
How to manipulate people: the pros and cons of each method

Many believe that all means are good for achieving their goal. Such can walk over their heads, regardless of others, just to get what they want. Definitely, this type of behavior is unacceptable for a normal person who has moral principles and principles.

But how to be in a situation when it is necessary to influence another person in order to fulfill your dream or to do an important thing? How to learn to manipulate people? There are several proven ways to help persuade a person to your side or quietly change the direction of his thoughts and actions. Consider them with specific examples and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

The content of the article:
Caress and attention - manipulator tools
Seduction effect
Bullying and prosecution
Psychologist's comment


Every day we all lie - it is a proven fact. The only difference is in the scale of lies: some exaggerate what was in fact, others - invent whole detective stories. A person learns to embellish the truth in childhood using the example of parents, and every year his skill increases.

Most often, lies are used to justify something. “A machine splashed me,” hoping to escape punishment, was deceived by the boy’s mother, who voluntarily climbed into a puddle to measure its depth, and got dirty. “I was detained at work,” lies an unfaithful husband, who, however, does not want to divorce his wife.


  • The easiest way to get a person to do what you want.
  • You can avoid many awkward situations, scandals and showdowns.


  • If even the smallest lie gets away with a person, he soon gets used to using it at any opportunity. So you can turn into a real liar, who himself cannot figure out where the truth is in his life and where is a lie.
  • The abundance of lies will still be revealed at some point due to an error in the testimony or a mismatch of different facts. In this case, the surrounding will no longer trust you, you will lose friends and respect for the team.

Caress and attention

In order to somehow influence a person, you need to enter into his trust. How to do it the fastest? Of course, showing attention to him and taking care of him.

Female sex is always more loyal to courteous, polite men. A brief conversation with a lady from any service sector about the weather, women's problems, price rises and discussion of other pressing issues will help get a big discount or take a window at the reception. Cleaning the apartment, washing dishes and kisses - that’s what a husband should have in his arsenal for his wife to let him go to the sauna with friends.


  • Establishing a good relationship with the object of manipulation.
  • It does not take much time.


  • A person may incriminate you if you do not continue to pay attention to him (in a situation if you often meet with this person), which may affect your reputation.
  • Care can be measured in monetary terms.


Who would not agree to do something unpleasant or not included in his plans if he is given a nice bonus for it? This happens all the time, and smart people use it.

Reception of seduction is widely used in sales: a bonus for a purchase, the second thing as a gift, a chance to win a ticket to overseas countries - all these are examples of manipulations that are used by marketers to increase sales of goods.


  • A man with pleasure comes across the bait offered to him, without asking unnecessary questions.
  • You can apply in any area, from business to personal relationships.


  • We still have to give the bonus that was promised.


Bribery has flourished since ancient times, because it can be called mutually beneficial cooperation: one side gets what they want, and the second gets money for their services.

This is a rather dangerous path, as not all people take bribes. Using only this method, you can quickly fall into a trap or go bankrupt.


  • You can make a person do whatever he wants - it is almost a failsafe remedy.


  • This is a violation of the law, for which you can get behind bars.
  • A very expensive way to get things done.


All ways of psychological or physical pressure on a person can be included in this category: blackmail, threats.

Associatively, an image of insidious blood-craving mafiosi, who torture a prisoner shaking in fear, immediately arises in his head. It's not like that at all. In fact, we use such manipulation as bullying and blackmail even when dealing with children.

For example, many mothers say to children: "Do not eat porridge - I will not buy videos." The girls are manipulating the guys: “If you don’t give me a ring, I’m not going to the cottage with you.”


  • No cost is needed, the main thing is to find a lever on which to push.
  • Works flawlessly if the subject of blackmail is chosen correctly.


  • This method is quite aggressive, and therefore causes retaliatory aggression. A person can take revenge for such treatment.
  • You can get into trouble, because it is not always legal.


In many people, guilt is highly developed. It is enough for such a person to make it clear that if he fails to do something bad, he will immediately go to do what you need or change your mind.

For example, many mothers try to influence their children in this way, saying: "If you don’t do your homework, they will call me to school and report back, and I will be very ashamed of you."


  • Again, as in the case of blackmail, you are not required to do anything but cleverness.
  • The stronger the person feels guilty, the more you can achieve from him.


  • Not all people are amenable to such influence - some can only laugh in response to baseless accusations.

Whatever methods you use to achieve your goal, remember one thing: they can all be revealed.

If a person is really important to you, you should not practice on him in manipulating, because there is a high probability that your relationship will deteriorate. Close people are better off not trying to deliberately control: they will appreciate sincerity and frankness more.

Anastasia, Taganrog

Watch the video: 6 Phrases That Instantly Persuade People (October 2024).