A life

Freedom of choice and other types of human freedoms

Each of us, being born in a democratic society, from the first minutes of our life is endowed with certain rights. As they grow, their number increases. Freedom of choice is one of the highest values. But, it is acquired, most often, already at a conscious age, when we begin to answer for ourselves. There are various human freedoms, which will also be discussed in this publication. After all, in order to qualify for something, you must first learn about it.

What is freedom of choice?

Freedom of choice is an opportunity for an independent decision in favor of one of the alternatives. That is, if there are several opportunities for someone to commit a certain act, then only he has the right to make a choice. Paradoxical as it may sound, not everyone is happy about it. After all, for any choice there are certain consequences that fall on the shoulders of the one who made the decision. So it turns out that most people are in no hurry to take responsibility for themselves. It is easier for them to delegate this to another, even at the risk of being curtailed in their freedom. This is also the choice and the right of everyone.

Another thing, when this right is deprived against the will. Then you should use the whole arsenal of permissible opportunities to solve this problem.

What is inner freedom?

Inner freedom is the ability to be independent in your own inner world. After all, most of the barriers begin with psychology, with fears, complexes and stereotypes. Liberation from them is the first and most important stage on the road to gaining independence and independence from others.

Do not confuse this concept with detachment from the world. Absolutely not, because in contact with the surrounding reality, you can realize your freedom to the fullest. How to talk about independence, if not, on whom to depend? This is already loneliness. If it is deliberately chosen, well, that is one thing. And, if someone just runs away from others, obeying his phobias and complexes - this is already a problem that should be dealt with.

What is freedom of thought?

Freedom of thought is the natural right to independently form one’s beliefs. Its essence is very similar to the previous concept. Our thoughts form our inner world. Fantasies, dreams and aspirations - a secluded refuge in which you can hide, even in moments of physical enslavement. And while someone is able to think freely, it can not be considered completely subordinate.

Therefore, all totalitarian systems of the world began their rule with the imposition of their ideology. Even now, invisible wars are waged on the minds of people, like consumers, voters, fans, etc. That's why it is so important to approach your life consciously, not to stop in self-development and getting new knowledge. After all, the more intelligent and experienced an individual is, the more difficult it is to give in to hidden manipulations, the freer it is in his head.

What other freedoms are there?

In addition to the varieties listed above, we can talk about a number of other freedoms:

  • Religions;
  • Expressions of one's thoughts;
  • Movement;
  • Access to information;
  • Creativity;
  • Owning your body;
  • Self-determination;
  • Will.

The importance of these rights in a democratic society is confirmed by the existence of a number of laws that help citizens realize themselves.

Choice of religion

It gives each of us the opportunity to independently determine whom to believe in, or not to believe at all. Although the church is inseparably linked with the state, in the developed countries of the world every citizen has the right to choose the system of his religious values.

Free expression of your thoughts

Regardless of whether you want to make a statement verbally or in writing, he has the right to do so. Censorship - a reference to totalitarian regimes. On the other hand, there is the moral and ethical side of this issue. After all, sometimes, you can say or write something offensive to another. So, it is important to understand where the rights of one overlap with the interests of another.

Unimpeded movement

The embodiment of the solution is its realization through action. For example, go somewhere, go to a certain place, etc. Legislation controls this, which, in fact, infringes upon some desires. But, if we are talking about millions of people, in fact it is very difficult to establish a balance when the personal space of one does not enter the territory of another. After all, it is very important not only to fight for opportunities, but also to respect the freedom of the people around them.

Right of access to information

Information hunger depletes the individual no less than the real shortage of food. The brain was created to obtain new information, regardless of its types and forms. Politics news, sporting events, the next series of the television series, etc. The main thing - an endless stream of data. Since such a need is inherent in our nature, then there must be a right to satisfy it.

Opportunities for creativity

There is no more democratic way to display your inner world than to be creative. Literature, visual arts, sculpture, etc. All this helps to more fully contact with the outside world, to realize inner potential. And even if someone may not like it, no one has any reason to encroach on this type of expression.

The right to own your body

Scrupulous topic. On the one hand, the body is our property. On the other hand, ill-considered decisions on its transformation may impose a certain social connotation. For example, some types of tattoos that are considered unacceptable in society. Everyone can do any of them, but as a result, opportunities for business communication or a trip to the city beach will be limited. Because other people simply do not want to talk or even be in the same territory.

Freedom of self determination

The right to independently control your mind and mental processes. It is about the complete autonomy of man in his conscious self-development. Everyone has the right to move in an interesting direction.

free will

It is expressed in the right to make a decision, regardless of external circumstances. Philosophers are trying to understand the nature of this concept. To a greater extent, it is connected with the spiritual sphere of our life. The opportunity to be free from the influence of higher powers. Points of view are diametrically opposed. Some people believe that the man himself decides his fate. Others argue that everything is predetermined.

Freedom of choice is formed on the basis of many factors. One of the main ones is the mind, worldview and ability to answer for their actions. After all, any opportunities give rise to responsibilities. Initially, the choice should be made in one thing - whether a person is ready to take responsibility for his life on himself. If yes, then you should understand your rights and begin their implementation.

Watch the video: Last of the Human Freedoms (April 2024).