Love and relationship

How to attract the attention of men to start a serious relationship

Both young girls and women wise over the years never stop thinking about how to attract the attention of men. This is not at all surprising: everyone wants to love and be loved, and if you sit at home and wait for the prince, then you can grow old alone.

Suppose you like a man, you know each other a little, but communication does not go beyond brief greetings. How to attract the attention of men to start a relationship with him in the future?

Use the entire arsenal of female attractiveness

Feel free to use your feminine virtues. Seduction is a whole art, so it is difficult to describe all the techniques in one paragraph. Try to charm your chosen one, intrigue him, amaze with its beauty.

To do this, you must take care of yourself and always monitor your appearance. Consider the main components of a feminine image.


Men may like completely different hairstyles, but the main condition is well-groomed hair. Overdried, splitting, rippled curls will not enchant even a tramp. Every morning, pay attention to your hair, do not save time on washing your hair: even a complex hairstyle done on greasy hair can not be compared with loose clean and shining curls.


According to statistics, men pay more attention to women in dress than to women in jeans. Of course, wearing pants is much more practical and convenient, but in the matter of seduction you cannot make such compromises. Wear dresses, skirts, sundresses suitable for you are long and enjoy the attention of men every day.

Do not forget that men prefer to think out your image, so you should not strip several body parts at once. Think about your advantages, and wear or open neckline, or short mini skirts - just not all together. Too openly dressed girl, of course, will cause male interest, but of a completely different nature. If you want a relationship, do not start them with an aggressively sexual image.


Despite the trends of fashion, among men there are always lovers of slim and connoisseurs of magnificent forms. But do not relax and wait for someone to appreciate your cellulite legs. Whatever figure does not endow you with Mother Nature, it is imperative that you correct your shortcomings. Fitness club to help you. And then you don’t have to look for ways to attract a guy’s attention, as a smart, athletic figure is always more attractive than unhealthy thinness or shapeless fat folds.


Do not neglect the action of the perfume. It is proved that men pay more attention to those women who love to use perfume. This is another way to attract the attention of men, so why not use them? Choose unsharp flower aromas or perfumes with hints of vanilla: they will help to create a gentle, feminine image.

Be sure of your attractiveness.

If you love yourself, others will certainly notice and appreciate it. Only self-confident women enjoy the attention and love of men. The simple girls, shy and shy, may even like some of the stronger sex, but soon their interest may disappear, because they will simply become bored.

A woman should be able to keep a man in good shape, because otherwise he will begin to pursue another, more active prey. Do not deny yourself communicating with other men in front of him: let him be aware that you have fans, this will only spur his interest.

Take compliments for granted, do not extinguish. A drop of coquetry will not hurt anyone. If a man gave you a compliment, respond to him with a smile, do not hide your eyes: by this you will let him know that you are pleased with his attention.

Conduct the conversation correctly

Men do not like talkers, as they do not inspire confidence in them. Much more they value smart women who will not gossip in the corners.

Build your speech logically, do not jump from one topic to another. If you have nothing to say, it is better to smile in silence so as not to say a lot of nonsense, or transfer the conversation to another topic.

Many men like to talk about themselves, use it as a weapon: start a conversation with him, asking him a question about his car or work. First, so you can learn more about him, and secondly, show your indifference.

Express your emotions gently

The ideal woman for most men is a soft cat, which only occasionally shows claws.

You should not express negative emotions in the presence of a man to whom you want to please - this will surely push him away. Try to cope with the urge to start destroying everything around, so as not to create an image of a tigress in his head.

It is more pleasant for any person to communicate with a balanced, calm interlocutor, and not with a fury, throwing lightning in different directions.

Do not impose yourself

To the man wanted to win you, you can not offer him yourself on a silver platter. Do not interrupt his phone calls, do not pester him with conversations. If you want to attract his attention, find the appropriate reason for this, and even then use all your charms. Make sure that he does not notice your obvious interest. Men are always more interesting to hunt, and not to be prey.

Live in harmony with yourself

All people, both men and women, are attracted by successful, happy people. A kind smile on your face and a light in your eyes will make you more beautiful, while a dark grin and dull look will hardly add to your attractiveness.

Good mood is a whole science. It is necessary to learn to look for positive moments even in the most unpleasant situations. So you can not only attract the attention of the man you like, but also change your life for the better.

You can start with small steps: make it a habit to walk before bedtime, start running around in the morning, reread your favorite books, learn a new profession. Make every morning you wake up waiting for something interesting, and fall asleep every evening with a feeling of a great day.

A man must see that you live in harmony with yourself, and then he will want to become part of this harmony.

Alexandra, Podolsk

Watch the video: 11 Scientifically Proven Ways to Attract the Man You Truly Desire (May 2024).