and leisure. All of them must be saturated and filled. Misalignment in any direction will lead to an imbalance. Workaholism makes sacrifice family. Infantilism and the habit of constantly having fun with friends, forgetting about professional responsibilities, causes damage to your career. It is necessary to learn to develop evenly in all areas so that you do not have to run away from boredom at work or look for someone else, because family relationships have become uninteresting.

To live interesting, you need to understand what you want and follow your dreams. Fears and doubts, surrounding yourself with pleasant people, you can enjoy every single day.

Watch the video: How to Live a More Interesting Life (December 2024).