A life

What is laziness and where does it come from

Even the most hardworking of us is familiar with the feeling of laziness. What to say about the bulk of the people. Sometimes laziness turns into the style of someone's life, firmly rooted in behavior. Where does laziness come from and can it be suppressed even at the generation stage? Should I be afraid of her? Maybe she is not so bad? Perhaps the causes of laziness are connected with the evolutionary mechanisms of human adaptation? Thanks to this property, we just do not waste your time in vain. Why then since childhood we are taught that laziness is bad? And in general, is it as scary as it is described?

What is laziness?

Laziness is when someone chooses free leisure instead of vigorous activity. He refuses to do something specific, or do something at all. Psychologists characterize laziness as a bad habit. Once again emphasize the destructiveness of this concept. In psychology, there is even the term procrastination syndrome - the regular postponement of important things for later. And here the most interesting begins. Is laziness and procrastination so dangerous as they are described to us?

According to many experts, procrastination syndrome occurs in response to the meaninglessness of performing certain tasks. That is, we are too lazy to take up work in which our subconscious does not see common sense. On the other hand, a person, especially in his youthful years, is simply not able to adequately assess the vividness of everything that is entrusted to him. It turns out that the harm or benefit of laziness depends on the source of its origin.

Where does laziness come from?

Now we have come close to the causes of laziness. They determine whether to fight this feeling, or, conversely, should heed the tips of your body. After all, from where laziness comes from, it directly depends on where it should be sent! Either in mind to understand its essence, or just away!

The feeling of laziness, or procrastination syndrome, most often are not our allies. Therefore, to justify their inertia with higher matters is not worth it. Just like looking for original ways of dealing with laziness. The best reception - just take and do it! Without unnecessary philosophizing and introspection.

Causes of laziness

For those who still decided to look into the essence of the problem, let us examine the main reasons for laziness and recommendations for action. After all, knowledge of your enemy is the first step towards overcoming it. Since laziness is a subconscious reaction of an organism to a certain activity, for its understanding it is necessary to understand the basics of psychology.

Lack of motivation

A person is too lazy to start a business if he is not motivated enough for him. This, if we talk about external incentives. For example, a child will learn lessons more willingly if he knows that after that he will receive something pleasant. Or not get something unpleasant. In this case, with a sense of laziness, you can fight with bribes or threats.

It’s harder to influence yourself. Self-motivation of adults is a complex science and not accessible to all. But, at the same time, it is extremely important. After all, to go or not to go to work, to look for or not to look for another client - maybe much more important than homework. And the consequences of such laziness will be an order of magnitude worse than two for a quarter.

Senselessness of activity

Nevertheless, one should not exclude the fact that the planned work does not make sense. In this case, procrastination is the first assistant and adviser! The inner voice does not have a huge arsenal of mechanisms for influencing a person. But those that are - very effective. First, laziness begins. If interpreted incorrectly, the next step will be depression and psychosomatic disorders.

If an adult hardworking person regularly feels a feeling of laziness regarding a particular occupation, he should once again reconsider the importance of doing it.

Pathological conditions

Laziness can occur due to illness. Pathological fatigue does not concern one thing, but covers all areas of life. The causes of painful laziness are varied. From the abundance of stress and regular fatigue, to viral or bacterial infections, etc.

If a similar condition occurs, it is necessary to take a rest for a while and, depending on the severity of its manifestations, even consult a doctor. Health jokes are bad and it is better to relax for a week at home than to overwork in a hospital for a month.


Perhaps, at first glance, laziness and self-reliance have little in common, but in practice, people very often set aside important things for later, for fear that they will not be able to do them. By increasing your self-esteem, you can overcome your fears and become more active. To understand that laziness is the fear of failure. But, if you do nothing, then success will not come by itself. Best of all, if such a person is supported by his inner circle, he will help him to believe in himself.

Weak will power

In life, the balance between want and need is important. Some people, due to their nature or upbringing, cannot bring themselves to do something. Their laziness is a weakness, not a protest against something. They lack self-control, self-control and self-regulation. Educating yourself in these "three whales", on which a strong will holds, will turn into an activist even a notorious idler.


Laziness is peculiar to those who are not accustomed to being responsible for anything in their lives. The banal desire to "go with the flow" and throw their problems on someone else. The blame for this lies with their parents. In any case, it is more convenient for them to think. They are always guilty of others, and circumstances prevent them from doing something, etc. The older a person becomes, the more difficult it is for him to change this stereotype of thinking.


Continuation of the preceding paragraphs, summarizing their main theses. Laziness for many becomes a style of behavior. I remember the Soviet cartoon about a lazy boy who came to the country Nekhochukhiyu, where he met the main Nekhochukha - a big, amorphous and independent person. In a humorous form, the creators of the animated film demonstrated a real cult of laziness, and what it can lead their adherents. In this case, laziness is a destructive habit and you should get rid of it.

We looked at what laziness is. Find out the reasons for its appearance. Disassembled in which case it can be useful, and when it is better to abandon it. The main thing is that the knowledge gained is not too lazy to put into practice. After all, the worst enemy of passivity is action. And to overcome laziness, first of all, you should start to do it!

Watch the video: How To Overcome Laziness - 10 Tips To Stop Being Lazy (December 2024).